12 4

Trump lost at the ballot box. His legal challenges aren’t going any better.


"Rather than revealing widespread — or even isolated — fraud, the effort by Trump’s legal team has so far done the opposite: It’s affirmed the integrity of the election that Trump lost. Nearly every GOP challenge has been tossed out. Not a single vote has been overturned."

lol. I assume you guys think:

  1. the media is lying, it's really going very well!
  2. the courts are biased and unfair
  3. if you attack me angrily it means actually trump is doing well.
  4. this is all a cunning plan via QAnon vs the deepstate (lol)

you guys need to deal with reality so you can get better i'm afraid. It may hurt you but it's better than holding on to this alternate reality where Trump won. He'll get a new TV show i'm sure, you can sort of pretend he's your president?

bastion 7 Nov 17
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No fraud? The president of the FEC himself, says otherwise:
The evidence of fraud is mounting everyday, but if you've chosen a side, you'll ignore any info that discredits your side and believe everything your side says is the truth.

Tom81 Level 8 Nov 18, 2020

Televangelist says Trump will be re-elected, God doesn’t want ‘Satan’ to be president


Lin Wood: President Trump won a 70% plus landslide election, probably over 400 electoral votes


Seems a reliable news source LOL

@bastion sure, not the best source but that doesn't mean what they are saying is wrong. I notice you're not disputing the message, just shooting the messanger🤔...
MSM has proven to be unreliable and untruthful too, but arguing about sources isn't the same thing as disputing the evidence.


You are a fucking useless idiot.


You do realize that voter fraud is a crime?

The most difficult crime to prove in court is criminal conspiracy. It sometimes takes the FBI a decade to bring a criminal conspiracy case to court. You start with statistical abnormalities and work from there.

wolfhnd Level 8 Nov 17, 2020

Ummmm ... okay ,,, put down the koolaide !


LOL you are brainwashed and your system is cactus...


Just like the blatant lie that Trump's team dropped the 600k votes claim from Pennsylvania case! Sure dude! Right! walking away slowly 🤣🤣🤣


Hello. While his legal challenges are not going well, I almost forgot that Trump was a businessman until I read this article:

Why Losing The Election Should Be Good For Trump’s Business []

Being defeated is never nice in any situation, but maybe, just maybe, Trump is overcoming the defeat and humiliation and his interest is gradually shifting from politics to business. After all, he's created himself numerous business opportunities over the last four years. Like most, if not all, former presidents and prime ministers have done, Trump can write a book or two about his presidential experience and sell millions of copies; he can be appointed as an advisor; he can give talks at conferences; etc. He can make $$$ by doing these things, no?

I wouldn't be surprised if Trump decided not to run in 2024, and maybe he is waiting for the right timing to say to his loyal supporters "I'm out".

Naomi Level 8 Nov 17, 2020

yes, TV programme seems most likely thing for him i think.


all I can think is that the Trump team either A) has nothing to support their claim of fraud or B)are making a very foolish mistake by holding back evidence as we get ever closer to the date of official certification and inauguration.
The time is nigh for Trump et al to either put up or STFU! You have to show your fucking cards in this poker game...and Trump team I believe is holding nothing but a low pair.

iThink Level 9 Nov 17, 2020

A thorough audit of election results hurts nobody. If Biden wins, he gets a verified mandate. If Trump wins, we can trigger reforms to assure that elections truly reflect the people's wishes.

Trump's legal team is holding specific evidence behind their charges of election fraud close to the vest. Let's see what the evidence actually is.

"Rather than revealing widespread — or even isolated — fraud, the effort by Trump’s legal team has so far done the opposite: It’s affirmed the integrity of the election that Trump lost. Nearly every GOP challenge has been tossed out. Not a single vote has been overturned."

Yes, a full audit is a no lose confidence confirmation, something nobody would be opposed to barring foreknowledge of problems some would prefer remain hidden.

