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Far left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam
The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in on. Like a rubberband being stretched, tension continues to increase between both ends until either breaking apart and separating both groups completely, or they are overcome by the force of the tension, violently pulling both ends back to their natural states.
Those whom remain in the middle suffering the most, Left feeling stressed as they are stretched from both ends, struggling to hold things together. Until the end where they are victim to being crushed between both ends.
Those in the center do have the opportunity to escape before its too late.. if the rubber band connecting their heart to their brain, remains fully intact and is tensioned properly, the correct path will reveal itself when time is right.
Using a rubberband as a metaphor may not have been very effective, compared to a sea of water. But hey..

DesireNoDesires 7 June 17
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Left vs right is one dimensional. One slices the plane where he chooses to draw the line that eliminates the remainder of reality. Islam is a Christian heresy. It is nothing more. It is nothing less. Modernism has compromised our ability to reason with the comprehension of the old masters.

[ If there is a basic dichotomy that presently confronts us, it is between us—the inheritors of what remains of Western civilization and Western political thinking—and the purveyors of dichotomies. There is no such opposition as that between Left and Right, or that between communism and fascism. There is simply an eternal alliance—although an “alliance of the unjust” who are always ready to violate the terms that bind them—between those who think in terms of dichotomies and labels. Theirs is the new style of politics, the science which has in truth replaced “politics” as it has ever been known. Theirs is a world of “forces” and “movements”; the world perceived by these infantile minds is in a constant state of turmoil and conflict, advancing now to the Left, now to the Right, in accordance with the half-baked predictions of this or that theorist of man’s social destiny. Most of all, the dichotomizing mind has need of a system. It seeks for the theoretical statement of man’s social and political condition, in terms of which to derive a doctrine that will answer to every material circumstance. ]


Would this separation have any thing to do with the increase Autism? Seems like inability to successfully transition thoughts between the conscious and subconscious, better describes how the mind of the Autistic opperates, rather than what ive heard with the misconsception of of the brain having a side of logic and the other creative

Not being able to identify similarities between the real world, to a surreal world...damn science did replace our ability to think independently.. programming minds to follow their own algiorthm,

@DesireNoDesires We are victims of the modernism that began with Machiavelli and the nominalism that began with Occam.

@cepstralspike hmmm

@cepstralspike that my helped me make better sense of my thoughts, with philosophy being the obvious language used for programming the human mind..duh lol. thank you for helping me work that out

@cepstralspike which means the only way to successfully program a human mind is by gaining control of all variables..

Or by flooding the minds with contradicting perceptions to the point of ....😮

@DesireNoDesires free will really pisses people off 😉

@DesireNoDesires Nice guitar though.

@cepstralspike could the london bridge be located in Arizona to symbolically keep us connected with the culture in which we have used as the foundation our civilization is built upon? Therefore the concept of the london bridge falling down would be referring to the collapse of a civilization, or a "great flood". Definitive perception washed away to a sea of contradictions... only being protected if someone is able to tune out all influence, by splitting the sea, creating a path to escape with their understanding still intact

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Posted by kresicaMay be of interest to mention how the movie "Joker" made over 1 billions $ at the box-offices so far and the growth does not show signs of stopping.

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFictional stories can give great understanding to realities of today.

Posted by DesireNoDesiresA very thought provoking read on the metaphysical perception of the act of "Soul-splitting" referred to in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. []

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresThe Neverending Story was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

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