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I think it's more than a third of women that are doing the foodie call. They lie on that too.

RemiDallaire 9 June 23
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I was 50 when I went on my very first official date. I married so young I never got the chance to date. I was so nervous in my first date which was coffee at Panera. I invited him to my home for dinner that weekend and I cooked a delicious dinner. I had light hearted music playing, a fire in the fire place, and wore a pretty dress. I seriously thought that was how people dated. He ate nervously but he ate a lot. At dessert time by the fire, he acted really nervous and I could tell he just wanted to go but not before he asked me to pack the leftovers for his lunch. He left and I sat by the fire listening to music and enjoying my chocolate bread pudding over vanilla ice cream with a warm grand marnier sauce. I thought I was just too old or too fat for him and I adjusted my expectations. A few years later I ran into him and asked him why he ran out that night. He told me that I scared the Hell out of him. Looking back I realized that he must have thought I was pressuring him. I was just honestly trying to enjoy a pleasant evening with good food. Whether you go out to dinner or eat in, dating can be confusing.


As a female, I find offense in the blanket statement, but also will not deny that many women do lie, especially to men. I am apparently among the minority of women who do not lie? I would like to offer interesting thought that comes to mind. Do men want to be lied to? If I look at single women, those who date and tend to offer false truths, they seem to have more dates, or more men interested in dating, than say a woman that is straight up honest, such as myself. Are women conditioned to offer half truths in order to get the date in the first place? From where I stand, a lot of men want the fantasy, but like to complain when it's not real. For context, let's look at fake eyelashes, push up bras, tummy flattening girdles, to name a few. All this fakeness before she ever utters a word.

This was my reply that I did in wrong spot....


Ok. Regarding what men like to each his own. I'm a demisexual with few physical traits as necessary. Honesty and compassion are sexy. Loyalty and faithfulness are sexy. Physical beauty is fleeting. If your makeup looks like Mimi from the Drew Carrey Show then good luck and stock up on cat food.

Now some of the "Staceys" may get more dates, especially with the "Chads", but each has a high probability of a meaningless life. The Stacey's don't have time on their side but they don't realize it while young...thus, the cock carousel they ride. Their value drops precipitously. In their 30s they panic and find a beta-male provider. (But they're always a risk to cheat...take for instance the MILF phenomenon.)

The Chad's have time on their side. Maybe they try one relationship as a marriage. It likely fails and they're in their 40s back on the market. (This btw is my story) They find dating easy, especially 25-35 year old women. It's fun until it's not fun. So then, MGTOW. And nirvana. And peace. And quiet. You get the point.

Ok. I'm not sure I addressed your relocated reply but I'm just describing to you the current dating scene as I participate in it. Thank you for moving a little my way in acknowledging the lying nature of women. Do I hate women? Noooo. My mom, sister, and daughter are women. But I know this much...they lie. Alot! They admit so. Hell. My exwife admitted she told our daughter to lie on her Air Force application (against my advice) and she got punished for it. Her dream job in OTS was rescinded and she was forced into dental hygiene training rather than interpreting (French) school with a chance of working in embassies. Sad story. Double majored poli-sci and French at a great small liberal arts school and now she cleans teeth. All because she agreed with her mother to lie on her application. SMH forever on that one.

Ok, now I'm really tired.


@DanielEvans hense the comment on why lie. The backlash or consequences far outweighs the immediate gratification of the moment. Your experiences are not unique to men. Some of us women have no interest in the Chad's, and eventually one becomes jaded enough to give up. While I am not a Mimi face paint look alike, I may go ahead and stock up on the cat food and enjoy the peace. Lol I do maintain that not ALL women are liars, just as not ALL men are either. It's an everybody thing, but not necessarily everyone. Thank you for your honest point of view.


Women biologically lie and manipulate 90% of the time. I realized this after I committed to MGTOW and no longer need anything from them. This allows me to purely objectively observe them. I am very firm and comfortable with my 90% estimate. Most of my confirmations come from women themselves as I am guiding conversations to where they are comfortable revealing secrets to me.

First I would like to call BS. Second, I don't know the caliber of women you associate with, but it is unfortunate that those with which you do, feel a need to lie about basically everything and have become so comfortable with it they, according to you, pretty much do so all the time. Just a thought, maybe you should broaden your female interactions to include mature and intelligent women To be perfectly frank, the desire or perceived need to lie is mostly lost on me, as well as a large number of women I know. Itt only serves a temporary purpose, but eventually the truth comes out and the temporary purpose is dwarfed in comparison to the backlash or consequences of the lie. My contention to the whole idea of lies and deception is why bother? Perhaps those who live in an entirely hedonistic state of being can find value in lies, which is not exclusive to women. There are plenty of men who lie, or bend truths for their own gain, but it would be rather narrow minded of me to lump all men together and apply such a blanket statement. Perhaps two people going out on a date should have a financial discussion of expectations regarding what they are doing and how they plan to equitably share in the expenses. That would, of course, require mature communication of both parties. Perhaps that is what is lacking, not just truth

@Tomberlin48 I've interacted with myriad females personally, professionally, familial, relationships, friendships, acquaintanceships, etc.. all covering a wide variety of demographics from race, age, faith, and educational level. I know what I wrote was polarizing but it's not bullshit. Women lie...alot!! Some are huge. And some are so small and part of their intuitive behavior that they little know or believe they're doing it.
I have no emotional investment in women's lies. I'm just pointing out a truth. Disagreeing that it is truth should not illicit any emotional response either. Agree?

@DanielEvans...please I hit wrong "reply" 🤦

@DanielEvans, and please let me further embarrass myself by asking, what in the world does MGTOW mean? Thanks

@Tomberlin48 @dmatic
Men Going Their Own Way... takes many forms but essentially is men who refuse to abide by society's or culture's prescribed norms for intimacy between the sexes. For example, MGTOW are very unlikely to get married without an ironclad prenup. We'd never , if marrying, buy an engagement ring. We don't date or involve ourselves with women who are divorced or single with kids and "ready to settle down." That phrase just means they're done riding the cock carousel and looking for a provider man now. These women are typically in their mid 30s and admit to dating too many "bad boys" and ask "where are all the good men?" If we do take on a relationship and she needs a "girls night out" that's the minute we walk....her just saying that.

Basically just think of every gynocentric law and cultural norm (chivalry, white-knighting, ladies before gentlemen bs... ) and you'll get the point. MGTOW are taking back autonomy and refusing to endorse female promiscuity. Oh. Also, we like to slut shame when we go out and are getting hit on by women who think their shit doesn't stink and that we are horny dogs ready to hump. It's more fun humiliating them by passing on their offers of sex on the first night. Because all an orgasm an orgasm. I've had 48 partners in my life. There's no variety left in women that I need to have.

Wow. I typed alot. Hungry. Gtg. Bye.

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