@govols i'm all for the audit, but you guys seem to keep ignoring what happpens when there is an audit. Here's some of the results:

"Rather than revealing widespread — or even isolated — fraud, the effort by Trump’s legal team has so far done the opposite: It’s affirmed the integrity of the election that Trump lost. Nearly every GOP challenge has been tossed out. Not a single vote has been overturned."

You will of course ignore this though, as it's not the result you want.

Thore have not been audits, anywhere, yet.

@govols there have


"More than half of all counties in Arizona have conducted post-election audits and found either no discrepancies or microscopic issues that don't affect the outcome of the race, according to reports filed with the Arizona secretary of state's office."

you just pretend there haven't been as you don't like the results.


Well, looking through some details at the Arizona state election website, it wasn't an audit of the mailing, signatures, balloting, the process as a whole, but instead a re-running of some ballots through some counting machines as a test of the machine count accuracy.

There has been no complete audit of any elections, much less the ones you cite above.

@bastion If you have been fucking paying attention , in which you haven’t for the reason u are fucking stupid comprehend anything, not one lawsuit got thrown out in court. Keep taking facials from the media and getting your eyes glued shut.

@bastion, @govols He is fucking dumb figure this out


In the end SCOTUS will determine the winner of your election.
When a roomful of judges does the choosing,
your democratic republic has ceased to exist.
I am sorry for all of you passionate and devout Republicans and Democrats.
Sadly, you are fighting over the corpse of a once great nation.
It was a lovely dream...

The republic ends when the SCOTUS decides? Lol. The republic ends when the stolen election awards Gropin’ Joe the presidency

Don’t you understand? Who the winner is, is irrelevant. Democracy is never about who wins. It is a system of choice, where every citizen has an equal say. If that choice is removed from them, democracy is over.
When there is, rightly, no public confidence in the electoral process; when no one on either side can be certain of the actual vote count; when the only solution is to leave the choice of president in the hands of nine unelected judges, democracy is over.

@WorldSigh I understand a bit - like how the US is a democratic republic, not a democracy. The distinction is important yet you seem to have missed it...

Fucking clown, the SC will decide on legal matters in which it will go the congress where the House decides the presidency and the Senate decides the vice presidency.

Perhaps you should read the post you are replying to more closely?
Here is the pertinent bit:

"When a roomful of judges does the choosing,
your democratic republic has ceased to exist."

Democratic republicanism is a geographically more representative refinement of pure democracy. However, it remains a form of democracy.

@WorldSigh Perhaps you should read the Constitution more closely?


I have reviewed a good sample of your posts on this and other threads. Apparently, you do not realize that berating and swearing at people convinces no one? In fact, it only serves to display your own lack of imagination. Since, you tend to repeat yourself quite often. Your views would be better served by more cogent discussion and attention to being articulate.

A modicum of expletive is understandable in the tense and emotionally charged times we are in; however, you are crossing the line into ad hominem verbal abuse! For example, in the exchange above, your tirade against @bastion is not acceptable!

As the moderator, I must caution you! Cease your personal attacks, or I will have no choice but to ban you! You have been warned!


Too bad the cheat wasn't out for the brexit election... You would be glowing right now.

Election? lol no Remi.

@bastion French word....You're supposed to know a few of them right ?. Bastion is a french word 😉 28 % of the english language is made of french 😉. No matter how you look at it...There will always be a little french in you... chuckle (Did you tell the wife ??)

@RemiDallaire It's a referendum Remi.

@bastion Oui.. Yes .It is. And that referendum got confirmed by the Election of Johnson who became PM last year.. Right ? LOL So you guys Kinda voted twice on this. And remoaners keeps remoan. And Johnson got COVID BEFORE Trump got it... chuckle and Trudeau and his wife (Please... he should tell her too) Got Covid before Trump too..

@bastion By the way... here's a video for you... For when you get (whisper) to the bridge... you'll be able to defend yourself 😉

@RemiDallaire I don't know what point you are struggling to make here tbh.

