3 4

It's game over for Democrats.

Democrats use the argument that Facebook, Google, and Apple are private companies
and therefore entitled to deny service to Republicans.

This is evil. These are common carriers that dominate market share, and they achieved
their dominance by treachery, not by building good products. Ill-gotten gains.

This is also asshole. This is a more severe charge than "evil". When a Democrat corporation
attacks a Republican, even if it's legal, it's asshole.

I formally level the charge on Democrats. You are assholes.

I vote for heroes. I vote against assholes.

Democrats bully with fake moral superiority. Look them dead between the eyes and say: You are an asshole. I have no respect for your moral supremacy. I'm voting against you.

If Democrats win an election by a 51% majoriity, they demand to dictate 100% of the agenda, and they use their power to attack the opposition party. Democrats love tyranny of the majority. If Republicans win an election, Democrats refuse to fall in line. This is why Democrats are anti-Democracy. This is why Democrats are assholes.


Tell it to their faces. Tell them to shove their moral superiority up their asses.

Democrats do not have logic. They only have bullying. Bully them back. It's the only thing that can reach them. Democrats only understand bullying. They are incapable of experiencing ambassadorship. Democrats live a life of bullying and are insensitive to those that they bully. Democrats have never felt the feeling of being intellectually bullied. They need to feel this feeling. Up their asses.

jaymaron 8 Oct 9
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RIght. Like Wedding cake bakeries are not private companies. ....

drf30 Level 7 Oct 10, 2022

They're cheats, so don't count them out yet.


Democrats are highly self-destructive (eg with their soft-on-crime policies). You can never trust people so racked with guilt that they're willing to destroy themselves, to look out for you.

sqeptiq Level 10 Oct 9, 2022

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