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When I volunteered to serve in the United States Navy back in 1984, I took the following oath:

I, Keith Throop, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Now, although I no longer serve in the military, and thus cannot fulfill the latter part of this oath, which is no longer binding upon me, I nevertheless still feel very strongly that I am bound by the first part of the oath, namely to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" and to "bear true faith and allegiance to the same." I intend to fulfill this oath insofar as I am able in my capacity as a civilian.

I am concerned, however, that there are beginning to be far too many "domestic" attacks upon the Constitution and that our current military may well have to be called upon to defend the Constitution against these attacks, attacks from predominantly Marxist and Anarchist quarters which have no love for our Constitution or our way of life. I pray that this will not be the case, but, should it be necessary, they will have my full support. After all, I took an oath to that end.

KeithThroop 9 July 22
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Thank you for serving our country Sailor.

You might be interested in a few things that have happened to our original Constitution.

The 17th Amendment, passed in 1913, was the first assault on the document originally created with historic foresight by our Founders. It made the Senate practically the same as the House. In the original document, the Senate was to provide a check against the House against flash-in-the-pan legislation, such as Obamacare, passed in the dead of night. The pre 1913 Senate never would have passed Obamacare.

In 1937, FDR illegally threatened the SCOTUS with removal - explicitly against the separation of powers built into the Constitution. The people of the US at the time were so accustomed to Constitutional protection of their rights, that they could not actually conceive of what had happened. If they had been as savvy as Colonials, they would have impeached FDR and removed him from office immediately. In 1942, SCOTUS caved and abandoned the Commerce Clause in Wickard v Filburn, which allowed the government originally through the department of Agriculture, to unconditionally tell farmers what they could and could not grow. There was no longer any recourse, and no appeal. Constitutional protection of farmer's rights evaporated, and a vast unaccountable Federal Bureaucracy was born, now the FDA, that most Americans take for granted to this day - just like frogs being slowly boiled. Wickard v Filburn became known as "The stitch in time that saved nine." (Justices from being removed).

Equal rights only exist when no one gains special rights. So when Affirmative Action, Segregation, Busing... occurred in the 60s and 70s, Constitutional protection of the rights of the majority were directly eroded.

Then, by 1981, the LRRA passed by Congress, drove 276 insurance companies out of business. It was another violation of the intent of the defunct Commerce Clause. Insurance rates quadrupled, medical care began to degrade, and Democrats had the excuse that they themselves created to justify Obamacare.

Finally, the precedent set by Wickard v. Filburn, however illegally, was the basis for exceeding the Constitutional mandate of the Federal government to be subordinate to the States, in the "Affordable Care Act," aka Obamacare. Obamacare tripled the already quadrupled insurance rates, and completely destroyed Constitutional protection of our rights.

For those of us who take seriously our pledge to support and defend the Constitution, we have a huge task ahead of us to restore the original Constitution, and have a largely illiterate, ignorant and apathetic public fighting us, who generally have no understanding of why the Constitution is important.

The single thing that made our country great, is now essentially gone. Unless we find a way to restore the original Constitution, our greatness will fade away, as it is leached by socialism into the trash heap of history.

As I understand it, my oath was to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" as it stands, amendments and all. The amendments are actually a part of the Constitution, assuming that they have been passed by the correct constitutional process. The unconstitutional POTUS and SCOUTS actions are a different matter, it seems to me, and the only hope for changing them is electing the right men to turn things around. Sadly, however, there are not many of them available.

@KeithThroop, I can't disagree with you. Some of us are pushing for a Constitutional Convention, to drive our Constitution back to the original, with a few adjustments.

Organizational studies prove that accountability utterly disappears in communities exceeding a few thousand people. The original 13 colonies had governments smaller than that. If we made every county in the US a state, the United States would consist of 3,141 nearly autonomous "states," of similar high accountability to the original 13 colonies. Our current states are utterly unaccountable, due to their massive size.

And the Federal government is so unaccountable that it amounts to a slush fund for big powerful politicians.

The drift of the Constitution toward greater Federal power, was explicitly against the principles of the original Constitution. It has been driven by big-government progressives, who are oblivious to accountability issues.

I believe dirty power politics, as I have described, are a grave threat to our Constitution, and require informed voter response. In part, that is why I continue such posts as these.


Old Navy here. We are in agreement.
This is a good reason to reinstate the draft.
It’s our country to win or lose. Ours to pass on to our children as a decent place to live
or Detroit

David42 Level 7 July 22, 2020

When did you serve?

@KeithThroop 73-79 you ?

@David42 1984-1989, three years on active duty and two years on active reserve duty. I was a Gunner's Mate who operated and maintained an anti-submarine rocket Launcher (ASROC). On active duty I was assigned to the Antisubmarine Warfare section of the Combat Systems Division aboard the USS Caron DD 970.

@KeithThroop You guys rock, Thank you for your service. May need you again here very soon.

@Lexpd1145 You're welcome. It was my honor. Thank you for your encouragement. 🙂

@KeithThroop My ss# was 14 and i was one of the last people to be drafted in the end of Vietnam. I joined the Navy for six years so I got schools.
was an electronics tech on submarines after a year on an oceanographic ship in The Philippines.

I don't think we need a draft. There are plenty of patriotic civilians ready and willing to fight alongside our brothers and sisters in uniform when the time comes. And, that time may be fast approaching.

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