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TFIGlobal - Canada: Watch Carefully: Jordan Peterson is definitely trying to tell us something!

warminster100 9 Nov 5
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This is why the globalists hate Peterson so much.


No government has any money or power unless it siphons money from the revenue stream of private production and service. If the government has no power unless it gets it from the people, the people should be regulating how much power the government has, and how much the government can take of their hard earned income.

The people should penalize the government by taking money back from the government when the government fails to protect individual rights, and especially if the people lose their rights to the government. History proves that the more massive the government, the less rights the people have.

The Rights stated in the charter of every government should contain the mechanism to throttle the government, and remind the government that it is to serve, not prey on the people.

When the US Constitution was damaged in 1942 by the abandonment of the Commerce Clause in Wickard v Filburn, one of the restrictions on massive government growth was effectively removed. It must be re-instated and the consequences of its removal must be reversed.

Government has the power of the printing press. Or today, the power of the electronic generation of money. Whenever they acquire that ability, money is longer sound.

People are not necessarily tied to any physical or, for that matter, electronic form of money. If they can exchange it for the things they want and it holds its value in the short and long term it is sound money. The US government seized control over the money supply in 1913. In Canada in 1934 under the Bank of Canada act. Money was considered to be gold and silver back then. Eventually they took all the gold and silver out of the money and their currencies became the money. All ties to gold and silver were cut in 1971 with the end of Bretton Woods and the people in the republic were now totally at effect of government. The sole string they had in the control of keeping government the servant was the ballot but they kept voting themselves entitlements and privileges that gave more control over their lives to government.

Real control over government, the power to keep it restrained is in the restoration of money to being private property not subject to a mandated income tax.

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