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Ok. I have a beef with the stars scientist that use their celebrity status to ram in a narrative.
YES the planet (somehow) is warming up maybe... Is it Humans fault... maybe not maybe a bit..

But from what I KNOW for sure.... is that the planet did warm up and cool down throughout all of it's history.
And for most of the warm up and cool down which is 99.9 %... human activity had nuthing and I mean nuthing to do with it. because there wasn't enough human on this planet at certain particular time period.

As an archeologue we use the ice in the arctic and in antartica (long drilled strip of ice that has frozen climate data) that we use to explain the climate during certain period of time in history. That's how we know that during the Dark ages..... there was a mini Ice age... Than it started to warm up...Right around the time...oh god.The renaissance... Would you BEEEEEEEEEELIEVE...And it did no stop to warm up since that time more or less.

The planet was EVEN more warm before today where dinosaur were living in the Artic and in Antartica. Yessssssss... The planet was warmer and still full of life...

So... I don't care you are panicking because your house in the Hampton WILL get flooded soon.. And you are pushing guilt all around because you are a selfish rich bastard. The planet is warming up just as it did before... and will cool down again just as it did before. And it is PROVEN in the ICE drill we made. And as scientists you should read that data and come to the same conclusions than all the archeologues Historians Geologue etc etc... The planet does warm up than cool down.....WITHOUT the help of human activity.

RemiDallaire 9 July 28
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@RemiDallaire you are a beautiful man, just so you know, lol

It's simple. And is just good sense. I said it MANY times here there and EVERYWHERE. Hypocrisys is an homage that vice is doing to virtue ... And Virtue would not go far if vanity and self interest were not there behind to help carry the weight...

In fact... The more outrage you hear and the louder it is deliver the more you can expect self interest reasons behind it.

You want to complain about human activity and industrialization ??? GO TO CHINA.. Not here in Canada and USA. But noooooooooo we have to complain and do it here where we are concious about it already.And make you feel guilty.. because it's for power.

Most of us see through the bullshit.


I want to know why, if global warming is absolutely fact, no question about it, then why in the fuck are scientists with great Britain and the us were caught fixing data in their studies of global warming? They try to say this is unusual but why do governments shut down competing ideas by only looking to give grants to people working to prove global warming? There is evidence of warning in the past, ocean levels haven't increased at any god forsaken rate, New York City isn't underwater like Al Gore predicted and the world seems to be moving along pretty well. I don't know, maybe there is some truth, but the way the socialists are selling this tale makes me question method, motive and opportunity.

You know why... It's guilt...control by gullt... It's your fault because... I dunno... Your white... and toxic masculiniy... And god and socialism should punish you because you were born that way and that makes the planet go warmer..It's all a domino effect.. Listen to Imar and AOC..

They know better.

(I hope you get sarcasm) 😉

@RemiDallaire I love sarcasm, the more the better. I do wish someone would invent a good sarcasm emoji, because tone of voice and facial expressions often indicate the sarcasm. I have faith in the computer geeks, they always know what to do(sarcasm emoji).

@RemiDallaire I know the winky emoji is considered a sarcasm emoji, but if you have the power or know someone who does, see if this one could be added. That way everyone understands.😀

@JimbobNE LOL Nah I dunno who could. Sorry

@RemiDallaire it was worth a shot, I guess I could bring it up in the Senate. Haven't been on that group very often, might be an excuse to hangout there.

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