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Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, says, “[Covid-19] does not transmit asymptomatically.” Even the WHO agrees.
For people who are perfectly well, masks and lockdowns don’t accomplish anything because they’re not sick.
So why do govts continue to enforce these unscientific measures?

For sources in video: []

warminster100 9 Nov 14
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science and truth play no role in what is happening to our society, all of the "global crisis" currently made popular are not about what they say on their face but about the destruction of western democratic capitalism. In every case the activists, lobbyist, researchers and even the bureaucracies themselves are sponsored or funded by global elitists who stand to gain.

A true public health crisis would encourage a wide variety of studies and research to find effective economical treatments and preventions as well as vaccines and quarantine and other policies. COVID did none of this we went straight and exclusively to "vaccines" which are not actually vaccines and some speculation exists were already in process before any of this happened. There are plenty of studies now which demonstrate which groups are at elevated risk and which are at very low risk, about a number of treatment regimes which either resolve the virus or prevent its effects, but they are being ignored and suppressed and the professionals who correctly advocate for them are being threatened and slandered. The crisis has been managed by politics using purposeful public manipulation and resulting in a rapid growth of government authority well beyond simply health policy areas. It has also been used to crush segments of the economy and encourage dependence on government.

Global warming even moreso an exercise in government control and growth of authority. We can easily see how the relationship between government and the elitist oligarchies has congealed around these issues and they work effectively together to shape public opinion through fear (mostly), the suppression of differing opinions and the destruction of social and economic obstacles to their progress. In all cases the middle class is the primary target as middle class success is the main ingredient of effective democratic capitalism.

The public is proving easy to manipulate since we have them largely glued to their TV's and the news is universally monotone on most subjects with zero inquiry or investigation of the "established official facts". What I find very disappointing it the lack of action by those who should normally desire the protection of our rights and liberties. Conservative politicians are not supporting self determination, freedom of choice and movement or even bodily sovereignty. The Churches meekly support government who are limiting what Christians should know are their GOD given natural rights, and labour unions are allowing their members to be subjected to invasions to their bodies contrary to labour and human rights rules. Its shameful and a sign of a lost civilization where the pillars or our society are being actively destroyed and we who will suffer from the collapse huddle in fear of imaginary threats and in many cases actively work on the destruction.


Control, not health, is Covid totalitarians' priority.

sqeptiq Level 10 Nov 14, 2021

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