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This Year In Pride

British Police Officers Are Told To Embrace The Label “Woke”

Krunoslav 9 June 14
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It really is a shame that at one point in time the sun never set on the British empire, now it’s been reduced to a tiny island where any patriotism is branded as “racist” or whatever negative word the woke want to float around that particular day.

Now with the massive wave of immigration under way England will be all, but washed away and only live on in distance memories.

The side effects of liberalism. Liberalism delivers what is promises, but its the opposite of what most people expected.

Liberalism outsources morality to itself. Have you notice that?

Politically correct notion would be that liberalism is the most morality correct system. Spoiler alert, it is not true. But nonetheless, liberals have convinced people in the mainstream of some countries that liberalism is by default, with no effort, the most moral system ever, and so if you want to be the most moral individual, you don't have to work on your own moral character, no that is to much work, all you have to do is self identify as liberal. And viola! you are now most moral, because the system is most moral, according to other self identified liberals. Hence; "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."

Further more this leads to both progressive or rather regressive religion and also imperialist religion.

Liberalism has developed itself fully by the so called learned people, the educated people, the "elites" some would call them, and most of them in last century or so come from university systems. The "experts" are the new priests who know what is best for all of us, while they are busy defining us and the suggested changes to society are always in their own image. And so even though there was a time when at some point in the 19th century in America for example there was what you might call perfect balance of economic prosperity and freedom, religious and individual and political friends achieved. You would think that this is good enough and we should protect this, we should dare I say it conserve this. But if we did that and stopped listening to the "experts" at universities, the new priests, than they would be out of a job, and so "progress must happen", leading to progressive or rather regressive march to utopia, no matter the cost.

And liberalism is imperialist religion because right from the start Thomas Jefferson called for "liberal Empire". And indeed America has been spreading "democracy" for the freedom of everyone. Funny how every time America goes to spread democracy around the world, it finds oil. But that is another story. Point is that if liberalism believe itself to be the most moral religion and always correct, than it will try to spread its religion around the world as one true faith. And if there are other faiths that don't find liberalism all that compelling, well too bad for them because we will "liberate" them, weather they like it or not, because we are the most liberal, and tolerant and open-minded religion out there; say liberals.

“Comrade, your statement is factually incorrect.”
“Yes, Dimitry, it is. But it is politically correct.”

“The point of Political Correctness is not and has never been merely about any of the items that it imposes, but about the imposition itself. Tacit collaboration by millions who bite their lip is even more essential than lip service by thousands of favor seekers. Hence, to stimulate at least passive cooperation, the party strives to give the impression that “everybody” is already on its side. ”

― Angelo Codevilla (The Rise of Political Correctness)


“To fret about political, social, or economic inequality in a free society is to fret about the problem of freedom itself, for in the presence of freedom there will always be inequality of some kind.” ― Jonah Goldberg, Suicide of the West: How the Rebirth of Tribalism, Populism, Nationalism, and Identity Politics is Destroying American Democracy

"...we may assert that liberalism believes man's nature to be not fixed but changing, with an unlimited or at any rate indefinitely large potential for positive (good, favorable, progressive) development. This may be contrasted with the traditional belief, expressed in the theological doctrines of Original Sin and the real existence of the Devil, that human nature had a permanent, unchanging essence, and that man is partly corrupt as well as limited in his potential. "Man, according to liberalism, is born ignorant, not wicked," declares Professor J. Salwyn Schapiro, writing as a liberal on liberalism.

I rather think that the attitude towards tradition furnishes the most accurate single shibboleth for distinguishing liberals from conservatives; and still more broadly, the Left from the Right, since with respect to change the revolutionary and reactionary are merely pushing the respective attitude of liberal and conservative toward their limits.

Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide. When once this initial and final sentence is understood, everything about liberalism - the beliefs, emotions and values associated with it, the nature of its enchantment, its practical record, its future - falls into place."

― James Burnham, Suicide of the West: An Essay on the Meaning and Destiny of Liberalism


It seems to me that problem of classical liberalism even before it became what we might call modern liberalism was not in the are of rights, but in the area of responsibilities.

