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"Protests started in Canada, spread to USA and then to Europe."

It's Hard To Believe What Is Happening | Jordan Peterson 2022

warminster100 9 Oct 15
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It is objective fact that CO2 is what plants need to "breathe," to produce the oxygen WE breathe.

It is objective fact that CO2 has been declining on Earth for millions of years. Much of prehistoric Earth had far higher CO2 levels than in historic times. And before CO2 it was methane. Plants did not exist on Earth. Neither was there any oxygen.

It is an objective fact that the current CO2 levels are very close to the minimum CO2 levels required for plant life on Earth.

It is an objective fact that if we are successful in reducing CO2 much more, plant life will disappear on Earth, and we will not be breathing very long after that.

It is objective fact that atmospheric methane and water vapor combined are greenhouse gasses between ten to a hundred times more effective at magnifying the sun's energy than CO2.

It is also an objective fact that atmospheric methane and water vapor are 100 to 1000 times more plentiful than CO2.

So methane and water vapor are 1000 to 100,000 times more effective at converting the sun's energy than CO2, and it is a reasonable conclusion that if CO2 were as dangerous a greenhouse gas as Climate alarmists claim, then methane and water vapor would have reduced the Earth to a smoking ruin long ago.

So I agree with Dr Peterson. Why are we starving the poor for a false doctrine? Why would we even if it were true??? Demonic probably does apply to Christia Freeland.

It is time to start prosecuting people like her and in the WEF for genocide.

“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” - Mark Twain

There is no global climate crisis! Wake up!
UN and military industrial complex decided, following WW2, they would need an enemy with which they could create fear among the people so they could control them. The enemy they decided on was global climate change!

@warminster100 “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”  -  HL Mencken.


No sort of madness surprises me, these days!

sqeptiq Level 10 Oct 15, 2022

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