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Progressives, the far left, adherents to socialist ideology, are individuals that seem more inclined to profess their guilt - not their individual guilt, their collective guilt, you know - white guilt, German guilt, human guilt . Accepting this "collective guilt" when one has not accepted any personal guilt is a pretense of remorse that provides the individual with a sense of moral superiority which they know can be used as a stick against opponents. Isn't that a signature of the left.

FrankZeleniuk 8 May 22
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It is a prominent readily apparent personality characteristic of individuals who seem compelled to participate in public demonstrations and riots in the name of "social justice"
They think - well not really - they "feel" that their pretentious displays of self loathing gives them credibility, solidifies their sense of possessing superior moral status. Of course it does not do that and I love seeing the incredulity on their faces whenever anyone deigns to challenge their heart felt arguments.

iThink Level 9 May 23, 2022

Accepting collective guilt is directly saying that someone else is guilty and I am not.
I am just the amazing person who recognises this.

There is a special disdain I have for those people.
Because it erases actual admission of guilt and change that it brings.
It reduces the crimes that were committed to shallow excuses and only brings division.

Hanno Level 8 May 23, 2022

And that is why I so absolutely hate political correctness.


That pretty much explains why they are happy to buy goods made with Chinese slave labor or accept the human rights violations in Muslim countries.

They have no strength of character nor ability to comprehend what that might mean.


When they profess guilt, ask them how much money they've donated to make amends. If they've donated nothing, it's all just empty words.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 22, 2022

The response will sound like Hillary Clinton's resume: facilitated, participated in, led, etc.
Throw in any other do-nothing word to get a bigger list.
Actual $$ is like work, not for the weak minded.

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