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Police Officer Erin Howard upholds her Charter-based police oath, refusing to remove man from arena with legal mask exemption.

warminster100 9 Nov 8
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Among all the evil and tyranny news, this small clip brings hope. Thanks

I'm afraid that from where we are at in time (the predicted denouement of human history), it will all be a long slide down to the 70th week prophesied by Daniel (ch 9:24-27). But you would know this if you studied your Eschatology. If not, maybe you'd need to take a crash course on it. The good thing is, the resource material is already in your possession.

@eschatologyguy I’ve been thinking and saying to my family members that it could be the time right before the rapture and the beginning of the tribulation. We can’t know the exact time but the signs are pointing to a hastening toward that moment and we need to be ready.

@Daveclark5 Have you come across a book written by a Sir Robert Anderson called "The Coming Prince"? He was the first to decipher the mathematical prophecy in the late 1800's of Daniel 9:25, with Artaxerxes' decree for Jews to go home and rebuild Jerusalem in March 14, 445BC as the starting point. 69 weeks of years later, it terminates in April 6,32AD, the exact date the Messiah rode into Jerusalem on a donkey's foal.

There is another mathematical prophecy. It starts with the date the 2nd temple was destroyed in Aug 6, 70AD, the "smiting" in the prophetic passage. But it doesn't end with the Rapture. It doesn't even end with the Tribulation. It ends with the date of the Great Reconciliation of the remnant of Israel with her Messiah and the commencement of the Millennial Reign. Its in Hosea 6:1-3.

But the Rapture? That can happen "at such an hour as ye think not." No warning.


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