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Dr. Paul Alexander: Until this COVID Pfizer & Moderna gene injection vaccine is stopped, then the pandemic will not end; never end & Francis Collins, Fauci, Bourla etc. know it; it is selecting for more lethal virulence

We warned them, Vanden Bossche did, Yeadon did, I did, McCullough did, we did, that non-neutralizing vaccinal antibodies pressure the spike & drives infectious & more virulence; it is happening now!

warminster100 9 Sep 22
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I would add that the liars and murderers that have perpetuated this mass extermination attempt from their politically protected perches in the government must be not only exposed, but face charges for their crimes against humanity before it ends.

Unfortunately, FauXi, the WEF, etc… will likely freely continue in their population reduction plan until God’s planned judgment falls on them. It would be better for them if they admitted their guilt and paid for it with their lives (what little remains of them) rather than face God’s judgment.

They will face justice on earth soon, and then again when they stand before God on judgment day.

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