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Derek Hunter was always the smoother edged version of Kurt Schlicter, his fellow Townhall columnist. They were in complete agreement, but Schlicter was talking long ago about the fact that “they” hate us, and we’d best get used to it. But no longer. Check out the opening of Hunter’s latest column.

“I used to be one of those “Democrats are my opponents, not my enemies” type of people. Not anymore. Committed leftists are our enemies, enemies of the country and just about everything good and just in the world. They have hated us for decades, but did their best to hide it as much as possible. They are no longer hiding it. We should accept their hate and give it back as hard as we can.”


Edgework 8 Oct 4
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Thank you Thank You! The Age Of Science, left one element out of it's belief system, and Now These men Have reminded us. It is Was And and always will be, The Evil Humans will do, because Evil is apart of the being of Us all. Some accept that and monitor that in them selves and others delight in it! "It was the best of times, and the worst of times", That is Us.


As a Liberal / Progressive / "Leftist" I will 100% refute this. I have seen this kind of narrative from Schlicter constantly, despite his Trumpian-level of insults and name-calling in his articles, and his use of "normal Americans" to "other" anyone who disagrees with his viewpoint. I also see Kurt constantly call for taking up arms and getting ready for a civil war, a concept I commonly see among right-wingers who seem to fantasize about being able to start mowing down people they don't like. Of course Schlicter's articles seem to always be an obvious ploy to promote his latest "poor oppressed conservative solider-boy" fantasy novel.

I am not as familiar with Hunter, but his article is rife with hypocrisy. Oh so you feel attacked because some random people on Twitter were happy when Scalia or Bush died? Gee, I wonder what you think about all the right-wing celebrations when RBG died? Every time I bring this up, I basically get an answer that it is okay because this time it is justified. "Oh well RBG was responsible for millions of abortions so she deserves hate." With many recent health scares with Ginsburg over the years, I have seen countless joviality over her poor health, and plenty of celebration over her death.

Hunter attacks Pelosi's faith, and I have seen many attack Biden's faith recently too. Yet I never seem to hear these same people comment on Trump's lame attempts to pander to evangelicals with his phony Bible photo ops and buzzwords. I always hear "oh well we don't elect a priest, we elect a president" or "our god uses imperfect people" - always some excuse of Trump's actions, yet nothing but hate against the left. Hunter is attacking Schumer for the Barrett confirmation being delayed due to Trump's COVID diagnosis, but has no qualms with exploiting RGB's death to ram through a confirmation in the middle of an election, even starting the process before she was buried. How about 8 years and counting of non-stop hate against Obama, with constant slurs of his name for a cheap laugh, or accusing him of being gay and his wife of being trans?

What about the blatant hypocrisy over Conservatives crying that people are mean to Trump over his diagnosis, and this is the time for civility. Twitter even had to announce their rules to stop people from being mean to Trump during this time. Yet I remember Trump attacking Hillary for getting pneumonia, and for slipping and falling. I remember Trump constantly attacking Biden for having a stutter, claiming he had dementia or was on drugs and a fragile old man. Do you honestly think Trump wouldn't be holding countless rallys celebrating and laughing at Biden if the tables were turned and Biden got COVID instead? Of course he would, with no attempts to be respectful. Yet Biden suspended all attack ads as a show of respect. And as for Twitter, people are speaking out in confusion as they receive literal death threats on Twitter daily, such as AOC and Omar, and the company never seems to care or respond - it is only now that they seem to want to enforce their rules.

This narrative of "they hate us, it's finally time to start hating them back" is laughable - you mean you didn't hate us this whole time? Wow, if that's the case, I'm curious what your actual hate looks like. The majority of the time all I see from "the right" is demonization, calling us "godless baby-killing pedophiles" and saying "the left is pure evil" and coming up with QAnon conspiracies to claim all Democrats are engaging in Satanic cannibal rituals.

In a recent comment exchange on Townhall, I made this very point - saying that I have seen Conservatives call us evil and hate us for years. Instead of disagreeing with me or trying to show how it is only "now" that they hate due to Hunter's philosophy, I was basically told "well yeah of course that is because they are evil!" Here is one response I got:

"Well, when a whole party decides to throw God out of its platform and instead promotes the murder of the unborn, even those newly born, and sells their body parts for profit, what else can you call them but evil? To make a mockery of God-ordained marriage between a man and a woman and call the joining of homosexuals as marriage, is that not evil when it goes against His Word and His divine plan?"

