3 8

Just saying, my wife and I were watching the NEWS last night!!!
They show a bus used to transport Illegal after they arrived here on "JOE'S flights"!!!
The wife was shopping yesterday when she saw the same type of bus, with the same marking, off loading a large group of young Latinos in town!!!!
I am talking about one of the "REDDEST" towns in America!!!!
How is your town doing?????????????????

Serg97 8 Oct 19
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Biden Admin Caught Trafficking Children AGAIN, Police Even Assist, Democrats Are Extracting The U.S.

Given my age and medical condition, Panama, is looking better every day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Serg97 Why Panama?

@Krunoslav Sounds like a possible option if thing keep going the way they are!!!!!
Check it out!!!!!!

@Serg97 Doesn't give me much to go on as to why you would go there. What attracts you to go to Panama? And what are your expectations?

@Krunoslav Like I said, check it out!!!! I assume you have internet access!!!!

@Serg97 My checking out of Panama does not tell me anything about why someone else, like yourself would want to go live there, is it? But since you don't seem interested in answering, never-mind.

@Krunoslav I did my research, you can do your own!!! This doesn't mean it would be a good option for you, but it might be for me!!!!!

@Krunoslav I think Panama is popular for American expats because it's cheap and English is commonly spoken. Beliz is also a popular destination.
I'm thinking Eastern Europe is starting to look promising for the 21st century, as a region where freedom seems to be more thoroughly understood and appreciated; especially Hungary.
How does Croatia look to you, for the long-term?

@rway I don't know what one looks for in terms of destination, in the context of Panama. Just retiring there or participating in economy in any meaningful way. I suspect there is a big difference.

Eastern Europe? Well Western Europe seems to be on its path to be taken over by Muslims and or being destroyed by progressive ideas. And European Union is looking very shaky. Currently yea Eastern Europe is looking better for the future than Western Europe.

Hungary is similar to Croatia , but Orban is not in the pockets of the EU and Croatian PM is. Despite that Croatia is far from tearing itself apart thanks to its lack of immigration and fairly similar ethnic and religious community.

If you are digital nomad I think it would be a good place to spend some time and see how you like it. Digital Nomad visas I think have been encouraged this year and depending where you are in the country you can have lower cost of living and make decent money online. If you are looking for job opertunity, that is a bit more tricky, its not the best place too look for jobs. And if you are looking for open up business, its also tricky since bureaucrats cut the red tape lengthwise over here.

But there is far less crime, virtualyl no riots , although there were protests against some of the Covid messures, and there are problems since they introduced so called green pass, but jabs are not mandatory. I don't know how that will go.

Overall there is a sense of creeping EU and technocratic influance and push for change like everywhere , but its far far less problematic than anything in the Western Europe or USA or Canada or Australia, NZ or Anglo-Sphere. etc.

If you want to follow general and somewhat balanced news on various topics in Croatia, or get a glimpse into news here is a good resource: []

Here is a Canadian living in Croatia for last 9 years.


@rway P.S.

Hungary is about 25 min drive across the boarder from where I live so we sometimes go to tank on gass that is somewhat cheaper in Hungary and buy some groceries, and they seems to be currently even less restrictive in terms of Covid stuff. But its not too bad at the moment here either.

I don't like the politicization of it, but that is the case everywhere in the wold now

@rway As for Croatia long term its hard to say, but because of lower income economy there was virtually no immigration so the culture has stayed pretty good. The country is about 98% white , so no racial tensions, and its majority catholic but most cultural catolicism rather than some fanatic religious thing.

Its beautiful geographically with distinct regions of mountains, flat farm land and coastline. Its close to other European countries. Many speak English and almost all young people so that is not big of a problem. Tourism has boosted this even more.

In case you want to read it or take a look: Croatia's Constitution of 1991 with Amendments through 2010


@rway A word or two about communism, liberalism etc.

East European liberalism after 1989

One intriguing aspect of neoliberalism has been its attractiveness to a number of former communist countries following the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. In the absence of a strong liberal tradition in those countries it was hardly surprising that garbled versions of liberalism took hold in Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. What in fact went under the name of liberalism pulled in two very different directions. The already weak manifestations of liberalism in Eastern Europe suffered an identity crisis in the post-communist search for new identities: its emblematic defence of individual liberty and social solidarity were consigned to civil society, while its equally characteristic championing of competition and private property were the province of a market society. The two parts shared little and were made to lead separate institutional and ideological lives.