@bastion Alluh BBC

@RemiDallaire seems like you are just flailing about here Remi.

@bastion Hey... I'm not making the rules... LOL I just don't want you to get hurt....It's happening EVERYWHERE. Even here in Quebec...Havent you heard ?

... Maybe practice with a long bow or something...

@RemiDallaire seems incoherent buddy.

@bastion And you were the one talking about people stabing other people in the back. you are truly at the cutting edge of this shit...Right ? 😉

@bastion Am I ? Really ? grin ... I'm just caring... Watch your back... And don't go run on the bridge... Both side have all their crazies out now... Add the pandemy to that... And...There is a good chance shit will hit the fan.. I mean you can troll so much before someone snap and leave....or stab....right ?

@RemiDallaire err ok mate.

@bastion LOL You never know... Far from me to imply that (just like me) you make enough noises to make yourself a target for such thing... But.... Always keep your back close to a wall please. We love your trolling here... it's great entertainment during the lock down. 😉 Have a good day buddy.

@RemiDallaire this just makes you sound a bit triggered to be honest.

Nobody is going to stab me, no matter how much you'd like that.

@bastion Just making sure you are ok and ready to defend yourself at least... i would be TRULY triggered badly if something happen to you... Crazy times... I'm serious... I dislike the escalation of events... Be safe.

@RemiDallaire ha ok. i like you too if i'm honest Remi.

@bastion Respect to that... 😉.. Question...Don't you feel uncompfortable with the escalation of events ? Doesn't make you wanna stock up on food and primary needs ressources ? Or do you have complete trust on your... good star... white priviledge (LOL) .... Fairy good mother... I dunno.. LOL

@RemiDallaire you mean brexit and covid? i'm pretty thoroughly prepped now, started ages ago for brexit, covid happened and now i'm heavily prepped for brexit / covid fallout in December and January.

@bastion So you stocked up on rice beans...(as an example)...LOL Got armed in any case. And you have enough toilet paper to start the NY times (The Brit version) again ? What's your plan if it goes and goes and goes and on and on and on ? Ever thought of that... (I don't think Brexit alone would cuz shortage in England c'mon. There are many other options for England the common wealth for example).

@RemiDallaire yeah i don't have a long-long term plan but we have enough essentials to not leave the house for months and months. i don't think it'll get that bad, but i expect a grim december - february or so, or at least we are prepared for it.

@RemiDallaire i did just buy a moog synth as the prices are going to go up on imports from America too. the craftsmanship is pretty amazing.

@bastion Emerson lake Palmer fan ? One of my tube amp went.... Kaput.... To repair I would have to remake a transformer from scatch as it doesn't exist as a part. My drama. Loved that amp

@RemiDallaire not really, i do have a modular synth too though. decided to get a moog as i'll keep it forever, will make me money and i got it at a good price. listening to emerson, lake and palmer now, pretty nice.

@bastion The Monkeys and Geaorges Harrison did use those too. You have it to play or to collect ?

@RemiDallaire to play. i make sounds for a living, so i want the moog for the big fat bass sounds and the modular is for weird sci fi space noises.

@bastion Do you have... ONE OF THESE ? 😉))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

@RemiDallaire ha sadly not, an amazing sound. the hammond + leslie cab is one of the best ever noises.

@bastion Found a leslie cab in an auction in Texas.....bought it for..... 7 $ (I'm not shiting you) No body knew what it was.... And No body wanted to move it LOL.... Sould it back for 700 $. Needed repair...But...It's was Leslie dammit. 😉

@RemiDallaire Hammond had his own version of a Leslie cab (a hammond cab or similar) but when he died and they cleared his house there was a leslie cab on his organ apparently - just better.


Thanks for making me feel like I'm back at facebook. In case you're wondering, yes, that is sarcasm.

is that your way of admitting you can't argue with me but are still upset and want to react angrily?

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