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It is out of intense need to pacify the female human that male humans literally dance all over the place dodging anything that might upset her fragile feelings.

The truth that women refuse to accept, is that nature is harsh and oppressive on all human life forms -- mitigated for women only by the sacrifices of untold numbers of men throughout the ages.

The fact that women can now complain that they’re oppressed by men is proof positive of their superficiality – something lacking and short of full humanity having only a veneer of such.

Perhaps that’s the reason for so much purposeless animosity towards male humans?

MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) is a philosophy of life that discourages male sacrifice for female humans – including, but not limited to enslavement contracts such as marriages.

PS1. While I agree with Colttaine’s assessment of Frieda’s work, I couldn’t possibly agree with his views on Hopper’s.

PS2. Please feel free to correct for yourself any errors that you may discern – thanks in advance.

Posted by: Thinking-Ape ~ 7 years ago ~ 13K views ~ 108K subscribers
“Men, Women, Art And The Perception Of The World With Colttaine”



  1. existing or occurring at or on the surface:
    "the building suffered only superficial damage"

Similar: surface, exterior, external, outer, outside, outermost, peripheral, slight.

Opposite: deep, thorough.

▪ situated or occurring on the skin or immediately beneath it:
"the superficial muscle groups"

▪ appearing to be true or real only until examined more closely:
"the resemblance between the breeds is superficial"

Similar: apparent, specious, seeming, outward, ostensible, cosmetic, slight.

Opposite: genuine, authentic.

▪ not thorough, deep, or complete; cursory:
"he had only the most superficial knowledge of foreign countries"

Similar: cursory, perfunctory, casual, sketchy, desultory, unconsidered, token, slapdash, slipshod, offhand, inadequate, imperfect, slight, rushed, hasty, hurried, rapid, fleeting, passing.

Opposite: thorough, comprehensive.

▪ not having or showing any depth of character or understanding:
"perhaps I was a superficial person"

Similar: shallow, surface, on the surface, skin-deep, minimal, artificial, insignificant, unimportant, empty, hollow, meaningless, facile, shallow, glib, flippant, thoughtless, empty-headed, trivial, frivolous, silly, inane, without depth, fatuous.

Opposite: deep, significant, thoughtful.

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from late Latin superficialis, from Latin superficies (see superficies).

Powered by Oxford Languages

1914wizard 8 Apr 22
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ask for confirmed medical records; specifically x-rays

if you have nothing to hide, no problems, right?

if you have something to hide, well then...."trust the science" right?

Your statement ~ The fact that women can now complain that they’re oppressed by men is proof positive of their superficiality – something lacking and short of full humanity having only a veneer of such.

makes me think about "equal rights"....can anyone name what right men enjoy that women do not, specifically?

if no one can answer that cognitively rationally with PROOF ~ then what are all the feminist/feminazis/socialist/liberal protesting about? NAME ONE THING OF ONE RIGHT, because I can say that women have the right to terminate a life pregnancy and a man does not

I have no idea what medical records and/or x-rays has to do with anything. But thanks for your comment, 1914wizard OUT

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