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White Guilt and White Privilege

White privilege is interesting to me because it implies that they are the only ones with privilege in society. The word privilege has become stigmatized when we could easily say white advantages. How about white differences. The way leftists imply privilege is like you do not deserve it or that you stole it. They use the word like you are imposing it onto others for your nasty desires. What they fail to see is the other side of the coin. Saying white privilege in the manner that they do implies other things that are truer to life. They use white privilege to imply that no one else has privilege. They also use it in a way to imply that blacks could never have privilege. It almost sounds like they do not want you to have any privileges or that they do not want you to realize your privileges.

Everyone everywhere has some sort of privilege. Black people have privileges as well. How? Well, they have privileges linked to other things that matter, class. Yes, there are black privileged people who are wealthy. Leftists think no matter how hard that person worked, no matter how well they followed the rules of society, they still do not have privilege. “Only I have privilege”, listen to that concept. It started off as a rally cry from black liberals pointing the finger at white people for all their troubles to have white people acknowledge their privilege. Black people need to stop doing this because they don’t realize the implications of this, and it is implying entirely the wrong statement you actually intended for. I am going to say it again, there are white leftists telling you how they are more advantaged than you. Okay, I am going to say it again, there are white leftists telling you how better they are than you. There we go, that is correct. Now for them to feel better about themselves they will acknowledge it and allow you some privilege. They will eat the body of black Christ and drink the water of black tears to absolve them of their sins.

It is a sick game they are playing. It is nonsensical rhetoric. They are showing you how better they are, then they are showing you how merciful they are because they do not want to be cast into the pit of racism hell. I believe there are genuine liberal white people who care and want to know what they can do to help in the quest of this imaginary utopian vision of equal rights. The problem is that they don’t realize how disrespectful white guilt is. I also believe that there are straight up liars on the political left who just want self-preservation. Acknowledging your privilege means nothing. It is words. You as an individual cannot do anything about being white no more than Andre the Giant can do about being tall.

You want to help black people? Stop apologizing for shit you had nothing to do with. If a white person came to me and said, “A black person killed my father, so now I hate you”, would that make sense? No more than me telling a white person that because of slavery or Jim Crow or numerous other significant events that happened decades before this person was born to apologize for.

When did we give up our agency in life? One of the great things about American culture is individualism. The collective can sometimes be mob rule. The collective is not democratic, and it’s flawed. I cannot control what my neighbor does but I can for damn sure control what I do and how I feel. You, a white person, are responsible for what you have done, that is it. We should only expect from others what we expect of ourselves. If we do not want someone targeting us because of our race, how about we stop targeting them because of theirs.

Apologizing to a black person for something you did not do is the ultimate virtue signal. For that moment you might get a head nod from them, but you are not respected. You look absolutely weak. This is not completely a race thing but you as a human being need to respect yourself. No one respects a push over. You ever bump into someone by mistake and they apologize to you? Why are you doing that? I am the one at fault in that situation. It is similar and sickening to watch someone with no self-respect take on dead people’s actions. The Trans-Atlantic slave trade was not your fault. You were not in Selma sticking dogs on peaceful black protesters. Stop apologizing.

I will ask again; do you really want to help black people? Be you. Own what you do. Hold me account for what I do, and I will do the same for you. You treat me how you would want to be treated. Feeling guilty gets you no where in life. If you are guilty for something you have done then you address it, then the guilt will go away. Acknowledge your wrong doings and look towards the future. You cannot change the past and even more so, you cannot change someone else’s past.

BlackoutNJ 7 June 2
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What follows is not to say that there is no privilege or oppression. These exist. Of course they do.

But to me it is most important that my race is the most dominant one.

And that was a joke.

On a serious note, somehow I see all of these issues as a matter of class struggle. Racial issues (and other identity issues as well etc.) are some of the best means the elite has to keep the masses angry and divided.

If you look at the US (for example, there are many others). In the US, the middle class has been devastated. Jobs have been lost on a massive scale. There are pressures on a large numbers of what used to be the working class. This is alienating the white people who see that their parents had better lives than they do.

