3 3

I have found myself increasingly reluctant to read articles of either political persuasion...and let's be honest, most have a political slant. I have spent the last 12 years deeply involved in politics and realize I have finally hit a saturation point. I know the arguments on both sides - we are all just repeating them with new examples that are happening daily.

I really can't take any more examples - from either side.

If you are going to vote for Biden right now, there is NOTHING I or anyone else can say or show you that will change your mind. The likelihood (small) of Biden dying before Nov 3rd wouldn't even sway already accept that Harris will finish out the Biden term and you are ok with that.

If you are going to vote for Trump right now, there is NOTHING anyone on the Left can say or show you that will change your mind.

A neighbor said she had a hard time watching the debate because she knows so little about the candidates.... think on that for a moment.... Apparently there was a Public Broadcasting show that 'exposed' the foundations of both candidates and she said she found the Trump foundations appalling. I can't imagine... no, wait, I can....and I think I'd risk my monitor if I tried to watch it.

I am over this election cycle. I will vote, happily, for Trump on the 3rd. My vote won't mean much here in CA, but I will cast it nonetheless.

tracycoyle 8 Oct 1
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I can’t vote happily for either of these candidates. What makes you happy about Trump. I won’t argue, I just want to understand.

When friends asked why I supported Trump in 2016 I said "burn it down!!" meaning I hoped that Trump destroyed the DC clusterfuck we call the Federal Government. Obviously I didn't mean it literally. However, Trump made some promises and for the most part, he has kept them AND those promises were amongst the most important to Conservatives over the last couple of decades.

He also FIGHTS BACK, something the GOP has failed to do repeatedly for the last 30 or so years....

So, happily his direction is a net positive for the country as a whole and in my CL opinion a net positive for the planet.

Thanks, but could you be more specific? What direction is that? What specifically has he accomplished that you value?

@BlurtReynolds His approach to foreign policy - deal making - including supporting our friends and chastising our enemies (out of the Iran deal, moving the embassy in Israel). His nominations to the federal courts. His general approach to the economy - getting rid of regulations, opening the door to more market approaches.


Your mental health will improve with a sabbatical from politics. I took a couple of years off a while back and I felt like a new person. But, like Pacino said in Godfather III, “Every time I think I’m out, they pull me back in!” (Paraphrase)


I'm with you. I'm saturated. I scan headlines, if something raises my curiosity I stop reading at the first indication the writer is spinning. I don't need further programming; I'm continually deprogramming as best I can.

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