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A host on The View said:

Get rid of the Republican party. Get rid of Republicans. It's the party of white supremacists. It's the party of insurectionists. It's the party of massacres.

The audience cheered. There was no pushback from moderate Democrats. No one condemned the statement.

Challenge Democrat voters to condemn the statement. If they don't, ask them to be specific what they mean by "get rid of Republicans".

In case anyone is wondering if Democrats are capable of re-creating Nazi Germany and exterminating Republicans, now we know.

Senate majority leader Schumer called for violence against Republican justices. The Democratic house refuses to increase security at the homes of Republican justices. House Speaker Pelosi endorsed violence against Republican justices.

Democrats are working to institute apartheid, with Republicans and whites at the bottom of the totem pole.

Anyone that defends Republicans or whites is labeled a white supremacist and canceled. They are socially exterminated.

In Nazi Germany, anyone that defended Jews was labeled a Jew supremacist.

Imagine the awkwardness in Germany in 1945, when it was exposed that Jews were exterminated. People who endorsed antisemitism were shamed. They previously thought themselves virtuous, and they forcibly defended their virtue. But the holocaust forced them to shut up. They went too far, and there was no denying it.

Hate of Republicans is escalating, and it's now so extreme that it can't be denied that it has gone too far.

Democrats are crybullies, and crybullies are dangerously evil. They're obsessed that they've been wronged by Republians, and they're obsessed with escalating and getting payback. They feel they're doing the moral thing. They will never stop, and this will lead to a real massacre of Republicans.

jaymaron 8 June 14
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I mean….that’s a lot of words to say Democrats are Democrats. A group that generally takes zero self responsibility for any of their own actions. To be clear you are absolutely right a lot of Democrats would very much like to be rid of the right wing, but as long as the 2nd amendment exist they won’t be able to……this is why they are also so anti gun.

As far as the View goes I can’t believe that show is still running. At some point it will get canceled and be replaced by something else.


It is the View. Expecting anything approaching reason is like looking for an obvious Jew/Catholic/black/whatever as a featured speaker in a Klan rally -- a waste of time.
Their audience is the same as CNN. NPC's, the lot of them.


Defund all public education, K-College.

The way to improve education is not to make it free. It's to cut out the unnecessary administration. Cut the fat. Schools should be like steakhouses. Reading, writing, and arithmetic.


And yet we have allowed the LEFT to take over the "Education/Indoctrination" system in this country for the last 70 years, that I am aware of!!!!!!
So, now we have several generations that have heard nothing but their side of the equation!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 June 14, 2022

I agree totally wit you. Whites deserve to be at the top of the totem pole with blacks, gays and asians all below and serving us!!!!! It's because republicans are all about white power that i'm all about republicans!!!!!

And it is people like you that give the LEFT a leg to stand on!!!!!
Extremist in any direction have always been the curse of mankind!!!

@Serg97 Well, it does claim to be from Minnesota, so what do you expect? Might simply be troll. OTOHand, lots of Aholes can't discriminate between a complaint about not liking being stomped on by others for no reason and a cry for oppressing all others.

@bobbo666 Thanks, I didn't catch that MInnesota thing!!!!!!


Democrats cry out in pain while they stab you.

sqeptiq Level 10 June 14, 2022
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