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LINK Another Ginger Feminist with Advice for Men: MGTOW Bad...Plantation Good - YouTube

Well it looks like a MGTOW enthusiast made a video about my video πŸ˜›

Did I mention I’m not a ginger? πŸ™„

JulietteFrette 5 June 11
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I believe men and women are different Species.
I am on wife number three (I told that story in another post), I have raised five daughters (in a ONE bathroom house, try that when four of them are teens).
I am Very happily married (almost 30 years) to number three, but when they are together, it is not a safe place for a man's sanity.
Women, from a man's point of view, are not logical, and can change the subject on a dime!!!!!
But it is still fun to watch!!!! Try not to become the topic of discussion!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 June 12, 2019

This is also going on in Japan, China,and most European countries, It’s not that men are not attracted to women it is that it creates an environment where they are reduced to little more than a beast of burden to support or get ripped off by someone else.

KeVince Level 8 June 11, 2019

I think before people dismiss these guys as sub-human miscreants, we should parse what's useful to the conversation. These guys recognize something is out of sorts. They're right. They recognize they're disadvantaged. They're right--in the same way women were right. And, ummm, sorry, but, it's not all about access to women's bodies. Both sides play that card way too often. Sorry, but I'm not trading my identity as payment for sex. Sex is always there, and it's there because nobody is a single issue being. People have depth and variety--and all of the other stuff that's cool about human beings. The reprehensible find sex. Some bail on the system and start same-sex sexual relationships, but many feminists were having sex with men all the while railing against men. Many men were having sex with women while some women were trying to 'deplatform' other women (so to speak).

We need to start viewing this stuff from reason and compassion. Can you hear this guy's hurt and anger? Yep, easily. What's going on? Why is he feeling helpless to the point he's willing to stop playing the game--or threaten to stop playing the game? He's yelling about an uneven playing field, and this is no different than feminism itself. LISTEN, UNDERSTAND, EMPATHIZE--even validate where you can. Are this guys feelings and opinions unjustified, or do they actually make some sense (depending on his experiences on the topic)?

Look at the entire feminist dynamic from both sides. A ton of people have some freaking good points. Some anger makes sense. It's reasonable. The reactions are reasonable. It's worth considering.

chuckpo Level 8 June 11, 2019

I've looked at these situation from all angles, and the truth is that most young men these days grew up in a household which either completely lacked the presence of a masculine male, or with a male who lacked masculinity. This is most likely the reasoning behind males not understanding how they are supposed act towards women, instead their advice ironically coming from a women, is to be my nice guy whom bends over backwards, and worships the women.. a women will never be able to respect a man whom does not respect himself. So sympathy towards these boys is not what they need, but a cold hard truth coming from a man; advising them to stand the fuck up and let their expectations of a relationship are, and that she can either take it or leave it. this iis not saying to be disrespectful, but it is necessary for a man to stand as a man

@MaskedRiderChris Integrity is a perfect base, in which you can start to build upon different moralistic aspects, and or any other type of beliefs as to how you intend to live your life. as long as you continue to sustain the importance of what you're integrity means to you, anything else built upon that will share the same strength as that base structure.

Always go back to review the different traits and beliefs you've acquired over time, for they may need adjusted in order to correlate with another, or completely thrown out all together, its okay to change, shows growth

@DesireNoDesires, integrity could be that thing that binds us even when we disagree on some policy or something. But, integrity is such a rare resource these days. There's so much that goes on that's not genuine--the liars have become the noise you can't hear past. And, MOST of the media are liars. How do you speak above that?

@chuckpo Thats what this community is intended to be used for


Oh that's so cute they responded to one of your videos,,,how lucky for you, they took the time to put down their milk and cookies,just to tell you how hurt they are,,, let's all suck our thumbs while sitting in a circle,and rubbing bellies,,to tell them to FUCK OFF YOU BITCHES,,,and you all wonder why no intelligent woman wants to fuck you,,πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ good one Juliette, hope they answer all of them,,good day Ginger πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


you would be better off if you simply did not engage those MGTOW clowns. don't waste your time addressing that silly meme. Either their self proclaimed members will give up or give in - either they will eventually procreate of they won't and it will have no impact on women either way. Women WILL have their babies - men in general are statistically less likely to pass their genes on than women...and the MGTOW guys are just taking themselves completely out of the gene pool and from the content of their rants I dare say it is of no great loss to humanity.

iThink Level 9 June 11, 2019

Tru dat. attempting to give them advice is useless... i've tried explaining to them that they are being treated like shit by women because of the way they act around them, then they respond calling me a toxic male, and that I can't tell them what to do with their bodies...wait a min..shit, idk if i was talkin to a dude or a dudette

I think you are likely right, harsh as that sounds.

@JulietteFrette ...i can't remember the last time I had a female actually agree with me when talking about such topics. Even if you were responding the original comment from the other guy, seeing a nondefensive, response, rather than the usual outrage is reassuring to see


I think hes attempting to flirt with ya ginger. πŸ˜‰

Nope. These guys are too far gone for that ... !

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