The blacks (and other minorities, including immigrant whites) have been systematically (to use a technical term) f#cked over for generations. The similar may be said about anyone else that crossed the path of the system (men going through divorce, women in corporate world, gays, trans people etc. etc.).

At the same time, the US electoral system (what you call "democracy" ) is, frankly, utter b#llshit. There is no one whom the two corporate parties really represent (in a positive sense) other than our owners. Everyone else is abused by the political infrastructure which is in place to protect the wealthy.

I think everyone is seeing that their interests are being ignored. Of course, this is done in a way that it is made to seem that "those others" are actually winning so the focus is, conveniently, on the different sex, race, religion, football team, whatever (what I would call socially or politically opposite), while, in reality, everyone is being hammered at the same time.

The media is a joke, a tool of focus management. A highly advanced system of "look bird" (while the pockets are being emptied).

I really think that the only thing that remains is a revolution. To hope that a change is possible and that it may occur through the existing political infrastructure is to be ignorant of probabilities.

When I say a revolution, I do not mean to beat up on nazis and communists, whites or blacks, straight or gay, women or men, feminists or MGTOW... or whatever other apparent differences we may be aware of. No. Regardless how much we can all disagree among ourselves in those issues (and yes, we can and we will), the focus should be on the elites.

How come is it that only the banks get the help and everyone else has to close the shop.
How come the prices keep going up while the labour cost keeps going down?
How come it is always someone else that is blamed every time we have corrupt politicians.
How come it is between Trump and Biden/Hilary?
How come it is between Republicans or Democrats?
Etc. etc.

I do not think the solution for the problems with the existing system is the existing system.

I would like to finish with a simple thought experiment. Whatever one may be (democrat, republican, nationalist, socialist, feminist, straight, gay, black, white....), one ought to ask oneself:

What causes more harm to me, my politically or socially opposite (a democrat if one is a republican, a white person if one is a black, a man if one is a female (or whatever other division there may be), - or the elites, the rulers of the world?

If you find that it is indeed your politically or socially opposite, fair enough. I have nothing else to say.
But, if it is not...

I apologise, I am not an American, so perhaps what I wrote is ignorant or it smells funny.
It was not my intent to offend or be rude.

Peejaay Level 4 June 4, 2020

This is a well written and thought provoking article. Thank you.

Emriss Level 3 June 4, 2020

Thank you for reading it.


i never knew any black people . i grew up in a white neighborhood . there were no black people in my school. so i have no feelings one way or another for black people. i just don't care. life is hard enough without looking for problems and worrying about other people. we were poor, had a large family, a father that worked hard and struggled everyday just to get by. we certainly had no privilege. black people seem to think white people hate them but we have our own problems and would not waste our energy hating anyone.

I think it's too much energy to worry about other peoples thoughts about you. This is why I encourage people to stop with the identity politics and singling out of people.


If we are going to solve our social problems, including race relations, I think a good place to start is dispensing with the naturalist fallacy.

When I see rioters burning down cities or the kind of protests such as we saw against the war in Vietnam I see people who want to return to the natural state. The harsh unnatural conditions that civilization imposes are oppressive. The question is why are they necessary.

"The naturalistic fallacy is an informal logical fallacy which argues that if something is 'natural' it must be good. It is closely related to the is/ought fallacy – when someone tries to infer what 'ought' to be done from what 'is'"

There is nothing new about the philosophical origins of the debate over tyrannical civilization vs the natural state. Traditional education would have us look at Hobbes vs Rousseau.

"In 1651, Thomas Hobbes famously wrote that life in the state of nature – that is, our natural condition outside the authority of a political state – is ‘solitary, poore, nasty brutish, and short.’ Just over a century later, Jean-Jacques Rousseau countered that human nature is essentially good, and that we could have lived peaceful and happy lives well before the development of anything like the modern state."


We can take this up elsewhere if you prefer or continue here?

wolfhnd Level 8 June 3, 2020

We can take it elsewhere if you'd like. It's an interesting conversation that we can get into.

@wolfknd great article. I have often used the comparison of Rousseau to Locke, who’s less authoritarian than Hobbes.

