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The Problem With Otherizing

I see so many people denying that they are racist. That’s the single most certain sign that they are the worst kind of racist, namely, the kind who doesn’t know it.

How do I know they are racist?

Everybody is racist. I am racist. You are racist. Humans are biologically racist. The danger is in not knowing.

It is in the absence of awareness of our racism that we commit crimes against our fellow humans... and against ourselves. It’s not possible to resist an urge we don’t know we have.

Racism is nothing more or less than xenophobia - the fear and hatred of the “other.” It’s built-in to Homo sapiens. There are those who are aware of its corrosiveness and make an effort to curb it, and then there are those who get called racist, because they make no effort.

Naturally they don’t appreciate being called names, so they deny their racism. They honestly think they are not racist. And that is the clearest signal that they are.

Racism has little to do with skin color. It has everything to do with tribalism. If you think people of the other political party are inferior... your racism is showing. Same for other religious beliefs, other gender, other sexual preference, other nationality, other class, other anything.


You and I.

We’re racist.

Welcome to Homo sapiens.

BlurtReynolds 7 Nov 28
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Are you a racist?



@BlurtReynolds I didn't for one moment think you did this post to insult anyone. Merely pointing out and saying that human beings are capable of such wasn't the negative part I meant, that is a generalization but a logical one though. The negative part may be confronting another and accusing them directly minus conclusive evidence, that's the sort of thing personally I'd rather avoid, as most people would probably go on the defensive and the convo won't lead to much of anything productive.

As for the racism part... I'm well aware of the rather hateful attitudes of some members on here. As the saying goes, people will be people, and some people cannot be reasoned with regardless of how much logic and reason they are confronted with. I've got some idea who they are on here, and I don't bother with them as I've little in common with such hate. Do not mistake my (or any other decent member as well) silence though for acceptance, as some of us have long ago concluded that the hate crowd cannot be reasoned with and thus not worth the time or effort to engage with. If you wish to actively confront those who openly spew hatred of any form, I wish you luck on that and hope it doesn't turn out to be a waste of your time. As for me, I don't desire to give folks like that any attention, they don't deserve such. If more members did that the hateful ones might eventually realize they don't have much an audience, and pretty much anyone who interacts on social medias do so because they seek an audience. Just my take on that.

Sounds like we are very much in agreement then. I don’t see much point in confronting individuals directly, for the same reasons you mentioned. But I do think it may be of some value to make public statements to the effect that racism is destructive, and ultimately self-damaging. I appreciate your insights. Thanks.


Maybe, but the question is do you let your prejudices takeover instead of fighting the urge? As human beings we are all prone to certain negative aspects like hatred of others etc, but not everyone allows themselves to be dictated to by said prejudices though, and alot of those who resist are also the ones who resent being called names like racist, and can't say I blame them either. To that extent, I must disagree with your conclusion, as conceivably some of those who say they are not racist are indeed telling the truth. Furthermore, when one goes about arriving to such conclusions that all humans are like that, that helps to spread more ugliness in the world.

Don't believe me? Let me ask you this... how has your approach been working on a large scale? Groups like BLM have taken a similar approach, and all their conclusion(s) got them was resistance from many others. Chances are high that if you approach another in such negativity, you will be meet with resistance, for not everyone will accept being labeled unjustly. Sure, you may get some aboard with the idea, but you'll get even more success if you shift focus to what we all have in common. Once we as a whole realize we have some things in common and can easily work together, then we could proceed to work out the things we do not have in common, in turn making this world a better place to live. Making accusations or pointing out another's flaws will accomplish rather little, most moderately intelligent people can and do realize their shortcomings and surely do not need another to point such out.

As for politics... at one point in time the Republicans and Democrats understood their differences but still worked together to get business done, not so anymore, with each thinking the other is inferior. Bottom line is, yes all human beings have shortcomings and personal prejudices, but as I mentioned above not all act on said prejudices and instead prefer to see what we all have in common. Pointing the finger at others will probably make them resist the accusation and go on the defensive, but when we are united in the things we have in common then we could work on improving in other areas.

I apologize. It's not my intention to insult anyone. I very much agree that people who make the effort to overcome that impulse deserve credit instead of criticism. And I agree that we need to focus on what we have in common.

I don't feel I was being negative to point out that one of the things we have in common is an instinct for xenophobia. And rather than denying that, we might all be better off to acknowledge it and work cooperatively to counter that natural human tendency. Pointing fingers doesn't help, but neither does denial of its existence.

Of course my post was a generalization, and of course not everyone is the same. But there is a lot of open racism on this site, and there is a general acceptance of it by most members, whether they themselves are generating it or not. The main theme of the site is of course freedom of speech, so maybe that's as it should be. But if freedom of speech and open dialogue are to be genuinely fostered here, when I see unrestrained racism, I will continue to call it what it is.


