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Is Donald Trump a Racist? Are You? Why or Why Not?

Racism seems to be the recurring and resounding charge against the 45th President. Yet I can find no sign of his use of truly racist language. In his current rant against the deplorable crime and public health state of Marylands 7th district. Trump points to true circumstance to highlight a critics failing in governance. Are democrats just down to their last face card? Is Trump now after 70 years of very public life suddenly dreadful minority hating super supremacist? Why or why not? Indeed what the hell is a racist these days and who the hell decides?

10thGeneration 7 July 28
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There are many examples, but the best are his campaign against the Central Park Five and his birther campaign against President Obama.

And recently saying "go back" about people who are American citizens, most of them natural born, was a good one.

@KillMeNow666 What was edited?

@KillMeNow666 I have no idea what comment you're referring to...

@KillMeNow666 Yeah, here it is "So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!"

Presumably you were born in the United States. How would you characterize it if I insisted that you return to the home of your ancestors?

@KillMeNow666 It's called a RHETORICAL question. Not that it changes the meaning whether he was insisting or merely "asking a question."


Hate is such a destructive emotion. It had an evolutionary purpose but nowadays I see few situations where it can be helpful. That being said I can see why older people can be so hateful. You see enough dumb shit and eventually you just hate everybody. Used to take an unlucky lifetime to see enough dumbfuckery to get someone to hate the world. Now yoiu just gotta spend a week or 2 online

@ObiRonMoldy I think you're giving them too much credit. I don't think their doing it on purpose. Their just following the money

Your logic is flawed. Racism as applied to Trump is an inferred charge. His past does not indicate it. His actual verbiage is not racist. The race industry is a political entity used to attack any non democrat office holder with whistles and thin aspersions. Then after this leap of facts you....make another leap....HATE....the final convicting accusation....the debate ending cherry on top. Trump is a hater...user of hate speech because he points out the failures of governance his critics are guilty of and they are minority. Pointing out the failure of some politician is not racist or hate if it is a matter of fact.[]

@ObiRonMoldy "Whataboutism" is a counter argument (a weak one) that a person uses to avoid confronting the hypocritical nature of their original argument. You're highly intelligent, don't sell yourself short by using that as an escape

@ObiRonMoldy It's hard/impossible to be honest with others when you're not honest with yourself

@ObiRonMoldy They're not "avoiding your arguments." They're just moving the goal posts. And if you're confident in your stance, it should hold up regardless of where the goalposts are placed. "Whataboutism" is a new leftist tactic of avoiding blatant hypocrisy in an argument. I.E. "Well what about the fact Obama separated families at the border as well?" You can just say "Whataboutism?" and you get points from a certain team without approaching the fact that Obama did indeed separate families at the border. As did Bush, Clinton, and Reagan. It's an unhealthy way to argue that propagates regression and division. Whether you like it or not, you're on the same team as the people that support Trump. As soon as YOU realize that, YOU will immediately become a part of the solution as opposed to being part of the problem

@ObiRonMoldy All I'm saying is stop using "whataboutism" as a debate tactic. It's weak and defeats your purpose. That's it. I'm not saying you're right or wrong regarding certain positions you've taken. I'm just saying "whataboutism" is bullshit.

@ObiRonMoldy Side note: I've been reading your responses on here and I can tell you honestly I respect your positions. I disagree to a level that I can't convey through this medium, so I say nothing. The only reason I say don't use "whataboutism" is because I think you're better than that and your arguments will be more persuasive if you avoid that particular cop out

@ObiRonMoldy You're all good dude. Honestly, the only reason I pointed it out involved selfishness on my part. I get a notification "Obironmoldy replied/reacted" and I instinctively want to read it. There is maybe 10 people on this site who's opinion I'm genuinely interested in. You're one. So when I see "whataboutism" I sit back and BOO from the cheap seats.

@KillMeNow666 I agree. That's why I think it's weak. It's a cop out. It's stalling progress to avoid losing. It's unplugging the video game right before you lose. Thinking that nobody winning, is better than you losing, is counter productive

@ObiRonMoldy Say hi to the Banyan Tree in Lahaina for me. And watch your wallet in Maui bro. There are some crafty ass 12 year olds running around there. They got me last time I was there and I gotta say, I was kinda proud of em. The little fuckers

@KillMeNow666 This is how growth happens. Disagreements should not be used to besmirch a persons character



Come on be bold and share an insight! The only reason we keep hearing this particular "trumped up" charge is the false fear of being deemed this faux Scarlet Letter's wearer. You take this tripe on head first with reason and whimsy until the fear is on the other side! Be bold....not racist....just bold with the truth!

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