3 1


*But you don’t think millions of people are going to die around the world?
I can’t imagine why. China is a quarter of the world’s population, right, give or take, maybe slightly less. Roughly 3,000 deaths in 1.5 billion people… China seems to have plateaued.
3,000 deaths among 1.5 billion people. And you’re saying that should be some kind of point of reference when we try to work out how worried we should be?
The biggest problem that we don’t know [relates to] what we classify as asymptomatic people. An asymptomatic person is someone who’s carrying the virus, who might actually be infectious, but doesn’t realize that he or she is carrying the virus. And that’s an issue.


warminster100 9 Mar 19
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One thing for certain: ain't nobody gettn' outta here alive.


iThink Level 9 Mar 19, 2020

Well said. The plateau can be seen in


That seems to predict that the US mortality may plateau around 200, and very soon.

Because now the latest information is that those older than 70 or smokers are at the greatest risk of mortality. Most others will survive.

that is not unique to this particular virus. it's the same with the common flu and really any other upper or lower respiratory diseases.
This COVID-19 doesn't look any different to me...may be some subtle differences such as incubation period but they all are highly fatal to older and weaker people - the very young the very old the infirmed.


According to the United Nations World Population Prospects report, approximately 7,452 people die every day in the United States. In other words, a person dies in the US approximately every 12 seconds.Mar 5, 2018

iThink Level 9 Mar 19, 2020

Thats almost 3 million deaths a year. In traffic accidents about 37,000. The selfish will buy all the toilet paper and sacrifice everyone else, then get in their cars and expose themselves and others to far greater risk. See


COVID-19 is far down the list of deaths every day in the World. Tuberculosis is about 40 times more deaths per day.

@TimTuolomne yes well we would see that very same behavior from the very same people if we had a war or some kind of natural disaster.

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