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'Please don't refer to my kids as "First Nations Youth" they are Australian kids and they're more concerned about their school being shut down due to selfish protesters spreading this disease,' Ms Price said.

Jacintas comment had me wondering, who decides when a group can claim the title of "first nation"? Do they have their own definition of nation? Is there a limit to how far back in history we can go to determine who the "first people" were that created the "first nation". Can those who don't have the privilege of claiming the "first nation" title create their own title? And how can we be unified in a society that is made up of people of different ethnicities if we don't all identify as being Australian, American or Canadian for example, rather than "first nations" or whatever else people identify as.

Lilu 5 July 28
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Hmm, I think it is polite to honor the tribes/peoples that were there before european colonization, but like anything I think trying to make them into a protected class creates many issues. Everyone is their nationality first, as an example I am American first, because I am a United States citizen. Then you could say I am an American of European decent, but I am not a European Colonialist First. I guess that is kind of how I see it, but I get that some people view everything through race/ethnicity first.


It has always been a point of contention to me.
Mungo man...
QLD pygmy tribes...
Etc, etc.

I've never heard of Australian Pygmy tribes! =O

@Lilu then you need to look it up... New Guinea had them and so did Qld apparently.
From the 1940s until the 1960s, it was fairly widely known there were pygmies in Australia. They lived in North Queensland and had come in from the wild of the tropical rainforests to live on missions in the region. This was a fact recorded at the time not only in anthropological textbooks and articles but also in popular books about the Australian Aborigines. There was even an award-winning children’s book tracing their origins. The more famous photographs of the Australian pygmies were reproduced in both the academic and the popular literature.

At the time, there was controversy about their origins but not over the fact of their existence.

@Lightman Interesting! I know what I'll be spending the rest of my night doing. ^_^


a new thing? honestly this is the first I ever heard of the terminology "first nation" WTH is that...

iThink Level 9 July 28, 2020

First Nations was a term stolen by some aboriginal activists from American Indian tribes.

As far as I know, as Lightman said it was a term that originated in the US to describe Native Americans. But a lot of other indigenous people have adopted the term. People use it to differentiate themselves from those who aren't indigenous to the land.

@Lilu I see - so is there a general consensus on how "indigenousness" is established? I mean does it simply mean "born here" or "here before you" or ...what.
Because I think you would have to back to the dawn of mankind (whenever that was) in order to established just exactly who are/were the indigenous people on any given land mass.

@iThink I'm not sure I haven't done much digging into the subject. It was just a thought that came to me when I was reading an article about something unrelated. But that was my thinking. If we can trace our origins back to Africa, meaning we all come from the same place and the same people, then can't we all claim to be "first people" or part of the "first nation"?

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