Essentially, Rousseau sees man as born innocent and being corrupted over his lifetime by society.

Locke sees man born flawed, but capable of using his lifetime to evolve to a higher state. Christian philosophy might express the Lockean view in terms of original sin and striving for redemption.

Stated simply, Locke is about using individual sovereignty to strive for something better, while Rousseau sees individuals oppressed by forces greater than themselves.

This idea of modern-era hero myth vs post-modern victimhood can be seen in almost every story that makes the news today.


We break these kind of social issues down into components because we can't deal with complex, chaotic, systems.

Reductionism has been very effective at solving questions about physical reality up to a point. When we try to deal with something as complex and chaotic as climate not so much.

You need not dismiss determinism to see that because the cultural world is not restrained by physical reality that the potential for chaos is multiplied. There may be causes for cultural phenomenon but they are not fixed. As we remain fairly ignorant on topics such as intelligence and consciousness it's not surprising we can't trace fantasy to a single cause and reduce human interaction to a formula.

Any attempt to understand culture is going to be hampered by our ability to control the experimental environment. One solution is to apply nomolological networks of cumulative evidence. That technique has only been able to attack relatively simple questions. Certainly nothing as complex as racial relations.

Faced with such impotence it is not surprising that cultures have always turned to religion. It doesn't matter if it is one of the traditional religions or the social justice cult religion dispenses with the need to understand and builds social solidarity out of belief. The question becomes if long standing religions have evolved following rules we can understand. Jordan Peterson seems to think so.

I bring this up because I think we can be over critical of groups such as social justice warriors. Asking them to have faith in the traditional systems runs counter to the enlightenment. If we ask children to question everything we shouldn't be surprised when they settle on answers we don't like.

Much of what makes a society function is abstract. Explaining why some abstractions are real and others not so much is going to be tricky.

wolfhnd Level 8 June 3, 2020

Go a little town called to Princeton in West Virginia and let me know if you find any privilege ....from anyone

It's economic privilege that people should recognize. That's more significant.


Please, Out of Africa to find the truth...not the lib progressive movie....


"White privilege is interesting to me because it implies that they are the only ones with privilege in society." Nope, white is a qualifier. It's one type of privilege. If only whites had privilege in society, the word white would be redundant.

Technically it's an indicating factor but the way they apply the term, they are trying to say that is the only privilege or even racially that is the only privilege. That's all I was trying to get at.


You folks are barking up the wrong tree. It has nothing to do with Blacks or any other race. The LGBT are co-op ting race to push their agenda of acceptance without question. There is another group behind that also. Why would whites care about reality they don't. It is only projections of their own weakness.

I think there are many hands at play


Woke progressives believe “truth” is relative, and therefor have no interest in evidence or facts. They instead halt discussion by citing four specious concepts they constructed:
— white privilege
— unconscious bias
— dog whistling
— systemic racism

GeeMac Level 8 June 2, 2020

Ah yes, 4 subjective and disprovable concepts. Systematic Racism is the biggest one that I'm looking to take apart.

@BlackoutNJ an interesting point is that institutions are now purposely baking systemic racism into their systems as a way to achieve equity.

The best example is Harvard, lowering admission standards for black kids (many of whom are from wealthy backgrounds and can do very well on their own, thank-you), while raising the bar for Asian kids. Sadly, this purposefully-planned institutional bias hurts many of the very kids it should be helping:

Arcidiacono Paper, Duke (2012)
"...(S)tudents...admitted through racial preference...(are) handicapped by deficiencies in their academic preparation."

Duke SAT average on admission:
Asian: 1457
White: 1416
Black: 1275*

The Diversity Delusion (Mac Donald, 2018 )

@GeeMac You're absolutely right. Thank you for providing that info, I may need it.

@BlackoutNJ Peter Arcidiacono has done a lot of research around the unintended consequences of the drive to achieve equity in higher education, especially in the Ivy League. I agree with the idea that beneath many woke-progressive equity initiatives, lies the unspoken belief that “I know what’s best for you.” Bill Maher calls it “the bigotry of low expectations.”

