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Maybe we should change the whole way we elect the people who represent us in Washington DC and in our state capitals!!!!
I am not talking about the way we voted before 2020, but about how long our representatives get to stay in office!!!
Here is are my ideas, feel free to add your input, it would be appreciated!!!

  1. Every office would be held for SIX years, (President/governor, senator and representative)!!!
  2. Elections every TWO years, first for President, two years later for senator, and two more years for representatives!!!
  3. No one could service more than one term in a given office, if they want to run again, they have to wait SIX years to run for the same office they held!!! (better turn over)

I know, this would take Constitutional Amendments!!!

I propose this because I believe we would END the Skulduggery we currently have to put up within OUR Government, at least curtail it!!!!

Candidates would only have to beg for contributions once, and therefore only be "Beholding" for that election, with any luck, the promises made (for the money) could be kept within the first two to three years, allowing the official to represent the voters for at least half of his/her term!!!!

I know refinements on these ideas are required, this is just a basic plan!!!
YOU IDEAS???????

Serg97 8 Nov 26
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I think I'd go the other way there is quite a lot of evidence to suggest longer terms make for more longterm thinking. I'd maybe suggest looking at the German system even. 10 years two seats of power, one elected buy the people and one by elected delegates.

I'm fine with the idea of lifetime terms as long as your the best person for the job. I don't like the pension BS though. If you're making that much you can pay into a private pension fund or invest it! If you're too incompetent to invest wisely enough to support yourself in retirement when you earn hundreds of thousands a year then you probably aren't the right person for the job.

Limiting campaign funds/what you are able to spend as well as contributions is a very good idea. I'd add some more restrictions to this though, for instance, that media (TV etc) shouldn't be able to show preferential treatment to candidates (at least where money is concerned)... For instance if it costs 100k to run an add making one candidate pay 100k and allowing the other to pay 10k would be the same as a 90k campaign contribution.


Very good ideas. However, doesn't congress have to enact your proposed amendment? Remember, these are the same self-serving turds who were so quick to pass an amendment to limit the president to two elected terms, but didn't feel so compelled to curb their own stays in government. Good for thee, not for me... And the state houses aren't likely to ratify to rein in the DC pols legislative careers any more than they would their own. This is one of those little things that I believe the Founders didn't give enough thought to when they wrote the constitution. I guess they couldn't imagine that we the people would let these slick bastards make life-long careers out of a civic duty. AND set their own pay, lucrative benefits, and obscene pensions for only a few yrs service. Yeah, very good ideas, Serg, but unless you can naked pictures of most of them, I wouldn't hold my breath..

I didn't say it would be easy, but the people can write bills and find a representative to present it in, probably a state first!!!
I know this can be done, my daughter has successfully accomplished it!!!!
Starting small you know!!!


All decisions made by people - no representation required.

Corporations are not people. They have no standing in our government/justice systems. People are not corporations - only common law courts permitted.

Corporations owned by humans, Owners personally responsible for actions/debt of corporations.

Anyone receiving any renumeration from government cannot vote. That includes pay cheques, contracts, stipends or welfare.

Only one tax based on total wealth not income or expenditure.

Interesting that the comments re: my post are from Canadians!!!
PS, I like Canucks, I married one!!!!

@Serg97 you don't know all of them

@cRaZyTMG I don't like about half of the people down here!!!


I think the real issue is spending limits.

In Canada, all three major parties combined, typically spend less than one American party spends in a single swing state. And the campaign is around 60 days rather than two years. Parties also receive a public subsidy based on percentage of vote received.

Terms limits are great, but it always leads back to the money.

GeeMac Level 8 Nov 26, 2020

I don't like tax dollars to political parties (Ya, I know, already happening, just don't like it)!!!
SIX year term should cut back on the dollars "contributed"!!!
Thanks for the input!!!
Also remember the population differences, affects the time and money!!!!!!

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