The appeal of neoliberalism was understandable in countries whose economies had suffered under communism. The personal circumstances of most citizens made a consumer society on imagined ‘Western’ models of opulence particularly alluring. Citizens were prompted to search for a more efficient economic system whose fruits were tangible and immediate, and neoliberalism seemed to hold out the prospect of a fast fix. But the other direction some East European countries took was a flight from the oppressive and dictatorial states under which people had lived. Here liberals genuinely had to make up lost ground for the many decades endured under totalitarian systems, in particular the absence of robust, basic first layer constraints and procedures. The liberal language of human rights and of bringing back the rule of law and democratic constitutional arrangements was in the mouths of many. As against the powerful state under communism, many liberals pinned their hopes on the strengthening of civil society as a refuge from the state. ‘Civil society’ was the prevalent term for the network of voluntary and private associations that made up society, in the civic and cultural as well as the economic spheres.

In that soil, fourth layer welfare liberalism, relying as it did on the benevolence of an active and democratic state, but a state nonetheless, could hardly flourish. Both civil society and market society tendencies shared the quest to diminish the centrality of the state as far as possible, whether it acted for good or for evil. The state, in the words of the Polish academic Jerzy Szacki, was seen ‘as the agent of all social injustice’, a position quite out of step with left-liberal ideological and philosophical theories. Collective action was mistakenly identified with the socialist collectivism of the old regimes. Anything even remotely associated with collectivism was thus to be avoided.

The belief in the harmonious functioning of civil society without some state regulation amidst the complexities of the modern world was naive and illusory, as it previously had been in liberalism’s past history, when private and charitable institutions proved unable to provide solutions to the social problems of the 19th century. Indeed, neoliberalism now illustrated once again how dominant private interests merely moved in to fill the power vacuum caused by bypassing the state. At the same time, visions of civil society in Eastern Europe demanded levels of social homogeneity that fifth layer multicultural liberals would consider utopian and regard with suspicion. And the misleading idea that civil society was a parallel society, happily separate from the distasteful world of politics, implied that political issues did not permeate the whole of society. The discrete notions of the state, the government, and politics were frequently and carelessly equated. Liberalism failed to take deeper roots in Eastern Europe, while its ideas of liberty were pressed into personalized and idealized intellectual and artistic spheres.

Liberalism A Very Short Introduction by Michael Freeden (

@rway Also if you are looking to judge the situation of Europe etc. here is good source of news:


Including latest attempt of EU to attack Orban in Hungary.

Budapest - Hungarian opposition backs conservative Catholic figure to dethrone Orban

In the spring of 2022, the Hungarian opposition believe they will have the opportunity to defeat Viktor Orban, who has been in power since 2010.

Published: October 18, 2021, 10:38 am


@Krunoslav I lived in Northeast Italy for several years, and did some travel around the area, but not extensively, and that was a while ago. Beautiful region, architecture, people, food, etc.
It just seems to me that when the question of tyranny vs liberty comes up, we in the "western-West" have become a culture of spoiled, entitled brats who don't understand the topic. That ignorance is easily exploited by others who do understand the conflict, and fully-intend to come out on top; be it the 1,400 year-old Muslim quest for global-Theocracy, the long-march of the imaginary "collective", or the short-march of opportunistic Technocrats. Or, in the meantime... some dynamic combination of all three.
The topic appears to be more fresh in the collective memories of Eastern-Europeans, especially Hungary and Poland with their Soviet history... and even with many modern Russians themselves.
You could probably say the same about "underground" Chinese, but they still have a lot of dark tunnel ahead before they reach the light.
America, the British Commonwealth, and Western Europe appear to be just re-entering that same tunnel... and if we can't pull together to get our own head out of our collective ass, it might be a good time to jump off the train.

@Krunoslav Szacki's observation, that the State was seen ‘as the agent of all social injustice’, may indeed reflect a position that is "...out of step with left-liberal ideological and philosophical theories."
But that doesn't make it wrong.
That "left-liberal" ideology has become a poor choice for a standard to measure against. It is no longer liberal at all... and has long-since been getting things dramatically and consistently wrong with regard to their forgotten raison d'etre: Individual Sovereignty.

@Krunoslav Thanks for the link.
I've been reading about Orban's opposition trying to gang up on him. I hope he comes out on top, the result may set the course for the near-future in the region...

@rway Yeah, Poland has been having frictions with EU as well, over EU trying to impose its laws and values over Poland Constitution , especially in terms of whole rainbow communist agenda. Poland supreme court ruled in favor of Poland and that added to frictions. Generally Poland and Hungary many need EU for now, but there is growing friction.