Great post! Thank-you.

@GeeMac Yes, bigotry of low expectations for sure. Many peoples quest to show racist they aren't, they have moved so far left that they have ended up being far right. It's quite stunning.

@BlackoutNJ as a sidebar — on how racist we aren’t — it’s interesting to see Canadians (I live in Vancouver) falling all over themselves this week, declaring Canada a racist country.

The Prime Minister, asked to comment on the US situation, stood in stunned silence for 21 seconds before launching into woke bromides about Canada’s racist institutions and how as Canadians we are unable to see the racism that lives within us. Ontario’s Premier was attacked simply stating the fact that Canada has no legacy of slavery. My FB feed is full of comments from friends declaring that Canadians are racist, but just “hide it”.

And nothing happened here! If self-hatred could cure the problem, the west would be free of racism forever.

@GeeMac That's crazy to me. The concept of racism is crazy because it's not something you can feel or see. If someone tells you they hate you, that's obvious. Racism is used as a catch all statement because it's assumed. If a cop pulls me over, I am assuming he's racist. I just gave him a label without cause. Maybe it's because I was swerving on the road and not that I'm black.

My thing is this, I don't really care if one person is racist. I have no control over them and the likeliness of me changing their mind is not likely. I'm not going to stop my life because of 1 person.

The narrative from black people is "Well you wouldn't be saying that if a cop killed you". There are 330 Million Americans in this country, 13% are Black and there were around 300 cop killing black people situations last year. That means I have a 0.000699% Percent Chance of being killed by the police. I'll take my chances.


What they are saying is the following:
I am only BETTER than you because of my privileges.

The whole concept they are better than you.

I can just imagine someone saying that to a white person...

If anyone tells me they are BETTER than me, for whatever reason, especially some condescending “it is not your fault” I will punch them in their stupid face.

Hanno Level 8 June 2, 2020

There is a lot of things to discuss in this post. I will pick agency to discuss.

If you want to understand what happened to agency I recommend you look at the debate by Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett over freewill.

There are legitimate reason to question the kind of absolute freewill that traditional religious philosophers would describe. For the religious freewill is a property of the soul. I think we can dispense with those characterizations because even if true it becomes a matter of faith. In place of those definitions a more limited definition seems appropriate.

There is another definition of freewill that could be applied to all life which is simply a different way of looking at intelligence. It can roughly be described as the ability to make choices which varies by intelligence. Although the ability to make choices is relevant it confused the issues. For example we do not hold children or the insane to the same standard as normal adults. Since rejecting freewill entirely as most liberal intellectuals do this definition also becomes irrelevant. If you try to argue that education increases "intelligence" as they may be want to do you end up in circular logic because who developed the educational materials also had no freewill or more precisely agency.

Dennett's argument addresses most of the issues because it is a kind of reductionism that science relies on and is thus compatible with main stream intelligentsia to a degree. Basic it goes like this. Freewill is real it just isn't what you think it is. He argues that it is a social construct evolved to make civilized life possible. He accepts that you can't be a moral agent without freewill and leaves it at that more or less. He does expound on why you don't want to live in a world in which each adult human being of sound mind is not treated as a moral agent but if you are interested you can check that out for yourself.

It seems that moral philosophy has not keep up with science and science is proving be a poor substitute for religious training. The same religious training that people like Dennett are adamantly opposed to. If you look at the chaos on our streets it isn't that much different than the French Revolution where the Goddess of Reason didn't seem reasonable at all. For this and other reasons it's best to look at humanism and it's spin offs maybe even Marxism to a limited degree as replacement religions for Christianity. Certainly "social justice" looks like just another cult.

If you are not familiar with Jordan Peterson I suggest you check him out, especially his lecture on Nietzsche. What we are experiencing as a denial of agency was an unavoidable result of the enlightenment.


wolfhnd Level 8 June 2, 2020

That's a lot to take in. I'll check out your suggestions, I'm always interested in philosophy. I do enjoy Jordan Peterson.


Works for me although I feel that it has more dimensions.

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