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The Neverending Story was one of my favorite movies as a kid.. not too long ago after developing my" 6th sense,i became obsessed over identifying underlying messages that were hidden within great literature, music, and movies. I decided to go back, after almost 20 years and take a second look at this childhood favorite, which ended up being one of the most uplifting experiences I've ever had.

I suggest everyone to either pick up the original book, or at least watch the movie if haven't, or if its been awhile since you've seen it.

What are some of the works of art, which after taking a 2nd look you were able to look see beauty of some kind underneath the top layer?

DesireNoDesires 7 June 15
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Posted by DesireNoDesiresEgregore - Chaos MAGICK

Posted by DesireNoDesiresEgregore - Chaos MAGICK

Posted by DesireNoDesiresEgregore - Chaos MAGICK

Posted by DesireNoDesires[]

Posted by kresicaMay be of interest to mention how the movie "Joker" made over 1 billions $ at the box-offices so far and the growth does not show signs of stopping.

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFictional stories can give great understanding to realities of today.

Posted by DesireNoDesiresA very thought provoking read on the metaphysical perception of the act of "Soul-splitting" referred to in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. []

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresThe Neverending Story was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

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