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Hate speech should only be accepted as such when it violates current legislation not somone's feelings!

warminster100 9 Oct 16
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Anything that is not advocating violence should be allowed. Hate speech, is free speech.Yes, this includes, real nazi,s , white supremest and other unsavory viewpoints you may not like. Nobody,s forcing you to pay attention or listen to it. Don't like it ignore it. By trying to regulate speech you open the door for authoritarians and dictators.


WTF?! are you being serious with your rhetorical comment "...when it violates current legislation..."
Surely you jest!
ANY "legislation" that flies in the face of 1st amendment rights is by default meaningless and can and should be removed from the supposed "legal code"

In the first place "hate speech terminology itself is arbitrary and therefore any "legislation" implementing hate speech codes is arbitrary and the very concept of gov't establishing "speech codes" of any kind should frighten the living hell out of every person who has a functioning brain.

iThink Level 9 Oct 16, 2019

I am from Canada


oh ok well then ignore the part of my comment where I talk about the 1st amendment and think about this part of my comment.

"In the first place "hate speech terminology itself is arbitrary and therefore any "legislation" implementing hate speech codes is arbitrary and the very concept of gov't establishing "speech codes" of any kind should frighten the living hell out of every person who has a functioning brain."

BTW I knew you were Canadian but I didn't think that it mattered with regard to matters concerning free speech rights. LOL

@iThink In Canada we’re being dragged even further down Into the libtard quagmire. Not only is free speech under attack; we’re also having to fight crap like bill C-16 which is an attempt to legalize compelled speech through legislation.

@Dr_Lizardo yes I know


There is no such thing as hate speech. And any attempt to label any speech as "hate" speech is merely a device to control people.

Nailed it! How I wish I had the skills to communicate my thoughts as well some of you guys do. ✋🏻

@FEWI thanks!! That’s a great complement.

Tell that to the Hutis and Tutsis of Rwanda.
Tell that to the Jews in Nazi Germany.

Of course there is such a thing as hate speech.
Of course 90% of today’s “hate speech” is not.
And 9% of that remaining 10% comes out of the mouths of the left.

@Hanno ummm, is it really "hate speech" you condemn Nazi Germany for? Or could it perhaps be the heinous actions to effect genocide that is the real crime?

@NonAgrssvMight Read up in Goebbels. Jews and Poles were all dehumanised by propaganda before the atrocities started. Ordinary Germans did it. They did not just one day woke up and decided jews are not human. It was a very well targeted hate campaign by the propaganda minister.

The Rwanda massacre was created by radio hate speech that lasted several days before the slaughter began.

These are extreme examples, however they happened and will happen again.

@Hanno This isn’t Africa or 30’s Germany. In the West advocating violence is already a crime. Therefore your point is moot.

@Boardwine If advocating violence was a crime in the USA, Maxime Watters & most of the demonrat party should be in jail.

@warminster100 I completely agree. Unfortunately we seem to have a 2 tiered justice system

@Boardwine You made the comment that there is no such thing as a hate crime. I gave you to very obvious examples... how on earth is my point moot?
And then do you seriously think that 30’s Europe does not apply to you and somehow you are better than Africans?
Has human behaviour changed at all anywhere in the past 10 000 years? Read some history.
Those who ignore history will live it again.

@Hanno Are you being intentionally obtuse? The comment was in regards to “hate speech”. Although the same could be said for hate crimes as well. Speech calling for violence is already a crime. And as for “hate” crimes, a crime is a crime regardless of motive.
There is literally nothing in my statement that would make any reasonable human think I feel “ better than Africans”
As for my grasp on history, apparently it’s better than yours. So in the future please try not to get confused or conflate topics.
To summarize, there is no such thing as hate speech and any attempt to label any speech as such( save actual calls for violence) is merely an attempt to control thought.

@Boardwine Seriously? You said there is no such as hate speech. Period.
That is rubbish.

Hate speech that brings violence is exactly the point. We already see it with Antifa now.

And yes, you said the this (the USA ) is not Africa, as if Americans does not act like Africans. Your behaviour is “different”. You do not think that is racist?

As if the Ku Klux Klan did not just happened a few decades ago and of course never happened in the USA.
Next thing you tell me the KKK was not driven by hate speech.. and Americans never acted like Africans or Germans and human nature changes...

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