11 3

White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning.

B1967 7 Aug 19
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A clever post. Lol
All you mentioned was two opposite colours - black and white, with an emphasis on white, and many immediately related these colours to the colour of skin, race, that sort of things.
You mischievous so-and-so. Lol

Naomi Level 8 Aug 28, 2020


dman424 Level 5 Aug 19, 2020

Yes the Troll are out this is what they do when they have no argument LOL

B1967 Level 7 Aug 19, 2020


N0DD Level 7 Aug 19, 2020

Why do you take offence so easy to this post do you how what it meaning is

B1967 Level 7 Aug 19, 2020

Yet, as I told some colored students...they did laugh, the only white man is a DEAD man.
We are pale. Pale face. Coloreds are dark. Dark, pale.
I'm sure the words WERE symbolism yet what a blatant lie.
Nothing at all WHITE about whites, so called.
And blacks are just as bad but maybe more open about badness. Maybe whites! I think are SLY, maybe shrewder.
Problem blacks have is EMOTIONS. No wonder blacks are violent. Emotional. Whites are cold, calculating.
Many of both are not this way. Talking about the harmful ones.

There's no white man, unless maybe albino.
No black man. Under the very dark skin is a purple or red color.
If we get accurate, we'll solve a lot.
Those in Northern climes ARE paler, and live in COLD areas, and ARE, often cold.

Ok you just sad in a nice way blacks are inferior to Whites

@B1967 If cheating, tricking others makes whites superior, wily like a snake, yes. Not all, just the players. To me, inferior are low lifespan, druggies on coke, weed constantly living off payouts=inferior. If you're Jewish, you're sure not white, or black, since we're talking colors. As others wish here.
I'm saying the terms are lies, inaccurate completely.
I'm saying CHANGE terminology, change philosophy.
Pale, dark. We're all of a sudden closer.
But maybe some WANT extreme distance. I don't.
I think it creates walls, distrust.
Jews sure arentwhite, are they ? Or Muslims!

@2FollowHim jews and Muslims say there not white


@BikerPetehall70 Go a way

@B1967 4q


Excuse me for not over elaborating but I believe you are over analyzing the whole white - black thing; I believe most people get up in the morning and go about their day without putting to much thought into the color of their skin or the color of other peoples skin. Most people have better things to do.

dman424 Level 5 Aug 19, 2020

@Thaw Thaw he does this because he is an anti-semitic, anti-black troll and never has an argument.

No, it's called the Metamesssage, as the person posting said about white. This is WHY none of us, except albinos, dead Caucasians are white.
So WHY lie, call them what they're not? Totally inaccurate.

@2FollowHim what the hell are you talking about

@B1967 exactly what YOU'RE talking about. Don't know what you're talking about?

@2FollowHim Do you ?


I'm confused at what you're getting at. White and black are simply colors. Humans make their own association to the closest color spectrum. If you're making a connection between race and the deeper meaning of connotation, I think you're barking up the identitarian tree.

Pre-civilization, I'm sure poeple made reference to the dangers of night time...darkness = black, and the counter representation of darkness being light, meaning safety, as you could see if predators were coming...light = white.

light = white = The best the world has to offer mankind

@B1967 If you say so.

@BlackoutNJ You know it's true

@B1967 Please don't insert what my truths are.

@BlackoutNJ And what are your truths ?
light = white = The best the world has to offer mankind

@B1967 My truth is that race does not matter. I talk about race because it is ever present and is the dividing line of society. Greatness comes in all colors and it is superficial colorism that people grab onto because they are using their primitive brain. It is very simple to look at a superficial pattern, like skin color, without understanding that history has shown all types of cultures at the top of their respective food chain and people assume that western culture will never disappear due to being obsolete.

Humans change and adapt. All types of cultures did things that we would consider insane today, including western culture. If you highlight all the positives and skip the negatives, you don't get a full picture. The end result of the present ignores the hurdles that a society had to jump over to get to where we are today. It's like skipping to the end of the movie without appreciating the buildup.

I am a western. I believe in Western Culture, I believe that it is the best societal framework in the world present day but I am not ignorant enough to say that there will never be anything better. Every great society thought it would never end until it did. This is the cycle of life.

If you want to believe in white identity as the best, then that's up to you. I know that there are white people who are tired of being put down for something that they could not help being and maybe this is a reflexive counterargument so you have more self-pride. I would also criticize black people who do the same with feeling of racial superiority just so they can feel better about themselves. It's unnecessary. Your self confidence should be there regardless of your pigmentation and when you grasp onto that as your measurement of worth, in my opinion, it shows your insecurity.

My truth is the belief in the individual. My truth is the belief in my country. These are the western and christian principles that I believe. This is why the argument of who is better does not matter to me. It's a useless argument in my eyes.

If you are white and you're proud of being white, I'm happy for you. You can be proud of your group lineage without putting down others. You should be allowed to stick up for yourself and your group without being ridiculed. The line for me is having to utilize superiority to make a point.

@Thaw Understood but I have no problem talking to anyone as long as they are respectful, troll or not.

@Thaw I appreciate the heads up. At least on a positive note, someone else that is scrolling by will read what I wrote and maybe understand a different perspective.

@Thaw Thaw he does this because he is an anti-semitic, anti-black troll and never has an argument.

@Thaw Yes I would like to stop you anti-semitic, anti-black taking root here.

@BlackoutNJ Western Civilization Culture was built by whites just look at history fact

@B1967 okay

Exactly and there's NO WHITES. You may look DARK skinned, some VERY, and Caucasians will have PALE, not white skin.

(Almost) nobody is WHITE so let's stop SAYING this lie.
I'm actually a very light tan in summer, paler in winter.
Let's drop this incorrect term. It carries false underlying sense.
Nor are you literally BLACK. Many dark skinned folk LIKE the term BLACK, means a badass. So we drop black.
Try it, try thinking differently like that.
Then we're brothers, a LITTLE different.
Do you see my point?

Give it a rest all of you. And fuckin grow up! If you're identity is all about one thing or race then you're a shallow fucker at best


Only in western culture. Australian aboriginal people saw white as the colour of evil spirits

I hate to add on to the conspiracy behind white and black, but lets not forget Star Wars, they depicted good and evil using white and black colors. I wonder why the Armies of the World don't use that concept; i.e. China = black uniforms and of course the U.S. = White uniforms.

I heard that the aborigines prefer to stay to themselves and don’t associate with the white population. Is that true?

What do yo expect from primitive people

@B1967 nasty

@BikerPetehall70 but true You are primitive name calling when you don't have a argument.

@BikerPetehall70 But true

Yes, white CAN be either way, eg. whiteout in skiing.
But it's different from white LIGHT. It's inability to see, blinding.

@Stinkybob That’s what I thought. I read about Australia not having a real problem with the race issue because they all pretty much stay to themselves and don’t really care one way or the other. I wish it could be that way here.

@FEWI I was referring to the first time they saw British soldiers who wore white webbing on their uniforms.


Is that white privilege?

FEWI Level 8 Aug 19, 2020

Is it ?

I lost my white privilege, can someone please help me find it.

When you find it let me know. I don’t know what to look for, I just know it’s white.

@FEWI You got privilege to take all the shit the left gives

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