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Imagine..... that pedophiles out there are ganging up to make their pervertion a right......
Is this any different ?

RemiDallaire 9 June 28
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This is absolutely ridiculous! Who the hell would send their children to something like this!


This is one of the acts, surprised this guy didn't include it


Well, if parents allow their children to see this stuff, that is their issue. We can't control the world, we have to raise our children the best we can and teach them to not be afraid to disagree with things with which they disagree. Never be afraid to boycott and let your feelings be known. But, if people choose to raise their children with these kinds of entertainment products, they may do it. Freedom often means seeing and dealing with things with which you hate.

Actually We are still living in society where there is a social contract. You won't drive at 120 miles an hour burning all the red lights during peak hour on the main street claiming you can do it because it's a free country.....because.... 1 it's moroninc 2 it's dangerous. There is a class of citizen that are protected as they should be.... children..They are a protected class of citizen because they are not formed to make adult decision yet... voting drinking etc etc sare not something children should do until 18 and some place 21...

And I think Dancing as a drag queen whould be included in those limitations of our protected class.. Because it just make sense....And anything else would be uncivilized.... And I am trying to be diplomate here..... Because My thought on the subject is clearly child abuse,,,, (Especially the part where you use that child to push your narrative) Child protection should be all over this....

Oh yeah, try taking your kid to a titty bar! They don’t like it when it’s heterosexual, they don’t want equality, and hey want dominance.

@RemiDallaire not really, driving at 120 mph is illegal, because people get hurt and killed. Drag queens for kids is a mere question of how do you want your children raised. I don't want my kids watching that, at a young age, but other parents should be allowed to raise their children as they see fit. Morality is a choice which helps one decide how to raise their children and at what age those children should be allowed access to what type of information.

@RemiDallaire, @Madman38 well if there was nudity at the performance I'd bet the individual would be in prison.

@JimbobNE riggggghhhhhhhhhht that's why you should tell your kids that they should be like that portion of the population that has 40 % of suicide no matter what.... you might as well bring the kid into and airport pin a 20 dollars bill on him and wish hiw the best of luck...The kid would have more chance to make it

@RemiDallaire Well freedom is a difficult thing. You shouldn't be allowed to raise other people's children. Good kids do get raised by homosexuals and others with whom I disagree, but just because I disagree doesn't mean I get to make their parenting decisions for them. If science and the law makes a finding that kids seeing this will die, then that is a reason for limiting exposure. But the suicide issue has to do with kids who for whatever reason think they should be a sex they aren't. What it screams is to do more work on the psychological issues on people who think they are of a different gender than their DNA says they are.

@JimbobNE They suiside when they are adult actually. when they figure out that even if the cut their wang off and shave their adams apple it WILL not give them an XX or and XY chromosone...

How lazy do we have to be as a society to base everything we should do or shouldn't on when science will give us the GO ??

What happen to... that's fucking evident...?? Or That's just good sense ??

And lets push your point to the extreme here.... If they (the trans) have the right to raise thier kids with child abuse....Than I and every one else HAVE THE RIGHT to HATE on them... Because freedom... has a price.

@RemiDallaire oh everyone does have a right to hate anybody for any reason. You don't have to talk to them, do business with them or do anything with them. Well you shouldn't have to, but idiots in government have those stupid anti-discrimination laws, which steal the liberty of people. Hating people is not legally wrong. Some may disagree with it morally, but so what, you make your moral decisions for you. I certainly wouldn't hang out with the gender bender who was "performing for those kids. Hate all you want, just don't harm with violence.
it isn't lazy to say science or fact must prove a reason to steal somebody's freedom. That is saying people have the right to choose how to live unless government can prove their choices negatively impact other's freedoms to act, think, be or keep their property.

@JimbobNE Still my friend....I think your views on freedom are commendable... But they should not go over on certain points the social contract and certain boundry that our judeo christian society have installed for a functionning society. To expect the best without at least a bit of organization is too optimistic. You say people have the right to choose how to live.. I agree... But that should never infrindge or affect or influence of the live of others in any way. Especially in the case of children. Who are in fact the most vulnerable members of our society.

