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Not just a EU volcano, but a super volcano erupting right now in the Western World, but ignored by the populaces until it's far too late. Our grandchildren's children will one day curse us for letting it happen.
Douglas Murray and long before him Enoch Powel were/are 100% correct.

angelo 8 Jan 16
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Forgive me if I step on anyone’s toes here but it’s the aging baby boom generation that is mostly responsible for embracing Marxism because subversives made it fashionable in the sixties when they were coming of age.

Andyman Level 8 Jan 16, 2022

I'm a boomer and I agree w/you wholeheartedly.

Today we see some very familiar/similar dynamics in the youth vs the establishment thing. In the 50s and 60s there had never before been a more overprivileged, over indulged, better educated generation than the baby boomers.

That generation had the luxury of time and money that could be spent/wasted on indulging every possible baseless complaint imaginable. They weren't burdened with the need to be hard working and productive in order to survive. They had their own cars, they indulged their base tendencies in drugs and alcohol, sex (free love) and tried to rationalize it all in the "anti-establishment" memes of the day. "Don't trust anyone over the age of 30" is one such meme.

The generation that preceded the boomers - their very parents could do NOTHING good or right. Exactly like the youth of today!
Back then it was "love beads" and LSD and pot and hash - today its body piercings, blue hair, tattoos, and a level of sexual activity and indulgence that was heretofore unthinkable.

The very same kind of overindulgence that gave rise to the counter culture of the 50s and 60s is what gives todays youth the "freedom" and license to say and do the outlandish, outrageous things that they do
In both cases it was the CPUSA - formerly known as the Democratic Party - that encouraged and fomented their amoral and criminal activities - for the sake of political expediency of course.

Back then no one was bold enough to come out publicly as Communist - but that's what many of their heroes and mentors were.
Today the Communists have kicked open the closet door - they are shamelessly emboldened and arrogantly vocal about their militancy for "change" . That is to turn USA into a Socialist State.

The baby boomers were the first generation to have it so easy that they began to take the level of comfort, that their ancestors worked so hard to give to them, for granted and the significance of the the constitution and bill of rights faded for them. They were seduced by what we now call “social justice” and it’s been well documented that there were Russian subversives all over this country during the fifties and sixties.


Again Mother Nature has come up with a solution to the threat of Man Made Global Warming!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Jan 16, 2022

the volcano in this post is metaphorical - right?


Cold will kill far more people than hot weather, and we are getting rid of cheap reliable sources of energy.
Volcanos have been know to erupt and cause cold temps due to ash and dust. Check out the year without a summer.

Welder1 Level 7 Jan 16, 2022

Super Volcanos piss me off.

Welder1 Level 7 Jan 16, 2022

As a very senior citizen, hopefully I will be long home when the volcano erupts. It will not be pretty

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