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Please answer me a few questions:

Do you believe in God or "Creation" as the designer of humans?

Do you believe evolution is a thing?

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?

Do you believe "race" is a "social construct?"

Do you believe "race" genetically real?

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?

Do you believe the "out of Africa" idea of human pre-history?

Do you believe genetic "drift" occurs within populations?

Do you believe that the continental isolation of pre-historic populations allowed for differing habitats that might have made differing social institutions more or less beneficial to differents populations?

Do you believe social institutions put selective pressure on social behavior, or that social behavior within a population is a factor in what social institutions might develop?

govols 8 July 9
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I believe in God as the Creator of everything.
I think evolution is different than the scientific belief in Evolution. In my opinion, people and animals can evolve and change over time in terms of habits, beliefs, culture, etc.
We are all people. Race can be whatever people make it. They can use it as a tool for division or unification.
I don't believe the Out of Africa ideology personally.
As for your last question, I think it depends on the situation.


Quite a laundry list, your few questions.

That the universe is apprehensible to human beings leaves little doubt that it is only "chaotic" in our lack of information and our understanding.

Change is constant.

Which two?

Every person is different. To the extent that they are the same, they can be grouped as an expediency in the service of achieving reproducible results in scientific inquiries.

Which two?

We may follow evidence wherever it leads.

If change includes genetic drift, probably.

Humans are nothing if not adaptable.

To be an institution, social or otherwise, it must have some type of identity. If the institution is comprised of human beings, that identity, to exist, must have cohesiveness. On the second part, this is illustrative of the difference in political/sociological world views. In the one case, that society creates the person---on the other, that the person creates society. It also points up the origins of the desire in the former to dismantle the family and, in the latter, to maintain it.


Do you believe in God or "Creation" as the designer of humans?
Yes - nothing comes from nothing

Do you believe evolution is a thing?
Yes - Obviously we see evolution all around us

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?
No - God or "The creator" did not make a static world - it changes constantly

Do you believe "race" is a "social construct?"
No - and neither is sex

Do you believe "race" genetically real?

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?

Do you believe the "out of Africa" idea of human pre-history?
Looks like it did by the fossil record and the field of Anthropology

Do you believe genetic "drift" occurs within populations?

Do you believe that the continental isolation of pre-historic populations allowed for differing habitats that might have made differing social institutions more or less beneficial to different populations?
Yes - obviously true. Natives of the Americas and Central and Southern Africa were still living in the Stone Age before Europeans arrived.

Do you believe social institutions put selective pressure on social behavior, or that social behavior within a population is a factor in what social institutions might develop?
I don't understand the question.

iThink Level 9 July 9, 2020

Do you believe in God or "Creation" as the designer of humans?
I am polytheistic, but the ancient religions that I follow include creation tales much in the way the Judeo-Christian religions have. But I believe they are only myths to describe a science that the people didn't know yet.

Do you believe evolution is a thing?

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?
I don't think you can firmly believe in creation myths and in evolution unless it's accepted that the former is an unscientific explanation of the latter.

Do you believe "race" is a "social construct?"
I believe race is both scientific and a social construct. Medically, different races can have different weaknesses/strengths. Visually, races are different: caucasoid, negroid, mongoloid... paleontologists designate skeletons they find based on bone structure which defines race.
How races are treated... that's another story. Social constructs can differentiate between race, religion, economic status, ethnicity, age, careers...

Do you believe "race" genetically real? Yes, see above response.

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?
Not always. Social construct can be created based on politics, religion, economic status, or race.

Do you believe the "out of Africa" idea of human pre-history?
Only in that there is scientific evidence that Pangaea existed, and there was life on Pangaea that survived the tectonic shifts, which then would lead to life developing on the various continents.

Do you believe genetic "drift" occurs within populations?
Yes, based on the food eaten and the world around them.

Do you believe that the continental isolation of pre-historic populations allowed for differing habitats that might have made differing social institutions more or less beneficial to differents populations?
Pre-historic people were only concerned about one thing: survival in whatever habitat they were in. Once "civilizations" appeared, then social institutions were created. But any groups of people develop a hierarchy and social constructs, good and bad.

Do you believe social institutions put selective pressure on social behavior, or that social behavior within a population is a factor in what social institutions might develop?
That's a chicken or egg question. Social institutions can developed due to social behavior, and then that social institution can have an impact on social behavior. Colleges come to mind as a good example.

ktpinto Level 7 July 9, 2020

Do you believe in God or "Creation" as the designer of humans?

Do you believe evolution is a thing?

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?

Do you believe "race" is a "social construct?"
No, but the visual and small amount of DNA difference is negligible. Nearly everyone has a mix of genes for melatonin due to ancient migration patterns. I am very white, but I have a 'dark' melatonin gene that shows up. I have blue/green eyes but I have some of the markers for brown eyes.

Do you believe "race" genetically real?
Yes, but real and really important in how we treat each other is not the same thing. Our DNA differences of what we perceive as race is less than the differences of DNA of various chimpanzees that we would deem genetically identical.

Are the two concepts mutually exclusive?
There is no social construct of race, there is genetic basis. There is a social construct of how we treat each other based on visuals, not everyone, but many make unjust judgments.

Do you believe the "out of Africa" idea of human pre-history?
I believe the evidence, it is mixed and I have read theories on out of Asia, some think perhaps in Eurasia. Likely it is so mixed (with back breeding into now extinct hominids) and so complex there is not a clear out of Africa line, it was in and out of everywhere: Africa, Asia, Europe.

Do you believe genetic "drift" occurs within populations?

Do you believe that the continental isolation of pre-historic populations allowed for differing habitats that might have made differing social institutions more or less beneficial to differents populations?
Isolation and different habitats, yes. Differing institutions developed and did not meet for centuries, yes. A good institution is good regardless of the ethnicity, and a bad is bad regardless of the ethnicity and people can and do choose now. People make good and bad choices. I don't believe you are racially linked to a particular societal type, you are educated and indoctrinated to a particular set of ideas and laws and behaviors.

Do you believe social institutions put selective pressure on social behavior, or that social behavior within a population is a factor in what social institutions might develop?
Sure, but again, social behavior is not based on DNA it is based on circumstances of the people living in that society. You could take the children of one and exchange them to another society and they would adapt to that different structure.

emmdee2 Level 5 July 9, 2020

Thank you for the "long form" answers. There's some interesting room for conversation.


That is a lot of "do you believes", answers:

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. No
  5. Yes
  6. No
  7. Nothing said where Eden was located
  8. Yes
  9. Yes
  10. Both
    God has a design, and humans are not smart enough to understand!! HE did give us free will!!!
Serg97 Level 8 July 9, 2020

Thank you. I hope your's are the commonest answers to the "mutually exclusive" questions.

I'm trying to get an idea of what some people might write off as utterly closed topics of thought.

@govols The best part is God has promised to send back His Son to straighten out OUR screwups!!!

@govols "Thank you. I hope your's are the commonest answers to the "mutually exclusive" questions."

Why? It sounds like you're for "correct" answers to abstract questions...

@ktpinto, no, not at all. I'm just hoping more people than not, if given one yes and one no, don't consider the the other idea completely off the table for conversation.

@govols Ha! "some people might write off as utterly closed topics of thought"

Impossible! as long as there is more than 1 person still living...

In the end we all make of life and living in the corporal universe what we will based upon our individual perception and understanding of things...and for those ethereal, conceptual things, like fingerprints and DNA no two are exactly alike.

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