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2311302300Th CONSIDER MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) FOR YOURSELF?

The first, and possibly the most important, thing to remember is that feminism is a communist political movement that was co-opted all the way back in the 1950’s. And just like all communist movement it is based upon perpetual revolution. I say perpetual because even when a communist government is installed continuing new revolutions have to be instituted – just not one that advocates overthrowing the present communist one – that’ll get you shot quick.

The fact that there are just two genders is a come hither sign to the Marxist Dichotomy. Marxism, including Socialist Marxism, stumbles and fails when confronted by the proposition of individualism individual autonomy.

Marriage for instance, is a dichotomy ripe for the picking by these Marxists ideologues.

NOTE: Professor Fiamengo is a Men’s Rights Advocate that has the objective of mending relations between men and women. However MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) has no interest in such a reconciliation. MGTOW is about encouraging men not to entangle themselves in commitments be they marriage or any other kind of commitment that also represents a lean on their lives. Not for communist reasons, but for their self preservation and well being individually.

Posted by: Studio B ~ 2 years ago 2.5K views ~ 5.74K subscribers
“What's wrong with Women's Studies?" Professor Janice Fiamengo”

1914wizard 8 Nov 30
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