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Safe & Effective Lie Exposed by Trust-The-Science Liars

SUMMARY: Are you still reading/seeing/hearing the mRNA Jab is “Safe & Effective”? God help YOU! Are you still believing “Safe & Effective”? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, 300 PAGES of revealed emails from the doctors and scientists who bombarded the Public with the deceptive aphorism – “Trust The Science” – should help you KNOW THE TRUTH. …READ ON: []
#KnowTheTruth #TrustTheScienceLiars #mRNAInjuries

JohnHouk 8 May 18
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When I die, it is not going to be because of the vaccine I took.

I will probably die because of the decades of exposure to the same as the rest of you : second-hand vape ash, saturated fats and lead poisoned waters that are mutating our frogs .

Heck, I am American : Gun crimes and car collisions are more likely to kill me long before terrorists would ever discover my identity .


The vaccine is harmless, it is the increased dosage that made it hazardous .

If the vaccine worked, then you would not need more than 2 for your entire life .

It is more like a botched gene therapy because nobody wants to make a serious change in their diet or exercise routines .

I took you anti-vaccine shills seriously until I realized that you do not know what you are even talking about.

The pandemic is real ;
People died.

Brainwash alert!!!


trust the science ~ doublespeak 😛

actually.... CEO of Pfizer Bourla made an interesting interview about 'trust the science' AND NOT being vaccinated himself....

@Weltansicht Bourla should be guilty of mass murder.

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Posted by FocusOn1Sheep, follow your leader, they will guide and protect you, give you healthcare, and take care of you with ubi.

Posted by FocusOn1Sheep, follow your leader, they will guide and protect you, give you healthcare, and take care of you with ubi.

Posted by FocusOn1Sheep, follow your leader, they will guide and protect you, give you healthcare, and take care of you with ubi.

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