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Permission to Breathe Freely, Sir? #MaskMandates Either You Are Fighting For Good Or You Are Complying With Evil! THERE IS NO MORE IN BETWEEN AFTER OVER 2 YEARS OF THIS SHIT! #ChooseASide


warminster100 9 Apr 20
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The miracle began happening at Canadian Tire, of all places, as they're STRICT, MSM?
But I couldn't breathe in the store, and there happened?(God) to be a very nice worker right in front of me. I told her. She understood, and said, 'Just lift your mask, and she showed me and this worked!!

But here's the miracle. Or whatever, I sure never expected it!
This PARTIAL MASKING (which looked total), seemed to strengthen my lungs so
I could wear it. I even began forgetting I had it on!!

Now it's no big deal, no transit police giving (?) out tickets or warning me!!

And! My lungs got a bit stronger.

Young kids must never have them.

Do not comply.

@warminster100 Finally, for now, mandates on buses, transit are waived.
Here we'd be fined a heavy fine.
I'm glad it now makes no difference.
Some things aren't possible: injection, 5G. Those are a different area.
Inability to proceed.

@2FollowHim Are you in Ontario? No masks for CT here.


I am a senior who had pneumonia 15x, influenza 8x, so I have COPD.

Used to begin to FAINT trying to wear one. Quite a miracle happened.

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