2 2

"The Times tried to make Tucker look bad by publishing a text where he privately grapples with his morality and concludes, as a man and a father, that we shouldn’t lose our humanity over politics.

Remember, antifa showed up at Tucker’s home while he was at work and his wife was home alone. She called the police when she heard “loud banging and pounding on her front door,” according to a police report. They chanted “we know where you sleep at night” outside his house. These people terrorized Tucker’s family and leftist filth like Matt Yglesias justified that terrorism.

These people would kill Tucker and his family if they could—and he still refuses to stoop to their level, even in private.

The ghouls attacking Tucker are succeeding only in showing people that he is a better person than they are."

Pedro L. Gonzalez


Krunoslav 9 May 4
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I keep telling people that what they really want is to be released from the harsh but stable conditions of civilization. It's the monkey brain or feelings that drives them not the pragmatic.


Tucker is a lot better than his enemies.

sqeptiq Level 10 May 4, 2023

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