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Somethings are just too stupid for rational definitions.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 15, 2023

As the term "woke" is a made up brainless word/description, it's no wonder that the silly term of the left cannot be defined. Most of their made up words and phrases cannot be explained in any meaningful manner. This is typical of air-heads trying to sound intelligent but failing big time.

Dale Level 7 Mar 15, 2023

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.


Wokeness is the active aggressive deconstruction of every attempt to sustain norms and mores of European decent.

govols Level 8 Mar 15, 2023

Wokeness often means systematic favoritism for blax. That's part of it. Another part is wokeness refers to liberalism taken to a loony or self-destructive degree. Prison abolition is an example of a woke policy proposal

sqeptiq Level 10 Mar 15, 2023

Looks like you are reading from the Conservative dictionary, where terms mean whatever you want them to at any given moment to support your outrage. See also: Communism, Socialism, CRT, etc.

@JacksonNought I'm going by how others use the term in a pejorative way—including early use of "woke" as a pejorative among college students (themselves mostly liberal) who objected to politicization of their social clubs, for one thing.

I realize however that you hate listening to others and hate learning how other people think!

@sqeptiq He hates America, republicans and conservatives and love socialism and the left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@samtilley Jax hates himself, too. His is the saddest story since Gollum's.

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