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My Experience with Dentists and Masks
On December 02/20, I got a text confirming my appointment with my dentist on Dec 09. They asked me to call the office to confirm my medical history and to answer the Covid related questionnaire.

I did call and when advised that I would have to wear a mask from the entrance to the operatory, I said that I had a medical exemption from a doctor, so I would not be wearing a mask (about 150 feet). That resulted in several texts and emails which including my sending them my mask exemption, which my dentist refused to accept because they had no medical indication of any adverse reactions to wearing a mask. I refused to share what my exemption was based on and advised them that it was against the law for them to even ask. (Police will do that and then deny the validity of your claim which they are not qualified to do).

They cancelled my appointment and then a few days later called to say that they had an opening at 8 am opening on December 30th, when there would be a minimum of staff and patients present. They asked if I could wear a “face covering”, I offered to wear a face shield which they rejected as not keeping their staff safe. They also asked that I call the office at 7:55 am and they would advise when to enter.

Following these exchanges, I met my dental hygienist in a grocery store. She was uncomfortable speaking with me because I was not wearing a mask. We left the store together and I stopped her. I asked if she could listen to me for two minutes max with an open mind? She agreed.

Then I told her that CTV News, on Nov 15/20, had stated that according to Stats Canada, 10,900 people had died from “Covid 19” between Nov 19 and Sep 20, and then they added that deaths in nursing homes had been 10,700, which meant that less than 200 people had died outside of nursing homes. The actual numbers in the report showed 166 people had died. They added that the people in nursing homes who died from the virus had a co-morbidity average of 2.6(other serious illnesses, cancer, copd, emphysema, pneumonia etc). Then, a few hours later, CTV had removed the references to nursing homes, just leaving the 10,900 number in the archived reports, but not before Internet journalists had captured the original report, which I have seen.

Her response was, “I am sure a lot more than that died, and don’t you care if a loved one dies in a nursing home?” Then she added, “I know of a man who is only 40 and as a result of covid, is now on dialysis for the rest of his life!” I just shook my head and walked away, asking myself, how could people be so misguided? I found out when I was at the dentist.

On December 30, I called the office and was told that “the coast was clear” and I should come right up. I removed my shoes outside of their office and holding one of my wife’s scarves over my nose (like you would in a blizzard!) I entered the office. They were waiting and escorted me immediately to the operatory (no time to read last year’s Readers Digest). There they sealed my “face covering” and coat in a container and then proceeded to take my blood pressure, which would have been high due to the circumstances.

Sure enough, my blood pressure was “too high” and she said we should wait 5 minutes to try again. Second time, it was lower but too high for her to work on me. Then I asked what happens if a patient’s BP remains high. She showed me a chart which said that if my initial reading had been much higher, they would have called 911 for an ambulance to take me to the hospital because I could be having a stroke or heart attack. I advised her that is she did that, I would leave. “Luckily”, on the third test I passed!

As I am lying in the chair I become aware of the radio system in the facility, which every 5 minutes was reporting on the “new virus cases” being reported in various parts of the country. Then I realized that they were constantly being indoctrinated with “fear porn” from MSM. This is a communist tactic, to constantly bombard the “captives” with variants of the same message being repeated minute by minute. I then realized why I have not been indoctrinated, I cancelled my cable subscription over a year ago and every time any announcement comes on the car radio, I immediately turn off the radio or change the station. In retail stores, where the same messages are repeated on the store audio system, I turn up the volume on my phone and wear earbuds so I can’t listen to the propaganda.

I and the Amish didn’t get Covid because we don’t have TV? That’s all I have to say about this.

warminster100 9 Jan 2
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Far different experience in Alberta for my husband. He wasn’t treated like a leper the way you were. But you are so right when you say people are getting brainwashed by the news.

Thanks deserter! Just kidding!


I haven't had a TV set in the house for over 5 years. No CV19 so far 😊


Happy New Year, Grandpa.
The same shite, a different year eh? Lol
High blood pressure is a stealth killer, don't they say? Stay away from anything and anyone that you find stressful.

Naomi Level 8 Jan 2, 2021

OH, yes don't forget that the "English Flu" an upgraded "KUNG-FLU" has now reached Colorado!!!
The FEAR of the original "KUNG-FLU" is wearing off, THEY need something new!!!
I heard Eboli mentioned before THEY came up with the "English Flu"!!!
What will be next??????

Happy New Year, Grandpa. You must've become immune to COVID, at least, since you had one. Watch your blood pressure, though. Take care. x

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