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Re: islam
As Thomas Jefferson realized after reading the quran cover to cover, islam is, in fact, a legal system and one which is totally antithetical to our Constitution. He had a law passed that for interpretation of our Constitution, islam is NOT to be considered a religion. There is no common ground! (ironically, is is the SAME copy which has been used in several swearing in ceremonies)
In 1954, a law was passed prohibiting practicing Muslims from holding national office. Although later repealed, the original motivation for that legislation is still valid. You can't serve two diametrically opposed systems of governance. Reps. Omar and Talib's views on national policy are quite mainstream,......for islam

warminster100 9 Nov 7
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It doesn’t help either when they sabotage the electoral forum in Canada, impose the infidel tax, under the rues of carbon tax, and dismantle the very fabric of a countries culture. When the puppets raised their hands, pick me, pick me, the Masters of Satanist, perhaps the Queen, Soro’s, Rockefeller, knew they had the winning hand! Islam was picked to deter away from their agenda..When we have to focus on a regime of historical nuisance, we will lose some battles. The NWO..TO SAVE THE PLANET...ugh, it’s all about GOOD VS EVIL...The joke is on us as we won’t convict ourselves to fight the Masters!

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