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2407211500Su SOCIALISM IS:

Socialism is anything, individual, government, or ideology that derives its ‘sustenance’ (maintenance, even its very existence) from the labor of other individuals, governments, or ideologies – closely related to subsistence if that word would clarify for you?

What socialism is not, is benevolence towards anyone or anything.

A Socialist government is rather like a mother that’s in possession and control of everything, rationing out to her children (you) what she thinks they need and/or deserve.

From the socialist point of view, those seen by society as unwanted and/or defective are appropriately deserving of elimination (destruction) and/or genocidal death for the so-called good of that society.

Socialism has pervaded western society so much that the antisemitism being expressed would warm Hitler’s cold dead heart. Socialism portrays itself as an angel of light when in reality it is the spawn of pure evil in search anything to unite through common hated – such as white men & Israel et al.

Western civilization is now, in the 21st Century, paying the price for not allowing socialists to destroy each other for us in the 20th Century.

Socialists the world over are revealing what they actually are right out in the open – secure in their ideological hatred today. Even the socialists among us in America are revealing themselves.

Are we condemned to relive atrocities of the 20th Century all over again for lack of recognizing socialism wherever we see it?

Feminism is but just one of the many testicles of socialism that has gone through the 20th Century surviving deeply entrenched in society today.

Even slavery, therefor the Confederate States of America, were in reality socialist governments. The real contention has always been socialist slavery against Individual liberty.

What is the United Nations if not a step towards socialist globalism?

PS1. Rather than just one thing motivating the Confederate soldier there was in reality two with him given knowledge only the one he fought for. But that’s another post altogether

Posted by: Winston Marshall ~ 1 month ago ~ 432K views ~ 220K subs
“United Nations And Hamas Are In Bed Together" Melanie Phillips | The Winston Marshall Show #017”

PS2. You can’t believe anything a socialist say about anything (including those in Washington D.C. today) – that’s the bottom line!


  1. food and drink regarded as a source of strength; nourishment:

"poor rural economies turned to potatoes for sustenance"

Similar: nourishment, food, nutriment, nutrition, fare, diet, daily bread, provisions, rations, means of keeping body and soul together,

Informal: grub, chow, scoff.

Formal: comestibles, provender.

Archaic: victuals, vittles, viands, meat.

Rare: aliment.

▪ the maintaining of someone or something in life or existence:

"he kept two or three cows for the sustenance of his family"

Similar: support, maintenance, keep, means of support, means, living, livelihood, subsistence, income, source of income.

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French soustenance, from the verb soustenir (see sustain).

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 July 21
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Boring: socialism relies on force or violence to feed their kids, they must take from someone else via taxation

The element of force is why socialism is evil.

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