How about this lovely comment on the Hunter article:

"Democrats aren’t Americans. They’re hateful sickos who should be treated the way you’d treat a rabid animal."

Or how about this exchange on the Hunter article:

"...after 8 years of the most heinous, racist hate being spewed by Republicans against Obama."
"Laughing All of which was deserved, as proven by Obama's own actions."

How about this one from the Hunter article:

"I will have to confess that when Hildabeast and Nanzi Piglosi die, I will be celebrating their decent to hell."
"Nothing whatsoever 'decent' about it - the word is 'descent' - and I will be celebrating with you."

And how about this one?

"I wish Trump could EO a bounty on libtards... I'd be rich soon as many other true Americans!!!!"

How is that for hate?

I'll close with a nice little list of other Townhall comments I've seen over the years, which show that "the right" hating and vilifying us is nothing new.

"Commit Seppuku, progtard liar." - JimBob7, 2016

"If the local police show up to confiscate your guns... they'll take them... not much you can do when a swat team storms your house... but take a look at the warrant... and see what judge signed it... then go eliminate him..." - StopLootingDems, 2016

"If we are the enemy why don't we behave like the enemy and do what an enemy does?? An enemy fights to kill his opponent, but we are not fighting as we should. We have to fight her to the end!" - carpe diem, 2016

"Gays only pick on Christians, and that's only because Christians have put up with it. For now. Liberal and his/hers/its will get their come up pence when they least expect it." - MudontheTires, 2016

"You are a complete imbisil[sic] and just like all the left wing Liberals I wish all of you would just die." - GB2179, 2016

"You #nevertrump cucks should just find a tall building and jump off it." - The Zman, 2016

"Same sex marriage needs to be banned in the US. It is said that when a man takes a man the bed of God rocks. These same sex partners should be taken to roof tops of tall buildings and thrown from the top and then stoned after the fall." - Eliz Warren, 2016

"Merry Christmas. If that offends you, I hope you die in a fiery inferno of a single-car accident. I am tired of you idiots." - JamesW, 2016

"Libtards are nothing more than demon spawn that need to be exterminated." - HHH, 2016

"The Jew media is a fifth column. Time to kill them all." - Flick Yoli, 2017

"Liberals are like a cancer - they need to be eliminated. The only decent liberal is a Dead liberal, where we Never have to hear from them AGAIN!. Let's make All liberals decent very Soon! And that includes that Lying POS SOB Kenyan muslim formerly occupying OUR White House!" - mark72, 2017

"Where are the Decent Liberals? We call looking for those snipe hunting where I come from." - rbee, 2017


It is hate... The Progressive Left are taught to hate...
We had a prospective Prime Minister here, from what was thought to be a centre-Left party... he said that he was teaching his son to hate Conservatives.
This party claimed to be the People's Party and the Worker's Party, recently under female Prime Minister they renamed themselves the Progressive Party.
Progressives cannot tolerate dissent....


I think he's right - the will to do violence in the name of communism is now apparent to anyone who is paying attention.
It remains to be seen if there will be a bloody fight for it or if Liberty and primacy of the autonomous man will be lost with a weak whimper and a fading of the light.

iThink Level 9 Oct 4, 2020

I don't want to hate anybody. It is a moral failure.

@timon_phocas@Tim Tuplomne, Yes it is to side with evil, when we hate. To kill to save our Country or Community is what we ask of our own Military and Police to do every day. They must learn to do so, without hate. We should all learn this art! It is possible.


We are in big trouble when the Left has so convinced our brighter and more peaceful minds that their destruction of civility means we should give it back to them.

That is exactly what they intend: for us to lose our cool and prove them right...that our system is basically flawed, and not that they are actually attempting to destabilize our society to prove it illegitimate.

Sneer at them yes. Laugh at them, sure. Ignore them as much as possible. Prosecute them when we can within the law. But lets not become as uncivil as they are.

If you don't "fight" back, you're weak and they win.
If you do "fight" back you're weak and they win.

For them it's a win-win situation... that is they win no matter what.

Conservatives have sat back and patiently tolerated them and indeed allowed them to march through the Institutions indoctrinating children. Communists and socialist see this as weakness and exploit it to the max. Look at China and the South China Sea and various other incursions. What they did is illegal they even lied and yet nothing happened.

There is only one way to win the battle... that is for everyone to get out and vote and make the win a landslide. Otherwise there will be no saving the USA.

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