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Western Standard: EXCLUSIVE: Tom Harris talks about Climate Change and Renewable Energy issues.

Tom Harris is executive director of the International Climate Science Coalition
The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) is a non-partisan group of independent scientists, economists, and energy and policy experts formed in 2008 to promote better understanding of climate science and policy worldwide.


warminster100 9 May 22
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Nowadays you can call yourself non-partisan if you have a collection of : communists, socialists, democratic socialists, and any other group of murdering bastids the 20th century created.
No need for anyone with a differing opinion, they are peasants-in-waiting. Their children will be slaves.


The International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC) is a non-partisan group of independent scientists, economists, and energy and policy experts formed in 2008

Non-partison? I don't think so! "Climate Change is the most sacred of sacred cows to the Globalist Marxist left.

Independent scientists, economists...? I don't think so! The scientists and economists who are working with the "climate change" wonks are completely dependent upon the climate change narrative for their funding - their pay, their income...their MONEY!

Energy policy experts? - "expert" only means that whoever they are they have completely and voluntarily bought into the "climate change" narrative - the hoax that it is!

Oh and by the way the ICSC was formed in 2008 - hmmm isn't that the year when Barack Obama became President of the United States?

iThink Level 9 May 23, 2022

Greta's ilk never sleep.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 22, 2022

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