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Looking back at past Culture.

Has anyone seeing the changes in society, in the media and the culture looked back at their youth to see the seeds of what has now grown into a monster?

Has anyone looked back at a TV show, film or book they use to love only to find in riddled with regressive ideas unnoticed in innocence?

Tell your stories here.

acthenpens 6 May 8
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@acthenpens, Well, Archie was a bit harsh on "Polacks", but I wasn't saying he was politically incorrect. I'm sure most of today's viewers & the MSM would certainly say the show was though. The show was funny--and yes, it did poke fun at Archie as much as anything else. Comedy was allowed in those days. Today, comedians are afraid to poke fun & highlight humanity. That's a shame for humor, and a loss to society.


You guys are all forgetting All in the Family! That was the height of politically incorrect humor! A great show!

is that with Archie Bunker?


@PrairieChicken so what did archie bunker say that was so politically incorrect?

Also who was the butt of the joke? was it Archie for being ignorant? Or was it the groups he was talking about?

@Sheryl_Jean you'll probably find then that what you thought was unPC was actually pushing a PC agenda. What you'll find is the show was using Archie as a means to break down certain stereotypes or create a consensus among the audience that Archie is silly for holding such opinions.

However you might find that looking back now Archies representation of the world was far more accurate and it was only through a liberal world view that his opinions sounded off.

Imagine today where the liberal consensus is gender fluidity and they create a show where the unPC character is the one spouting opinions about gender binary and how men and women are different. isn't he silly he hasn't got with the times. it wouldn't be correcting the flawed science it would more likely telling the audience those opinions are old fashioned and not correct, helping them come to the consensus gender fluidity is the correct position.


IThink, I think you're being a bit harsh on the boomers. Some of us followed the traditional path, with good success. Others didn't, and your post concentrated on those. I don't see our generation as the problem--even the hippies mostly grew up, got jobs, got real. I'd suggest we boomers biggest failing was in raising our children. We have been an abject failure at raising children--making sure they have everything, are not responsible for anything, and are due everything--and the current generation of parents are taking our errors & multiplying them expotentially. I have little hope Western Civilization in the short-term future (and that has nothing to do with climate change).

Are you talking to me the poster of this question?

To iThink, the original poster.

@PrairieChicken I think you forget to reply to Ithink by putting in @

@acthenpens You're right. I didn't know that. Thanks!


Three's company.... Jack was always the butt of the joke. Chrisy was too but...It was the blond thing.

it was a comedy so someone had to be the centre of humour. Do you think it was malicious or just silly?

I never watched the show, before my time, however it seemed the format was a swinging bachelor living with two women. What was the arch of the series? Does it promote the life style or does the man settle down and start a family?

@acthenpens Mehhhhhhhh The show was Jack being the butt of the joke. LOL That's what was working. Larry was the dumb wingman. All the guys were ridiculous.


I think the '70s had a significant change in society. Shows like "That Girl", "The Mary Tyler Moore Show", "Rhoda", "Maude". Women liberation changed the traditional household like no other. I grew up being told be independent, make your own money, go to college, don't rely on a man. Not that these are bad things but get married, have kids, support the church and community were no longer advocated.

I think people ignore how much benefits there comes from investing in the community. While independence comes with benefits it has drawbacks and those drawbacks seem to be those specifically incongruence with raising a family.


I would say that the whole cloth of the counter culture movement of the 1960s was a proverbial atomic bomb of negativity, ingratitude, cynicism, and a complete rejection of faith based and morally based principles upon which Modern Western Civilization was founded, whose shockwave is still circumnavigating the globe. Today we have gay marriage, murder of babies in the womb, an ever increasing number of live births out of wedlock, very large portions of the population are addicted to drugs both prescribed and non-prescribed types. There are fewer people who regularly attend church services; popular culture has devolved to the point where people live out their violent fantasies on programming like Zombie apocalypse and dozens of other shows and games where people interactively participate in the bloody mayhem. Then there is the obvious contradiction of the hypersexualized female as a symbol of feminine strength and self-sufficiency while so called feminists parade around protesting imaginary problems like "rape culture" and patriarchal maltreatment of females in America. Nevermind the facts that the majority of college enrollees is female; females are significantly represented in all of the "glamorous" professions such as medicine, law, politics. People who defend the "old and quaint, antiquated" ideas of Family, Faith, and Civic duty are systematically regarded as a category of "old white people who can't die out soon enough". Old people today die slowly and lonely; isolated and abandoned for the most part. There is more - so very much more that I could add here but the point is that the roots of all this can be traced directly back to the "free love" "if it feels good do it" "flower power" 1960s. We all would be much better off today if the hippies and flower children had been looking for a damn job rather than looking for "the meaning of it all, man". The whole concept of living for ones dreams - pursuing your dreams rather than getting educated and trained in a field that will support you and your progeny is a sick fkg joke whose punchline is really a punch in the throat when you reach age 50 and you find out the only way for you to subsist is on the effing public dole. Big daddy gov't is there to pick up your slack - slackers!

iThink Level 9 May 8, 2019

whew! that made my fingers tired - sometime I just feel the need to rant/vent. There is an ironic element to this: Although I was never part of the counter-culture I am a boomer - born in '51.

@iThink You said it correctly, I am a few year older than you. I had my first full time job while still in high school. Went to school in the day, and worked for the Boeing Co. on second shift. I was married and had kids before I was 20. I lived the life of my parents era. A good life for those that decided to take that road. I have no regrets!

is there any particular instance that you noticed this, like was there a film you went to see without knowing much about it and was repulsed by the message you saw.

There are a lot of movies like that. Some are still regarded as "great" movies. The Graduate comes to mind. Goodbye Columbus also; Easy Rider - these three are examples of glorified nihilism. Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Norma Rae and Silkwood all played fast and very loose with historical facts. While very entertaining and having used very charismatic actors playing very charismatic characters it is quite easy to manipulate movie watchers into believing things that are either abjectly, morally wrong or just plain false. Happens all the time. Taxi Driver inaccurately maligned Vietnam veterans. Hurricane turned Rueben Carter into a martyr who was wrongfully tried and convicted because of his Blackness. In Cold Blood tried with some degree of success to turn Perry and Hickock into sympathetic characters more or less depicting the wanton murder of the Clutter family as something that happened to the killers rather than the other way around. Cool Hand Luke and One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest both romanticized the miscreant, delinquent, petty criminal character. Somehow we are to believe Luke and Murphy were either justified in some way or that they were incongruously misunderstood boys/men who were just too much for society to take and therefore were summarily killed by a system that just could not abide them. To me there is a profound difference between a character who is steadfastly independent and who goes his own way and against the grain of commonly acceptable ideas as is the case with Dagny Taggert and John Galt and the man who only has his anger and a psychotic need to lash out and to destroy, to deconstruct if you will every thing he perceives as conspiring to keep him from being king of the (his own) world. Why is it that Taggert and Galt are thought by many to be anti-heroic while the likes of Luke and Murphy are regarded as sympathetic characters. Personally speaking if characters like Luke and Murphy were somewhere in my locus and would distance myself from them as rapidly as possible. Taggert and Galt on the other hand look to me like very positive influences.

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