In other words....If you are too much of moron to give your child a chance to become what HE wants and develop normaly, and not what YOU want in your own little selfish mind.... Than you SHOULD NOT be a parent because you DONT deserve to be a parent.

@RemiDallaire the social contract is an invention by those in power to keep the power they have. If someone can show me the contract and where anyone signed it, we can argue it's validity. Many would disagree about as to what this contract says or means.
A little bit of organization may be ok, but to putting a gun to somebody's head and saying, "If you expose your child to this, you will go to prison" is different. I admit to trans anything being phony, but it is up to us to prove just showing it to children is harmful to them. I may believe it to be, but proving it is something necessary to take a parent's rights away. Just because you dislike something, and it violates your moral understanding, doesn't mean we get to marshal force to ban it.

@JimbobNE It's not that I dislike it....It's because good sense is just that good sense and and because of equality of opportunities (NOT OUTCOME). Those children deserve the opportunity to be raised normally and choose their own path without interference from the narrative. And it is not because YOU personnaly have a bone to pick with authority that anarchy should follow. We as human have been living TOGETHER in group for millions of years, And set of rules was always in place even in our animal form. Therefore.... you are born a human.....There is your signature buddy.

Finally.... Really ???? Do I have to prove to you that this kind of brain washing is nothing but harmful for a child mind in developement ??? To put in doubt millions of years of evolution and learning just because YOU are a libertine and you wish it was the far west time and you wish you were an outlaw or what ever float your boat here and motivate you is I'm sorry to say... Moronic AT best.

So let me make it simple for you..

You were born human... to live in the tribe you follow certain rules or you go live in the wood. ALONE

There are only 2 genders.... Men or women...Dick or pussie...

Children need to have a long developement.. Showing them your weewee is a nono.. (Got it)
Just like showing children how to seduce in a sexual way is a nono. We don't need ,more possible
Jeffery Dahmer like you running around.

Go watch a bit of Jordan Peterson... Cpomeback to earth

@RemiDallaire you really haven't read what I've typed. I said that if nudity was involved, that would not be acceptable. Pedophilia is never acceptable. What I said, is if a parent wishes to allow their children to see a guy dance around dressed like a girl, that is their choice.
Again, I never said their was more than 2 genders, although I could be convinced if shown a study showing more than an XY and XX gene. I believe who have one gene and think they are the other sex either have a mental condition and/or may have other genes sending them confusing information.
So I hope this clears up some of the poor reading of my posts
Oh, I also don't agree that I have to sacrifice my home and leave just because society doesn't like my actions. If I do not harm people or property, I have done nothing wrong. If I wish to say God is a fraud, that is not a reason to chase me away, rather it is a reason to confront me and argue your case. This is why IDW exists. You may think I am a moron for supporting freedom, but that is your freedom to do so. I just don't believe in harming others, because they choose to live differently than I do.
Again if that he/she was flashing genitalia at the children, he should be sent to prison to enjoy the showers.

@JimbobNE Jim Bob. If you would be a moron I wouldn't take the time in the world to discuss with you... I said that the idea that you support freedom at all cost is moronic... I did read you very well... I understood you very well. You say that parent should educate as they see fit... this is where you and I dissagree. That's all.... I question the fact that such a show would even be available for children....And I say it is just EVIDENT that it should NOT. It is so EVIDENT that I put that beside this otherexample of normal evidences of life just to show you it is evident.

Rose are red Violets are blue
piss goes in the toilet and you dewdew too.

Can it be more evident ?

Having a child is not a matter of freedom. It's a matter of responsibility.

When you say it's your child it is not a sign of property to do whatever the fuck you want with..

I agree that IDW is about freespeech.. I did create this group... I disagree with you.. I did not block you or kick you out... and I did not misread you... In anyway.... you are free and express what ever ideas you want. especially here on the The Culture War.

But if you support freedom of child abuse... I will dissagree with you to the end.

Mixing freedom and education

is like mixing toilet and a piano.

I won't invite you here at my place....I would be scared that you would take a dump in the piano.

