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School Buses and CCP Virus

I was censored recently by the school bus company I work for. This year the board of health dictated to the school board the necessity to keep children separated on the bus to keep them "safe". They put Kindergartens at the back of the bus with teenagers (catholic school system) and I was unable to monitor them. Siblings were put together and fighting began almost immediately. I kept requesting changes to the seating plan and finally the school said that the drivers could make their own seating plan. I began to ask the students who they would like to sit with and created a plan that put students from similar grades together and then created and submitted the plan. We had instant peace on the bus until one day, when a parent came to the bus with two of his children and an older step-daughter. He demanded that the two younger ones sit together and said he didn't care about the older daughter. If I could have I would have run him over at that point.
I explained that I had put the younger students with their peers, but he demanded that I change the seating plan tight there because of the pandemic. I said I would consider his request and let him know tomorrow. Then, when he began to protest, I said, "Listen, this bus is leaving, are your children on or off?" He reluctantly let his children ride on the bus.
I was concerned about his attitude to the "pandemic", so I wrote him a three page letter explaining how we were being misled about the "pandemic". He must be an intelligent person as he owns a small busy. Here is the letter I wrote to him:

To: xxx 2020-12-07
From: Rxxx
Subject: Seating of Hxxx and Mxxxn
I have rearranged the seating plan as you have requested, to appease your fear of the “pandemic”, which now deprives other students of sitting with their classmates, which they will do all day at school.
I was also surprised at your concern about the “pandemic”. I understand that you are a business man and have little time to search out facts about this “pandemic”. I will list some videos that I would like you or someone in your household to watch, to see how the “plandemic” became a “pandemic”.
First, there was a meeting of elites and International Organizations in October 2019. The meeting was called “Event 201” and was sponsored largely by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. I don’t expect you to watch it, I just want you to know that it happened. You can find all segments on YouTube by searching for “centerforhealthsecurity”.
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 2, Trade and Travel Discussion
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4, Communications Discussion and Epilogue Video
Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 5, Hotwash and Conclusion

I would like you to watch “Amazing Polly” do an analysis of “Event 201”. She originally did it on YouTube and was subsequently banned from that site. She did move her videos to “”, and I would ask you or someone from your family to watch it. You can find it on Do the following search: Amazing Polly:Event 201 Global Pandemic
“Mar 10, 2020
Did you know that Bill & Melinda Gates, the CIA, the World Economic Forum, Bloomberg / Johns Hopkins, the UN Foundation & more ran a scenario for a Corona Virus Pandemic in October 2019? I have clips from that event to share with you as well as other shocking material.”

It is also interesting that neither the federal nor any provincial governments have released deaths from “covid 19” and the “normal influenza” (flu) for the period November 2019 – September 2020. I asked my MP for that information and all he was able to provide me from Stats Canada was the total deaths from all sources which showed no material difference in “death from all sources” for the years 2016-2019. Doug Ford has promised to release this information in 2022. Does that not sound strange?

Then on November 15 2020 CTV presented data on deaths from “covid”, but they made a mistake and followed that with the deaths in nursing homes. They later withdrew the segment, removed deaths in nursing homes and kept only the total deaths in the segment. Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson and other Internet journalists managed to capture the original presentation.
Here is what CTV presented:
CTV: November 15 2020: 10,947 covid deaths in Canada of which 10,781 were in nursing homes, leaving 166 people o/s of nursing homes dying! We shut down the country for 166 deaths? WAKE UP CANADA! (The video has been removed by YouTube and Laura Lynn’s account has been terminated.) People who died in nursing homes were people with an average of 2.6 comorbidities (i.e. other conditions such as TB, COPD, cancer, emphysema, dementia etc). Today, the definition of a death from Covid is this: If you have a PCR test and are determined to test positive and you die within 28 days of being tested, you are considered to have died from covid.

The PCR test that is being used was invented by a doctor to detect “corona particles” in your body. He said that it was never meant to be a diagnostic tool, only for detection. Also, the amount of DNA taken in a test is so small, it has to be amplified over and over to increase the sample. The doctor said not to amplify the sample more than 30 times because that could give a false reading. Canadian health authorities are amplifying samples up to 45 times which are now producing “false positives” over 50% of the time.
The “cases” they are reporting are really positive tests and can be proven by asking for the number of deaths (by age) and the number of hospitalizations, which are almost non-existent.

It is also interesting that on April 15/20, Bonnie Crombie, mayor of Mississauga, reported on Twitter how she and 400 mayors and government officials had been part of a zoom meeting with John Hopkins Institute and the guest speaker was Bill Gates. Hopefully you will remember that individual health units in each county started to lock down communities and mandate masks starting in May 2020. Bill Gates has no degrees in medicine or engineering. He can’t even keep his software free from viruses.

Finally, Amazing Polly recently presented a video, “This Is Too Important” again on Bitchute.Com.
To do the search: “Amazing Polly: This is Too important”

The WHO has declared that masks do not protect anyone from the virus and they have also encouraged countries to not use “lock downs” to combat the virus.
Our federal government is on a path to meet the UN 2021 and 2030 Agenda. To do this they must destroy the “middle class”, and the best way to do it is to shut down small businesses. Small businesses, such as your own, provide employment for 70% of our workforce. Once the businesses are gone, their employees will have no chance of employment. What will they do? They will be forced to accept Justin Trudeau’s “Basic Income.”
In a leaked memo, from the liberal caucus in October 2020, it was revealed that the government’s position on controlling the “pandemic” was to begin rotating lock downs in major cities and then to roll them to smaller communities. They said they wanted them to begin as early as November, which we see happening now. To destroy the middle class, have them stock their businesses with the largest inventory of the year, then shut them down during the largest selling period of the they will go broke. It was noted that 50% of restaurants in Toronto have already disappeared in 2020.

In that same memo, the statement was made that the vaccinations would be “voluntary”, but those who refused the vaccine would be unable to work, travel or enter any retail business to buy products (food?) Finally, if they still refuse, they will be moved to an isolation camp and after some time there, if they refused the vaccination, they would be moved to an internment camp and held as a “medical threat to humanity” and all their worldly assets will be seized. Isn’t it interesting to note that after all the years of vaccinating people with flu shots, which have been at best effective 45% of the time, we suddenly are able to create a vaccine in less than a year that is effective? The current proposed vaccines will have male fetus tissue in the vaccine.

The CDC recently revealed that the survival rate from this virus is 99.8%. For those over 85, the most vulnerable group, the survival rate is 95%.

There is much more proof that this was a plandemic, not a pandemic. If you wish I would come to your place of business to share them with you.

Two days later I am called into the office and asked if I had written this letter. I asked if that was my signature and when they said yes, I said, "i guess I wrote it." The man had sent my letter to the school! At that point I was advised that I was not allowed to disseminate "my opinion concerning the pandemic" to students, teachers or parents. I am only able to share information vetted by the school, school board or bus company. I asked my boss if she had read the letter and she said yes. I then asked if she could show me any of "my opinions" in the letter that could not be substantiated by facts and proof. She said no but that didn't matter and I had to sign a letter acknowledging my "thought crime" and understood that any further violations would mean my termination. I can hardly wait til they tell us all drivers must be vaccinated. I will be the first to leave!

warminster100 9 Jan 2
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conniving bastards are so full of shit.


I am so proud of you! There are a few of us putting our truth before our paychecks! I love the letter. I'm floored that you wrote it because that takes nerve. I have no doubt you will walk away from your job before receiving the vaccine. I am doing the same. It's time to find a new way to put food on the table!

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