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With the advent of the (Socialist) Democrat Party’s Fascist Biden regime in this United States, what can we expect other than marshal law to subdue the populous followed by genocide – just as power criminals have always done throughout history

Are they not already categorizing free thinking conservatives as threats to their own country?

It is essential to realize that Socialists truly believe themselves to righteous. Righteous in whatever action it takes to homogenize the the citizenry in every way – including uniformity of thought, socialist thought.

I don’t think that Democrats realize what they’re actually doing – wrapped up in their woke socialist sack cloths of self-righteousness as they are.

A Day In History ~ 4 months ago ~ 2.8M views ~ 571K subs
“Assyrian Genocide: A Fate Worse Than Death”

PS. I noticed today Biden trying to whitewash the rotted planks of his presidency with announcements of all manner look good programs. Programs that can do nothing for daily living expenses or stop the evasion of our country.



  1. (of milk) subjected to a process in which the fat droplets are emulsified and the cream does not separate:

"homogenized milk"

  1. made uniform or similar:

"a homogenized society"

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1914wizard 8 Mar 21
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