@RemiDallaire Ok, If it is selfself-evident that just watching some fruitcake dance around in drag is gonna cause people to commit suicide at a young age, then why didn't we have a huge problem with teen suicide in the 70s when Paul Lynde was flouncing around on Hollywood Squares? We have seen people in drag and open homosexuality for decades. I am with you in that I prefer to avoid it. but U still need to see evidence that a young child being exposed to that by a parent should be a reason to take that child from a parent and raise that child in your version of a suitable home. Do you have studies showing gays or drag queens exposure leads to problems? If so bring them out, I would love to read them, and if they are of quality I may agree with you. You say it is obvious, if it were si obvious, we would see some science behind your declarations of improper exposure. I can be convinced, but facts don't care about your feelings. Excuse me for borrowing a cliche. I just will not rob rights from parents or children when how to raise a child is brought up. Someone who has not invested time, energy or money into the parent-child relationship has no right to change that relationship without evidence of harm. Evidence, facts, science, before theft of liberty.

@JimbobNE Listen Saint Thomas...(Ya know Thomas who had to put his finger in the holes that were in the hands of Christ to believe ??) The reason there is no study on that shit is because it is freaking evident. Even adult men mind who get addicted to porn Get their taste for women who will actually fuck them atrophied. Imagine the mind in developement of a child who exposed to what is actually considered deviant.. This is not brain surgery and we have no rights to sacrifice ANY children just for the heck of making test or push a narrative or for the sake of science or for the sake of freedom... Just look at what happen to any children who get exposed at young age to any sexual deviant action by whoever pedophile is out there... they are scarved for life..

And you want to tell me because that in this particular deviancy there is no evidence of psychological effect ?
because is just a little bit,,, than a bit more... than welll......Let just show kids how to be full on gay and sodomize. .. The right way... Since there is no science study about it we can do what ever.

Actually there is science about it... Go read a bit Yung and Freud... And understand that everything come for childhood when to come to de developpement of the mind and you will understand that this is just a attempt by the LGBTQ at brain washing

@RemiDallaire well if this evidence and is there and is so evident, why don't people speak to legislators and then make it illegal to even allow some queen to dance around in front of children? Again evidence is necessary, you quote Freud and Yung, but those are old theories which are still debated today. You claim it takes too much time for studies to prove your claims, but when it comes to liberty you have to wait for evidence. What do you do if we throw people in prison and find out later it wasn't as bad as we thought? People lose years in cages and that is impossible to replace. Parents should be allowed to spank if they believe it makes there children more obedient and safer but at the same time we don't allow broken bones and burns. Same with this stuff, we allow kids to see a guy dancing as a girl, but we don't allow porn or the guy grabbing his crotch or him to feel up the children. We understand what is obviously dangerous and ban that. Some cross-dressing twist hardly is a threat.

@JimbobNE They are the base of psychiatry and psychology... You think thing did changed that much in a hundred years ? It is proven that modern humans have been the same for thousands of years. Any Anthropologue will tell you so. And they are debated because of people like you who can't accept and see the truth but they think it is cool to be rebelious against certain authority. I'm not claiming it takes too much time.. I'm saying it's evident this is the mother of bad idea.there is no need for a study.. And to wait for the victims to fall before doing anything about it is a moronic excuse to close your eyes and not face a future problem. Being scared to be called transphobic is really the mother of cowardice.

Spanking and giving dicipline has nothing to do with letting your child watch a deviant sexual show.
It is playing to something close to pedophilia and you know it...

@JimbobNE Let me show you the best example ever about this shit.

@RemiDallaire I am not transphobic, I think there is no such thing as a transgender person. There are people with xx and xy chromosomes. Michael Jackson was a pedophile, I don't doubt that. He paid off witnesses to get acquitted. I hate pedophiles and would make anyone convicted of such crime get a life sentence. That castration crap is useless, let them die in prison.

@JimbobNE Well you can see where I have a problem with Drag shows for kids than, Mikey was trans white and androgine Not far from what is showed here. TO CHILDREN.

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