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What is a Conservative...
It is someone that believes that CONSERVATISM is: a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change, or simply change for its own sake.

What is a Progressive...
It is someone who seeks reform and believes that Progressivism is: a political philosophy in support of social reform.

It is fairly obvious what Conservatives mean and do, even if the media is largely Progressive and "fake news" follows hard on their heals. How many Conservatives are found in the main-stream media compared to Progressives? How many Conservatives are found in National Broadcasters? How many Conservative voices are heard these days above the din of the Socialist Left Progressives?

Progressives used to be liberals... and Liberalism used to be a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.

However Modern Liberalism has put an end to all that.
Modern Liberalism is: based on a "distorted"combination of ideas about civil liberty, equality and social justice.

Modern Liberalism is the dominant version of Liberalism in the United States. That is why we are seeing the chaos and anarchy that has been fomenting for years and has now erupted in all its glory. Supported by the Democrats, and radical fringe groups.

For too long, Conservatives by their very nature have been silent and allowed Socialist Progressives the freedom to march through almost all their institutions, to indoctrinate their children and to sow the seeds of discontent, victimhood and envy across the US and the rest of the Western world. We have been, too tolerant, too patient and too silent, for far too long.

Lightman 8 July 20
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I don’t disagree with anything you say. It’s a good analysis. I would only point out that wherever you place the advent of modern liberalism on your political timeline, at its core there beats a heart of pure Marxism, not necessarily in the sense of the old Red Guards from China’s cultural revolution clutching their copies of Mao’s Little Red Book (although that level of zealotry is still with us), but more as a general world view.

What places all versions of the left on that side of the spectrum is a belief that the needs of the many override the rights of any individual, and that governments are tasked with the responsibility of addressing those needs. In that sense, all iterations of the left are fundamentally anti-American and profoundly at odds with the principles enshrined in the Constitution—individual rights, the sanctity of private ownership and the need to limit the scope of government.

There really isn’t any wiggle room here. The failing of the right, for at least the past 50 years, has been a willingness to blur this hard line of difference. We needed to advance a forceful definition of social justice based on our principles—equality of opportunity, individual initiative, a system that rewards excellence and achievement, and a free-market economy that brings prosperity to all sectors of society. We didn’t do that. Instead we’ve allowed the left to frame the discussion and have contented ourselves with trying to parse their terminology.

This is what Donald Trump has done. Ham-fisted though he may be, rough, even clumsy, he has given voice to a worldview that emphasizes what the American system is, and what it can be, and he’s done so without apology or compromise. If the rest of us hadn’t been so timid and silent for so long, perhaps he wouldn’t sound so outrageous and out of sync.


Liberalism is now the "new" marxism.


That's a good point about conservatives not being as proactive in , as Christopher Hitchens put it . " Not allowing the termites to dine on polite societys carcass. ". Trump even gave liberal city leaders enough rope
. I have . a theory .Thirty years ago it was the Conservative right that caused cultural upheavals. Protests abound.
Now the spotlights on the other side . Now the looney left. Blindly doing the bidding of Marxist , power hungry radicals. Trying to bring down civilised society.. Certainly not to be taken lightly. ., The unrelenting mob is quite haunting. Faceless void of empathy... Glad I don't
bother with Twitter. 🤡🌎

Me either... twitter is for twits...


There’s an election coming and it may be the most important one ever. Time for action !

David42 Level 7 July 20, 2020

They play a very dirty , well planned out form of domestic terror.
But like any noxious, insidious form of religious ideology. The left are major hypocrites. Here's a classic example of Antifa in Australia. Protesting the free hong Kong & anti CCP Asians calling them Facists.. SMH..


Leftism and regressive leftism have hijacked the liberal agenda and narrative. You call that "Modern Liberalism". Classical liberalism still exists, and eventually will thwart the regressive leftist revolution.

I certainly hope so.
Something needs to put an end to it.

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