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From a guy who knows a thing or two about forced equality..

tonkotsu 7 Aug 23
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I think equality in the modern world revolves around sex. After all the early 60's left movement was touted as FREE LOVE and the free love movement. This is why the identity politics fish bowl movement is the lions share of what is the left today. A large part of human jealousy is built around sex...and it's brother money. Ann Coulter said that you notice a lot of the young women at these protest/riots are fat. And a lot of the men skinny. Just the opposite of what most people desire. That is a fact not lost on me as I have noticed it for years and the sexual jealously of many if not most left leading people who by and large tend to be unattractive individuals. You know it has to be hard in life, especially women to hear from youth pretty women told that they are so pretty, but never you, especially in our pop culture, movie and music world. LGBTQXYZ has eased to pain, because now if you cannot obtain a good looking partner of the opposite sex. well, hell, you might at least score with same sex, as we just know now that you were born this way. There are many examples of this.
So Dear Reader, why not claim that we all need to be equal as this expands the playing field for the unattractive. After all in your extreme self-centered, entitled, selfish culture, it does not matter that this is a prescription for disaster for civilization as proved by all major religions, just stress that equality is the be all and end all of existence. This "looks" equality would be the ultimate forced equality. And with plastic surgery even more possible as it will probably be available through the computer screen for $19.99.

No doubt. Some are born models and some trolls, and misery loves company, but ffs if they just took care of the easy shit (stop eating all those doughnuts, go for a few walks every week or maybe even pick up a weight, stop being such shitbirds) they could go from 1s and 2s to at least 5s..maybe even 6s.


Most people are clueless when it comes to the EQUALITY thing.
It's not Biblical nor is it factual when taken at face value.
It comes from the quotation "all men are created equal" and is part of the U.S. Declaration of Independence, which Thomas Jefferson penned in 1776.
The second paragraph of the United States Declaration of Independence starts as follows😘* "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.**
Solzhenitsyn speaks of Communism...that Communism was not the path to freedom but the way of ideological lies, slavery, and violence. He had lived in and spoke of the Communist reality.

Born equal...5 minutes later genes, environment and and culture takes over. So equal at birth is quite meaningless.

@johnlondon Did you actually read what I said?

The US DOI is only applicable to human rights... the ones mentioned and some others.

Humans are not created equal in physical or even social terms.

Solzhenitsyn may have lived in a communist world but his statement is universally true irrespective of the political system you are talking about.

He is not talking about human rights... he is talking about actual physical equality.

@Hanno The US DOI is only applicable to human rights... the ones mentioned and some others.

Humans are not created equal in physical or even social terms.

Solzhenitsyn may have lived in a communist world but his statement is universally true irrespective of the political system you are talking about.

He is not talking about human rights... he is talking about actual physical equality.

Maybe it is the translation or my lack of understanding.

I agree with the “human condition”, although I never understood it that he meant we need to have different human rights to be free.
I struggle to understand “capacities” as “human rights”... I understood it as physical attributes....although I am not an expert on Solzhenitsyn.

  1. The natural world is not fair.. and never will be... else there would never have been extinctions and no animal would eat another.

  2. We as humans can attempt to make things fair by ensuring everyone gets an opportunity to be the best human they can be given their genetic potential and the physical world we live in.

  3. Every individual does and needs to have the right to chose how they apply their own potential.

  4. Any fair system will always lead to unequal outcomes. A system that attempts to have equitable outcomes necessarily needs to be unfair.

Hanno Level 8 Aug 23, 2020

Equality of human beings is not only impossible, it’s completely undesirable. Why is this simple idea so difficult for progressives who constantly preach the virtues of diversity?

GeeMac Level 8 Aug 23, 2020

Great question. I don’t think they know. Their Utopian idealism mixed with their marxist/stalinist/maoist communism mixed with their skittles oppression rainbow mixed with their narcissism mixed with their fascist anti fascism.. has short-circuited their brains.


Interesting... very interesting....

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