Hello. I would separate race and tribe. There is no doubt in my mind that everybody is prejudiced against something or someone, like a particular social class (e.g. the caste system in India) or people with certain conditions (e.g. disabilities).

Naomi Level 8 Nov 29, 2020
  • "Everybody is racist. I am racist. You are racist. Humans are biologically racist. The danger is in not knowing."

Interesting perspective. I'm not sure I'd crank the scale all the way to "racist" as a default setting, however. I think all races have a scale of intolerance, prejudice, and discriminatory biases. It's not been my experience to find individuals who actually fit the original definition of thinking their race is superior.

It's hard to prove the danger is not knowing. Who's to say an individual is racist and doesn't know. If an individual holds racist thoughts, they won't be known until they act out on them. If it's a big enough issue, it's once again up to the individual to want to change.

  • "It is in the absence of awareness of our racism that we commit crimes against our fellow humans... and against ourselves. It’s not possible to resist an urge we don’t know we have."

A crime is a crime regardless if an awareness of racism is present, or even if racism was the motive. The majority of people resist the urge to do a number of horrors daily. Whether it be throwing a computer across the room because of a bad case of the mondays, smacking the kid who's kicking the seat behind you, or getting into a fist fight with the manager at walmart, holding back is happening every second.

  • "Naturally they don’t appreciate being called names, so they deny their racism. They honestly think they are not racist. And that is the clearest signal that they are."

Someone honestly not thinking they're racist is a good thing. Witch hunts, however, are not. Sometimes it's best to leave good enough alone, and find more important issues to occupy the time. Getting someone to believe they are racist is not an achievement. Creating more racism is not progress. Thinking otherwise is regressive and disingenuous at best if the end goal is better racial relations.

Thanks for your thoughtful response.



Not that the social sciences are very reliable.

wolfhnd Level 8 Nov 29, 2020



[] .... aid only your own and fight or die for eternity


Billions of years of evolution is racist for a reason ... it created races for the best odds to preserve life itself ... a race for each and every niche ... if god uses evolution to create life then god is racist ... follow god and destroy the demons of death and destruction ... there is NOTHING more evil than Narcist Unction


What nonsense, only an idiot thinks this way

Nice to meet you. I hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving.

@BlurtReynolds Thank you, hope you had a good one too


The problem is that no one thinks they are sinners.
I am a sinner, you are a sinner.
The worst kind of sinner is the one who does not KNOW he is a sinner.
How do you know you are a sinner... because you are human.
Does not matter if you did actually did something that hurt others or yourself... you are a sinner!

You can only be saved from this sin if you confess you are a sinner and believe in the Great Spaghetti Monster.

You are guilty!

You see, people have been coming up with this BS for Millenia...

Hanno Level 8 Nov 28, 2020

It’s a good point you make. There has been a problem that humans have had for a few thousand years now (not forever). And it does have to do with our struggles to adjust to living with strangers (a challenge we didn’t have to face in our ancestral environment.

Our “fallen” state was referred to metaphorically in some religious literature, but it is a biological fact. We are not evolved to live with hordes of strangers peacefully and productively (civilization). We accomplish that (if we do) only by some measure of self restraint.

The fundamentalist interpretation of that mythology is not helpful. But the original problem it addressed is an unavoidable fact of human history/prehistory.


I'm sitting in a room with a Kenyan and a Chinese ..... Somebody comes in and tells me I have to pick one of the two as my teammate for a 200 meter relay run competition.... I'll probably go for the Kenyan... If it would be a chess match however and I have to choose a teammate I'll probably pick the Chinese (or a math competition) you get the point... I'm a real racist and I admit it, I find it great to be a racist, makes me feel..... HAPPY 🙂

Jesus Level 1 Nov 28, 2020

Hello there. I love your example, in which I wouldn't say you are racist. It's a good strategic tactic to defeat the opponent.


Now racism is no longer anything to do with race?

Being sexist is now racism ?

Lol! Do you just change the meaning of words as you go along?

Hanno Level 8 Nov 28, 2020

Progressives change the meaning of words all the time.


Rubbish.... I'm not racist.... I don't even speak in colours like people in the US seem to do.... I have to force myself to use descriptors like "black" here so other people know what I'm talking about.
I have not been brought up to consider one race superior or inferior to another. It is not natural it is learned.
It is also incorrect.
Xenophobia is more correctly the fear of others or otherness...
Racism is a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.
Racism is about RACE... YOUR GENETICS... not what political party you are in, or religion you believe in, or sexual preference you have... that is rubbish.
To deny one is racist when one is not, is simply addressing the truth.
If you are racist... own it, defend it if you can and change if you cant.

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