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This pandemic is a good time to reflect on many things. It's a time to celebrate essential workers and contemplate how someone could be non essential.

That most of the non essential people seem to be in service industries must tell us something about a service economy. I think we can start to see that a service economy is a bit of an exaggeration along the lines of post industrial. It's something of an illusion for example that Google is not based on an industrial core. Based on the amount of energy the internet consumes it is hard to see it as anything but a heavy industry. It's also hard to see it as an information industry because most of the traffic is related to entertainment. Only a tiny fraction of internet traffic could legitimately be called information. You could argue that entertainment is an essential service in the same way some cities have declared liquor stores have been declared essential but that muddies the waters. As it turns out there are only a few very basic service that are essential for a civilization. They haven't changed in ten thousand years. Those services are water, agriculture, transportation, housing, and management. Those things such as music and art that we associate with civilization are a byproduct of an excess of necessities.

Part of the management of a complex society is money. Money is an entirely abstract reality. It's a way of keeping track of things. Who owes whom what. Unfortunately for economists value is as abstract as money. Take gold for example, it's intrinsic value is limited to it's utility in applications such as electronics. It's excess value comes from being shiny and rare. Gold's value it turns out is as abstract as that of money.

It also turns out that the value of labor is also abstract. If everyone decided that football was emotionally unappealing the NFL and it's players would starve financially. The point I'm trying to make is that to a large extent value is based on the satisfaction of our instincts. Since instincts out much more complex than any machine they can be reduced to a mathematical formula. You might say it follows the law of complex chaotic systems.

That brings me to the hubris of "follow the science" . Our science is for all intents and purposes the reduction of the complex to "simple" mathematical models. For solutions to dealing with things such as pandemics we need a new kind of science as Stephen Wolfram pointed out years ago and to which the general response was what an arrogant fool.

I have no pretentions of being the person that will bring us "a new kind of science" . That is work for a multitude of geniuses and a bit of bottom up luck. Of course we can't just stop everything until the problem is solved. The folly of the left is in thinking they can engineer that which they do not and cannot understand. The folly of the right is the invisible hand. That somehow systems will not go off the rails if not centrally managed.

The question becomes how do we manage a "service economy" that is driven by instincts we do not understand. The irrationality of our economic system is evident in that one day everything is fine and the next day you have a great depression, nothing tangible changed only the psychology. You can argue that the virus is different, that it is a tangible reality but that is a small part of the problem. If you argue that it could have been managed then why has every socialist experiment failed.

We have tried to manage the intangible through moral codes but history is littered with examples of how that has gone terribly wrong. We now have prophets who suggest we can address "injustice" by universal basic income or other redistribution schemes. Where they have been tried they have had such severe unintended consequences that they have been largely abandoned. Still we are going to have to address the issue of non essential people sooner or later as AI is posed to not only replace factory workers but low level professionals.

The first step is to create an economy that doesn't implode when all the essentials are in place. It's not a question of making it rational because we are all fundamentally irrational and instinctual.

Some speculation may follow 🙂

wolfhnd 8 May 17
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Now you need to do the "social engineering an economic system" talk....

govols Level 8 Aug 3, 2020

So what this all tells us is that a rational response to a pandemic may be necessary but insufficient.

It should be obvious to anyone who has been forced to enter the murky world of conscious risk assessment by the pandemic that life is about more than staying alive. It should also be clear by now that the experts have little expertise in risk assessment beyond the profoundly simple. If the goal was about saving lives we could save millions of lives with a war on malaria. You may it's about saving lives but that is a byproduct of keeping the institutions from collapsing that are over burden by disease and fear. If that were the case we would have a war on obesity and lock people in their homes if they are overweight. You may then say that obesity is a personal choice but the virus is communicable. If it was a matter of personal choice then the fearful can lock themselves away.

I don't want to give the impression that I take the risk from the virus litely. It's a nasty virus that did pose a threat to overwhelming the medical system. Because patient outcome appears to be closely tied to viral dose it could very well be that the measures implemented saved tens of thousands of lives and properly induced some herd immunity. The question is if rational science had much to do with it. The response was little more than three thousand or more old procedures from a time when viruses were not even dreamed of.

The point isn't that science isn't advancing our ability to deal with viral pandemics. Testing procedures being developed could save us from a truly cataclysmic pandemic. On the other hand in similar situations in the past the threat of overwhelming the medical system was of little consequence because as recently as 1918 the medical services were largely ineffective. Ironically it is the effectiveness of modern medicine that creates not only the crisis but the possibility of the cure being worse than the disease. Shutting down normal routine examinations could result in tens of thousands of preventable deaths years from now. The more complexity the more chaos.

The virus just gives us a personal experience with the chaos that we deny.

I wanted to talk about social engineering an economic system without the hubris of utopian delusion and may do so next.

wolfhnd Level 8 May 17, 2020


Thank you, I find it helpful to think by writing and decided to share.

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