@rway Well you have to take into account that Ango-Sphere and its liberalism is not what everyone wants or needs and while people want to be left alone and in peace and have a good life, liberalism is not an ideal as it is sold in America for example.

@Krunoslav I guess that depends on what you mean by "liberalism". It doesn't, or shouldn't, have anything to do with Western Culture. Western Culture is simply what "we" have done with the idea.
At it's core, at least in my mind, to be "left alone and in peace" is all there is to liberalism; and to "have a good life" is the inevitable result... "good" being relative.

@rway No, no liberalism has a distinct philosophical and political history. First implemented, partly in UK than more fully in USA and than in France under more collectivist flavor and than in other parts of Europe, but there is a distinct history of it as a set of ideas and practical applications and its many layers and flavors.

@Krunoslav Yes, I get it. That's what self-labeled "Liberalism" has become as a movement.
Tyrants love to hide behind benevolent labels. Wolves in sheep's clothing.
Myself... I'm an actual liberal, by definition; which is pretty much the opposite of such "Liberalism".
Real liberalism is described, arguably... to some extent, in the Magna Carta Libertatum (Great Charter of Freedom), an important milestone in the political evolution of the West, in my opinion.
These days, I think most people would call us real liberals "Libertarians", which can be described with a single tenet:
*It is wrong to initiate Force against another human being, for any reason."

Modern "Liberals" violate that simple tenet literally every single day.

@rway Well I have a lot of things to say that would clash with your idea of liberalism but we clashed before on these types of things so maybe we better agree to disagree. I'm fine with that. 🙂

@Krunoslav lol, fair enough. But I'm just going by the Latin origin of the word itself.

@rway Fair enough.


From what I hear White House is using Military and private contractors to import and transport the illegals migrants from all over the world across the USA and especially in Red states they don't control fully and offer them voting rights and than pay them with more printed money in hope that it will delude the voting power of the red states and swing the voting to one party rule. There has been many reports of these buses for months now. Actually since Brandon was installed in the office.

This has been going on for a while now. And the WH had help.

Bibles Badges and Businesses | Public Occurrences, Ep. 36

As the border surges at the same time that crime surges while a national economic crisis is unfolding around us, many discerning people are beginning to wonder why their church leaders are not addressing the problems at the border.

Why are our laws being broken and the national security of the United States being put at risk? Why are there no pastors or religious leaders speaking against this?

The problem started many years ago with “Bibles Badges and Businesses” where the evangelical leaders capitalized on the opportunity to receive an incredible amount of revenue from our government to resettle immigrants.

National Immigration Forum 2012 Impact Report (PDF): []...

Eventually, agreements between church leaders, legal authorities and corporations led to the organization that was birthed out of “Bibles Badges and Businesses” called The Evangelical Immigration Table.


Much of the praxis of critical race theory began at this time in churches and businesses across the nation.

Michael O’Fallon explains how “Bibles, Badges, and Businesses” eventually led us to the destructive plan of “Build Back Better” in 2021.



“The conservative "thinks of political policies as intended to preserve order, justice, and freedom. The ideologue, on the contrary, thinks of politics as a revolutionary instrument for transforming society and even transforming human nature. In his march toward Utopia, the ideologue is merciless.” ― Russell Kirk

“Kirk defined the ideologue as one who “thinks of politics as a revolutionary instrument for transforming society and even transforming human nature.” Unleashed during the most radical phase of the French Revolution, the spirit of ideology has metastasized over the past two centuries, wreaking horrors. Jacobinism, Anarchism, Marxism, Leninism, Fascism, Stalinism, Nazism, Maoism—all shared the fatal attraction to “political messianism”; all were “inverted religions.” Each of these ideologies preached a dogmatic approach to politics, economics, and culture. Each in its own way endeavored “to substitute secular goals and doctrines for religious goals and doctrines.” Thus did the ideologue promise “salvation in this world, hotly declaring that there exists no other realm of being.” ― Russell Kirk, The American Cause

And that is what is going on in the USSA today. Its not only staying in power by cheating its also ideologically or religious driven attempt to racial change USA. Diversity and inclusion and equity. The Great White replacement theory.


Haven't seen any being left off here! Of course, we already had a fair number of Hispanic builders.

sqeptiq Level 10 Oct 19, 2021

I am not worried about the one that want to work, they are welcome, considering OUR youth!!!!!

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