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May be of interest to mention how the movie "Joker" made over 1 billions $ at the box-offices so far and the growth does not show signs of stopping.

That figure in itself is quite impressive for a movie that deals with a concept of Jungian Shadow with the utter chaos in modern-day society and with a dark humor.

But the impact that it had across the spectrum of public intrigues even more. In majority of cases, the audience remained sitting and discussed their's impressions for a few minutes after the movie has ended - something you never see after the Marvel or Transformers have ended.

The last time piece of cinematic art had such deep and momentary grip on the viewers was after the first part of "Star Wars" franchise was released back in the 1977.

And that iconic mask of Jester has ever since appeared in the protests and other public gatherings all around the world, as a symbol of disagreement, revolt and mocking the system

Indeed, "Joker" might in the long run be another such game-changer

kresica 7 Nov 9
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Posted by DesireNoDesiresEgregore - Chaos MAGICK

Posted by DesireNoDesiresEgregore - Chaos MAGICK

Posted by DesireNoDesiresEgregore - Chaos MAGICK

Posted by DesireNoDesires[]

Posted by kresicaMay be of interest to mention how the movie "Joker" made over 1 billions $ at the box-offices so far and the growth does not show signs of stopping.

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFictional stories can give great understanding to realities of today.

Posted by DesireNoDesiresA very thought provoking read on the metaphysical perception of the act of "Soul-splitting" referred to in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. []

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresFar left is to Far right as Christianity is to Islam The opposing groups ultimately share similar views in a broader sense, yet forced on opposite ends of spectrum when specifics are focused in ...

Posted by DesireNoDesiresThe Neverending Story was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

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