Liberalism as a philosophy gets things correct when it comes to legal rights or private property, rule of law, tight to fair trial etc. But it deliberate tries to "liberate" itself from assigning shared moral code. it say that no institution should impose morals on the individuals. They must choose for themselves. Its not that liberalism say there is no such thing as right or wrong, but it insists there are no previous moral ties to any moral norms of the past and its up the individual to liberate himself from those moral ties and therefore come up with his own morality.

Unfortunately because liberalism require the power of the state to secure legal rights, it is at the same time saying that individual can exist on to its own in theory. free and liberated from previous moral ties and traditions, but than in practice it recognizes that we can't live with no legal protection so it grants the power of the state to force those rights. And so its big on legal rights but weak on moral responsibilities. This inherently leads it to empower either on the right or left side the enemies and as we are seeing today. Age of liberalism has been compromised by the very same people that represented it. It empowers its own enemies because out of selfish reasons it tries to avoid having shared moral code and no nation can survive without one.

Because liberalism came as response to the age of monarchy and church it is always skeptical and sometimes hostile to them, but it fails to recognize its own contradictions. The "Age of reason" liberals say, and everyone else looks and says the "cult of reason", why because liberalism argues we are all reasonable individuals and if only there is no religion to limit us we would be all free and reach our potential.

This might be true for individuals here and there, but certainly no evidence this is true for society at large. On the contrary. And because men are not reasonable animals but rationalizing animals, we need a constructive shred moral code, along side liberal understanding of legal rights, to have a chance of preserving what we might consider liberty.

Classical liberals, riding the wave of shared moral code they inherited from long Judeo Christian tradition has kept them in pretty good shape, but if the liberal philosophy does not have a build in way to preserve it, which it does not, it was only a matter of time when the old morals will fade and new generations will seek something else. More privileges and less responsibility. And so old classical liberals were replaced by new liberals.

“Modern liberalism suffers unresolved contradictions. It exalts individualism and freedom and, on its radical wing, condemns social orders as oppressive. On the other hand, it expects government to provide materially for all, a feat manageable only by an expansion of authority and a swollen bureaucracy. In other words, liberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother.

Liberalism, like second-wave feminism, seems to have become a new religion for those who profess contempt for religion. It has been reduced to an elitist set of rhetorical formulas, which posit the working class as passive, mindless victims in desperate need of salvation by the state. Individual rights and free expression, which used to be liberal values, are being gradually subsumed to worship of government power.

The problems on the American left were already manifest by the late 1960s, as college-educated liberals began to lose contact with the working class for whom they claimed to speak... For the past 25 years, liberalism has gradually sunk into a soft, soggy, white upper-middle-class style that I often find preposterous and repellent."

  • Camille Paglia

And this inevitably gave rise to really intolerant extreme lefties ideologies we see now. It was not a matter of will it happen, but when it will happen, and it is because liberalism by its very deign refused to engage in discussion of shared moral code. and with out that it compromises itself. its is Achilles heel.

And for many today, self identifying oneself as liberal has become a way to outsource moral responsibility to a liberal ideology itself. That is why many liberal intellectuals are so smug, they consider liberalism to be most moral ideology, but refuse to define share moral code. And that is why I consider liberalism as a religion, it considers itself dogmatically the best most moral ideology. To change ones opinion and see liberalism as flawed ideology, would mean one must now find something else, and that is so scary for many liberals, that they rather defend the indefensible than to say liberalism has a problem ... .and that is the characteristic of religions.


“I would rather try to organize politics and political discourse in a way that encouraged engagement on moral and religious questions. …If we attempt to banish moral and religious discourse from politics and debates about law and rights, the danger is we’ll have a kind a vacant public square or a naked public square.

And the yearning for larger meanings in politics will find undesirable expression. Fundamentalists will rush in where liberals fear to tread. They will try to clothe the naked public square with the most narrow and intolerant moralisms.”

  • Michael Joseph Sandel is an American political philosopher.

...and that is exactly what we see today.


They're embracing cuckhood.

sqeptiq Level 10 June 14, 2022

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