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82C Army: USAF Studies: Cell towers cause cancer


warminster100 9 Sep 11
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“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” - HL Mencken


My last duty assignment was at that location (the former Griffins AFB) until 2013. I led all the radar techs and and technicians working on the towers (we procured and maintained all the the capabilities and equipment needed to monitor the skies on the eastern half of the US+, (along with the systems that control assets and communicate with Army, Navy and civilian agencies, etc… responsible for coordinating military responses). While leading that part of the Air Force organization, I hired one of the technical experts that worked for the Rome labs (Air Force Research Labs) because of his technical expertise and experience working with (sometimes leading) teams that researched almost any technical issue concerning the military.

I can tell you that we did indeed have unsafe areas around radars and antennas where people were not allowed to go unless the equipment was powered down. I don’t recall the distance nor the details of safe vs unsafe levels of “radiation”, but i can attest to the fact that this is an issue that is taken seriously within the military.

That being said, if you are concerned about your exposure and safeguards, I’d consider researching further what safeguards are currently in place and what certifications those devices have (certified by which organizations).


There are people who are hyper-sensitive to celfone signals that living near a cell site or having a cell phone makes them sick.

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