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Wonder how this will turn out? Signs at sex offenders houses for Halloween...

MommaDaggs 6 Oct 25
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This really isn't a bad idea. Sex offenders are banned from from participating in Halloween, this is just notice to trick or treaters. These convicts were convicted of a sex crime and are on the sex offenders registry, so a sign letting people know is not bad. I understand the difficulty with certain crimes being considered sec crimes, but that is an issue of getting the laws modified to accurately determine who is a sex offender who should be registered. A pedophile who was convicted should be banned and the sheriff letting a community know about him is a good thing.


Bad idea. "Registered Sex Offender" covers a very broad spectrum of behaviors. For example there are people on the registry of sex offenders who were caught "urinating in public". During an evening out drinking a man or young man (college student perhaps) steps behind a row of parked cars and urinates - as drunken people sometimes do. He is seen by a cop or some citizen gets angry and reports him. Next thing he knows he's in jail for public drunkenness, lewd behavior in public (the sex offense) and gets convicted for the crime. This puts him on the "sex offender" list. Seems grossly unfair to me.
Then you have the (usually younger in age) men who are and were falsely accused of taking uninvited and unapproved liberties with a female. This happens a lot folks - a LOT. Obviously this forever puts the young and falsely accused male on the sex offender list.
The public only sees a name, finds out an address (can you say doxing boys and girls?) and then begins to mistreat and or torment the resident "offender" without truly knowing the facts of his case. Not to mention there are a few women on that list as well.
To be falsely accused of such egregious crimes must be the worst kind of thing that can happen to a person (mostly men). Think for a moment about all the false accusations against Donald Trump for example. Think about that time you were punished as a child for something that you did not do.
Mob rule is NEVER - EVER a good thing. It leads to disaster.

I will sum up my comments here by saying that it is worth looking at the statistics for the percentage of "sex offenses" that involved children. Not sure but I would be willing to wager that the majority of sex offenses do not involve children - some "sex offenses" don't involve a "victim" at all - remember the urinating in public offense.

iThink Level 9 Oct 25, 2019

"Unspecified trouble"? This smacks of govt overreach. As much as I despise sex offenders, this is a bad precedent. The punishment for a crime shouldn't be modified arbitrarily by local law enforcement. It's a slippery slope.


I applaud the local Sheriff for warning the public. I don't care if any sex offenders feelings are hurt.

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