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Gnosticism is only limited by a person’s unique desires and imagination – it’s anything to anyone. It only has a couple (two as a matter of fact) absolute edicts that must be adhered to. It must exalt the feminine and demean the masculine in and of anything.

It, like all confrontational ‘doctrines’ must have at least two separate identities for perpetual struggle to ensue. Never mind that there is no such separation of entities in the spirit – Gnosticism is intent upon creating such a division for feminist struggle sake. Feminism has no function in spirit other than to cause trouble there as it has here in the physical realm.

And like all such antagonistic ‘doctrines’ feminism is incapable of accepting ‘free will’ for anyone other than themselves. So they create an imaginary demiurge to blame for this that and virtually everything they (feminism) determines, in their infinite wisdom, to be defective – which strangely never includes the feminine of anything – only the masculine can be bad and therefor defective in their eyes.

I doubt that socialist feminism can even fathom its own ‘apostasy’ at John 1:1,2 by attributing creation to their mythical Platonic ‘demiurge’ rather than GOD’s only begotten son – the Word and subsequently Jesus the Christ? For Gnostic socialist feminism to recognize the ‘free will’ of man they would also have to sublimate power to it – the power they hold as supreme.

GOD created man (through the Word) with ‘free will’ to worship HIM voluntarily – unlike by force of power as Gnosticism desires. That same ‘free will’ also applies to man’s freedom to not cater to the wishes and desires of women. MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is just such an expression of man’s free will to not ‘coddle’ women.

The question arises, why would GOD want to sanctify (set apart) for adoption any unruly hubris individual(s) that hadn’t first learned humility on Earth (including women) to serve beside HIS son in heaven as siblings?

PS1. Out of fear that I might propagating such apostasy, rather than here link to some of their Gnostic teachings, I’m going to link instead to something else.

PS2. Please feel free to comment and correct any errors you discern and help with its articulation – thanks in advance.

Posted by: New Discourses ~ 6 months ago ~ 102K views ~ 157K subscribers
“The Queer Gnostic Cult”


John 1: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him
was not any thing made that was made. (kjv)



  1. a being responsible for the creation of the universe.

▪ (in Platonic philosophy) the Maker or Creator of the world.

▪ (in Gnosticism and other theological systems) a heavenly being, subordinate to the Supreme Being, that is considered to be the controller of the material world and antagonistic to all that is purely spiritual.

Word Origin:
early 17th century (denoting a magistrate in certain ancient Greek states): via ecclesiastical Latin from Greek dēmiourgos ‘craftsman’, from dēmios ‘public’ (from dēmos ‘people&rsquo😉 + -ergos ‘working’.

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  1. treat in an indulgent or overprotective way:

"I was coddled and cosseted"

  1. cook (an egg) in water below boiling point:

"you may have your eggs scrambled, poached, coddled, or boiled"

Word Origin:
late 16th century (in the sense ‘boil (fruit) gently&rsquo😉: origin uncertain; coddle1 (sense 1) is probably a dialect variant of obsolete caudle ‘administer invalids' gruel’, based on Latin caldum ‘hot drink’, from calidus ‘warm’.

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  1. the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief:

"the execution of their leader for apostasy brought widespread criticism"

Word Origin:
Middle English: from ecclesiastical Latin apostasia, from a late Greek alteration of Greek apostasis ‘defection’.

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  1. a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group:

"the doctrine of predestination"

▪ a stated principle of government policy, mainly in foreign or military affairs:

"the Monroe Doctrine"

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from Old French, from Latin doctrina ‘teaching, learning’, from doctor ‘teacher’, from docere ‘teach’.

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1914wizard 8 Oct 19
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